Sexual Frustration and Violence

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by satyr, May 24, 2014.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i agree with most of what you said...but he is extremely narcissistic and had a great sense of entitlement.
  2. denilson200

    denilson200 Restricted

    Another thing I want to say is that Elliot Rodger was a white man.

    Sure, his mother is Asian but he was performing white masculinity as he understood it.

    He demanded and expected power and control over others.

    You know African-American literature has a stock character called the “tragic mulatto”. Elliot Roger is a parallel type of figure. He was a tragic “mixed race” white Asian who worshiped Whiteness, yet could not attain it in the manner he desperately desired.

    He wrote that black people were a lower type of human being:

    “How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me ? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. They are descended from slaves. I deserve it more.”

    He was not obsessed with women in general. He did not fixate on black women, Asians, or Latinas. Rodger’s fetish for white blonde women reflects broader (white) American (and global) cultural norms:

    Elliot Rodger’s sexual obsession exists within a broader social context. Recent research at UCLA-Berkeley has revealed how black women are considered the least desirable potential partners on online dating sites such as OK Cupid.

    And although black women are more likely to be victims of kidnapping and assault, crimes against them (and other women of color) are grossly under-reported by the mainstream news media.

    The first victims in his murder spree were his Asian roommates, men whom he considered weak and vulnerable. In many ways, Elliot Rodger’s manifesto is a love letter to Whiteness and white people.

    Like a spurned lover he turned on them because he did not feel fully accepted by his racially idealized community as a “real” white man.
  3. denilson200

    denilson200 Restricted

    I knew kids like Rodger in college; a lot of us did.

    They were the ones who didn't do anything.

    Rodger had no job. His parents footed the bill for everything. He didn't take education seriously; the only reason he chose that college was because he'd seen that city in a movie or on TV or something, and fantasized about being a part of its wild social scene.

    He didn't attend class faithfully or focus on his studies once he realized that fantasy wasn't going to happen.

    So to recap: no job, no classes, parents footing the bill - with no small amount of lies and manipulation from Rodger himself.

    But guys like him, are always THE biggest whiners in the world.

    He was extremely irritated his mother ignored his repeated requests for her to marry a rich man and move them into an estate. He considered her very "selfish" for not doing so ( his manifesto).

    One's privilege can only take them so far. After that, they have to do the rest and for people like Rodger, it ain't happenin'.

    Human love, warmth, empathy, and respect simply can't be bought or browbeaten out of us.

    A girl on YouTube stated that if Elliot had gone to a bar and just not talked aloud, he would've very likely gotten laid in record time.

    Countless folks have recommended he should've bought hookers. People keep forgetting, however, that Elliot Rodger wanted to be loved by the women he found attractive. He wanted a pretty, blonde, skinny white woman to give him her heart and body of her own free will.

    A chilling blog about what happens when women say no or end a relationship
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  4. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Your post may seem salient to the unlearned but it really isn't.

    Like andreboba and goodlove, you're committing the fatal flaw of attributing Elliot Rodger's actions to social awkwardness. The majority of men and women experience social awkwardness at some point in our lives, yet do not lash out in a similar manner.

    Once again, the missing variable in a lot of the analysis here and elsewhere is severe mental illness. Take sexual frustration, social awkwardness and male resentment, add them together and 99% of the time you won't get a product like Mr. Rodger. There has to be a catalyst that relates to an unresolved issue of a clinical nature.

  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Satyr's right.

    Every one of Elliot's social ills has to be seen through the prism of mental illness, in his case Asperger's syndrome.

    We're trying to find a rational/irrational through line somewhere in Elliot's mental processing, and there simply isn't one.

    There will never be some 'a-ha' moment where we can see a different path for Rodgers, other than mental health treatment and a regimen of psych meds.

    It's like reading the ramblings of a schizophrenic; some sentences or paragraphs may seem to make sense, but when you try to tie everything together it's just gibberish from the mind of someone whose synapses are misfiring.

    Asperger's alone was IMO the MAIN reason Elliot struggled so greatly socializing with anyone, not just the opposite sex.

    In a way I pity him because Elliot never understood how mentally sick he was.

    It's like trying to walk with a broken foot but all you know is your foot hurts and you don't understand why it won't move like your other one.

    However his frustration and anger were very real, but the source of his resentment and hostility wasn't...for the most part it was all in his mind.

    I do still think he had a fucked up upbringing and was taught some really wrong-headed ideas about who he was and his own self-worth.

    I think being raised the way he was really made his mental illness 100x worse.
  6. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    That is what my friends told me but not in that way. But I had noticed then that some girls would submit to a guy whom they thought was "cute" or "hot."
    They would do anything they could to make the guy happy because, like the girl, he is young, too. And he may have a roaming eye. I worked with a girl who was taking a lot of laxatives to lose weight fast to please her boyfriend. It's not a healthy approach, but she knew that there were other girls that would get him interested and he would be easily tempted. A lot of girls with attractive guys tried to keep their guys on short leashes. But mere physical attraction was not the only thing; there was substance abuse. A guy who has access to drugs like marijuana or an alcoholic beverage seemed attractive, if they wanted it. I recall one night where two addicts who were dating(the boy was addicted to marijuana and the girl had a drinking problem) and both of their worlds collided. It was like watching a train wreck. The two had promised each other that they would try and quit the drinking and the pot. Well, the guy tried hard and was kicking his habit; his girlfriend, was across the street with another guy. And he found out through mutual friends. When they met, it got real ugly. They managed to bury the hatchet and be supportive of their journeys to sobriety. I had seen this a lot in the 80's. Women don't want a pushover, but they want men to be the dominant figure. Maybe not violent, but courageous. Confident, but not cocky(I think they like a little cockiness to get them interested). This is somewhat difficult for most men, I think. Confidence, to me, can be looked at differently from what a woman defines as confidence. It is a performance. The question is knowing when to perform.
  7. denilson200

    denilson200 Restricted

    They are just cliche's

    He was narcissistic ? entitled ?

