women in hitten by crisis greece create sex colonies,in order to get an income!

Discussion in 'In the News' started by sweetmonica, Jun 3, 2014.

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  1. sweetmonica

    sweetmonica Restricted

    taken by a famous PUA forum:
    <the current economic paralization in greece,has profoundly affect society.
    as crisis enter it's six year (with no obvious sign of recover ahead)
    prostitution has seen an explosion as never before
    the same is true for porn idustry,which is the only industry with actual mobillity,in the crisis striken country.nevertheless recently
    on a greek island a sex theme park has opened.probably about 300 hot greek girls are having found employment there.
    and they have to deal,with the sexually supressed arabs ....for wages that are no greatly different than those that eastern euro girls are taking.
    nevertheless ,and as crisis going on and because of it, many greek girls are lefting home,and targeting major touristic beaches across country,
    then they reside under tents,and they wear only provokative bathsuites and they are always topless.
    such camps have made theyr first appearance two years ago.
    to tourists such camps are known as <f_k camps> ,because someone can get in,and get a hottie
    for a night with giving her 20 euros!
    if such a social destruction couldn't speak over austeritys effect over people's life.
    then nothing can talk>
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    One day the Arabs will have to sell their daughters sisters and mothers...
    They'll finally reep what they've been sowing.
  3. Redex

    Redex Member

  4. wwwwww

    wwwwww New Member

    It will probably be a different bunch of people.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I don't get it??
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  7. wwwwww

    wwwwww New Member

    I mean the people doing the present day "banging" are unlikely to be the ones who (at some future point) "have to sell their womenfolk".
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    We can at least hope.:D

    Arabs get a pass for their racism.

    They recently lynched thousands of Africans in Lybia and not a mumbling word from our Black muslim brethren or our so-called Black president.

    You best believe if Blacks were recently lynched by the thousands in a white country the Nation of Islam would be screaming from the rooftops...and if Whites were rounded up and murdered by Blacks,US troops would be on the ground in a flash.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  9. MixedCalifornian

    MixedCalifornian Active Member

    The postings I see are so devoid of Political, Demographical, Economical, and Geographical knowledge that I have to interject.

    The government sponsored farm murders, and land confiscations by Zimbabwe's Zanu-Pf from white farmers in would suggest otherwise about the US intervening if blacks started oppressing whites. This occurred when George W Bush was president. Sure we might have stuck up for the whites, and got rid of Robert Mugabe for his numerous human rights abuses if Zimbabwe had oil of course.

    Although they literally bit the hands that fed them....When you get rid of farmers, and replace them with political appointments who cannot farm you get less food.....So the country formerly dubbed the bread basket of Africa now has problems feeding its own population.

    Barrack Obama grew up white in Hawaii saw his father only once, and spent most of his life going to private schools, and expensive universities which were overwhelmingly white. Yet we as a society are dumb enough to call him a black man. I call myself mixed for a reason I saw both sides of the coin, but reading his autobiography.

    I also will add black Americans, and Africans are culturally different, and find black Americans identifying with Africans as hilarious as white Americans trying to identify with Europeans.

    Though I find it ironic the focus for this news story is on sexually suppressed middle eastern men. Any sex tourists coming make use of Greek girls are going to predominately be white guys from wealthier western, and northern Europe. Based on logistics, cheaper price of travel, and making use of EU's freedom of movement, and going to Greece. Yea I"m sure some wealthy oil Sheikhs, and some corrupt African officials, and other non western business men might show up. (Its pretty much a bitch, and a hassle to apply for a tourist visa though so they sort of have to wait.) Also some wealthy middle aged to old white guys from the US, Australia, and Canada might show up to. (They have 1st world passports so can just book a flight, and stay for 3 months no arrangements needed.)

    The other possible demographic is thirsty individuals from this forum might book plane tickets. Although I am in the surrounding area I do not feel like paying for something that is free or potentially catching some kind of disease.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    you don't seem to identify with Black Americans your damn self...so there goes all that shit you posted...swirling down the toilet.
  11. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    You may find it ridiculous, but nominally "white" national interests have allied their international activities and developed accords on resource allocation and joint oppression of non-European peoples consistently since the 1500s. And they have done that despite the differences between white "Americans" and "Europeans". When domination of the rest of the word is in question, the governments of all Europe and the US, as well as the businesses within their boundaries, are all "on the same page". They fight internationally when their consensus breaks down.
  12. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Mugabe is an old prick but do you know the history of Zimbabwe and how their land was usurped by white colonialists? And please some African Americans want to identify with their AFRICAN roots and visit the motherland to do that and there is nothing wrong with them identifying with black Africans. If you dont wanna do it that's cool but do not ridicule those who want to do that.:cool:
  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    there is nothing cool at all about an African American that doesn't want to identify with Africa or Africans.

    People like that are not people at all...they're too stupid to be called people.

    As for Mugabe....his nation became the most literate of the ENTIRE continent under his tenure.
  14. subtlenote

    subtlenote Active Member

  15. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I wrote about this months ago. Greek girls not only turning to prostitution at home but also travelling abroad to arab countries to work.
    I never heard any one complaining about sex starved Arab men, On the contrary, I think the Greek women were openly courting them for business.
  16. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I'm sure some of them were...but don't pretend arab men aren't into sex trafficing and exploiting other people's women...even their little boys.

    They are some nasty racist anti-Black motherfuckers that truly have a date with some shitty karma.

    Don't make excuses for them...at least not on a site for Black men.
  17. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    No I understand what you are writing and I do not make excuse for Arab men. Just to say these women may not see as a black man might see.
    European women are more open to Arabic men
  18. Hypestyle

    Hypestyle Active Member

    I'd like to go to Greece in general, especially the coastal areas. What cities are friendly toward black men in particular?
  19. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Well said. I'm not in agreement with the way Mugabe conducted the land seizures, but I was totally supportive of land redistribution as a goal b/c the land was stolen from the original inhabitants in the first place. It was grossly mismanaged, and now they have a nation that is unable to feed itself, but that has nothing to do with the violence and political manipulation that led to most of the arable land being placed in the hands of whites in the first place. If people don't like what's going on, I hope they were as vigorously opposed to colonial Rhodesia as well.

    And identifying with your roots is a good thing. We should all have a sense of our past, present and future if we are to be successful.
  20. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    For the last time: everywhere outside the US is friendly towards African-American men.
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