    Don't women reject men 4 narcissistic and entitlement reasons ?

    They reject men because they feel entitled to a better guy. They reject men for narcissistic reasons because they think that can do better.

    If women don't find you attractive they wish you would just die.

    You know, I don't take any woman's advice on what men go through because women have no idea what they are talking about.

    You take a guy that that has not sex in 10 years. A guy that has not date in 5 years. A man who is rejected everytime he tries to get women.

    Are they narcissistic ? entitled ?

    Well if they are, then I must be one. I consider myself OK looking, (That's my pic) but I went through the same B.S that Elliot went through so I get his rage

    I think there is part of most men that also understand where he was coming from.

    I had it due to the experiences with women when I was coming up, dealing with arrogant cocky who acted like they are good for me.

    You know if roles were reversed and woman had to go through this, the river banks would be flooded with the tears of females

    But, that's not gonna happen because women prefer the tired old system of not approaching, not doing anything, the system where she is free to reject men with no more hesitation of brushing away a street beggar

    Rejecting men is an orgasmic thrill that women.

    I think women are so emotionally detached from how many men are feeling today.


    An average or ugly woman woman has a ton of dating options.

    Women REGARDLESS of their looks can always find a man.........ALWAYS.

    This Elliot was a member of PUA (Pickup Artists) sites. He spent a lot of money trying to learn on how to get women. If this was not an epidemic problem that men face these PUA's (of which there are many, where men pay thousands) would not exist.
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Holy shit well said. Let me also add that no one and I mean no is agreeinmg with what he did, we're just addressing another side of this that will continued to be ignored.
  9. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Great insight. Welcome to the forum.
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    just curious......
    so are you saying women should never reject a man.
    are you saying you as a man shouldnt never be rejected?
    are you saying men are in tuned with womens feelings of getting lied to or played?
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm saying male emotions are fucking REAL. No is saying men or women should never face rejection but people like you act like emotional scars aren't real.
    Here's the funniest thing about dating, women want an emotionally available and sensitive guy yet the entire dating process requires a man to be cold and emotionally shut off otherwise you'd lose your mind. As a man unless you're in that rare 1% of physical specimens you have to go through A LOT of nos before you can get to a yes and during that process you have to develop really thick skin and unfortunately a lot of dudes don't have that in them. They shouldn't be dismissed as whiners who can't pull women.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    show me where i said or inferred men dont go thru emotional scars?

    also, reread what he said bout women rejecting men at the top of his dissertation ..... and what did he say?
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    when i made the "trading macking notes " thread for bro to get over shit like this......

    how did you guys react?
    many of you responded as in saying i dont need help. confidence is the only thing or this thread is stupid.

    hell i got a slew of neg reps for it. wow!

    i never said i know it all ....
    not sounding mean but hell dont act like no one was down to talk bout shit but if you guys act like you know it all dont get mad if you get constantly rejected....

    i had to learn and still learning
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    all im saying is
    1. if you dont know you will not succeed.
    2. hank aaron struck out alot compared to the home runs. rejection happens. dont get mad at the woman its part of it all. yes...its frustrating but its not productive in getting bitter.

    it takes luck in getting romance.
    laboring under correct knowledge (luck)
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Hank Aaron is a rare individual. Please don't make it sound like everyone can be like him or if someone lack the same kind of fortitude that there is something wrong with that.not everyone handles things seem way. This kid was definitely mentally unstable but again I can relate to how rejection can almost always scar man. I've been lucky I've gotten a lot of the girls that I wanted to get but if I didn't have a support system in my friends and other people in my life it could have been really bad and I think a lot of guys feel that way not everyone is going to do crazy s*** but I understand the feeling.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    in reference to the hank analogy......really? you know better. the point is you are going to strike out more than you hit a home run. just as in baseball you have to know the rules of the game, techniques and strategy to be successful...period.

    like all athletes you are going to have some who are natural and the ones are any case you still have to learn to get better.

    i learn thru trial and error. i learned thru friends that are women...never banged em...because u just dont bang everyone you see. i learned thru small talk thru other men.

    i pieced it together and did ok however couldve done better
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Part of the problem with bros they act as though if they arent bedding many women they arent men....any dude can get a women...its getting the right woman and keeping her w/o sacrificing your dignity is the real.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    at this need to stop blaming women for rejections and look at ourselves and do better.

    women get together all the time and hip each other on game but men dont...who is at fault?
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Omg stop ass kissing. Do better? This is why guys have so much trouble .... You know what my bad carry on.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    really? lol.

    how im ass kissing? tell me. are you saying men dont need to know how to tighten their mouthpiece....ALL THEY NEED IS MONEY AND LOOKS.
    is that what you are saying?
    are you saying just act confident ,have money and looks and thats it?

    please tell me.

    what is it that getting guys in trouble?
    1) men need to be responsible for thier actions.?
    2) telling guys get with other dudes and get game?

    are those the 2 things is that what you are saying?
    Last edited: May 31, 2014

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