LOL How's that balance in the US Congress between the House and Senate working out for you? You enjoying the House Republicans spending millions of dollars on Benghazi hearings when they were they ones who defunded embassy security and voting to repeal Obamacare every two weeks?
Who's going to take your guns? Why is it that some conservatives always see gun debates in terms of either "all guns for everyone" or "no guns for anyone?" This country has millions of guns and it would be impossible for the government to take everyone's guns away even they wanted to. False choices like that (and the opposition to the safe guns mentioned above) are why I have absolutely no respect for the NRA. If every gun owner in America had the level of training, expertise, and discretion as Secret Service agents I could see the point of this picture but since very few people do, I'm all in favor of reasonable restrictions on gun ownership.
lol....where did anybody said they are gonna confiscate your gun? show me. then we can stop calling conservatives dumbasses
also they go thru an extensive back round check too, such as your medical history, financial history, they talk to everyone you associate with....hey im cool with that since you want a gun. do you want to go thru the same scrutiny to get a gun since you brought up the secret service?
Sorry I gotta agree Paniro because the other side of this conversation in fact wants to take your guns away. And to be honest its the height of racism in this country because when its black kids killing each other there's something wrong with the shooter but when it's a white kid suddenly its a problem with the tool being used. I don't want heavy restrictions on my ability to protect myself and my loved ones. Background checks are cool with me but I hate this clip limitation bs if for any reason than people who are going to do illegal shit aren't going to follow the rules so why make law abiding people even bigger targets. It makes absolutely no sense. And very few states have as heavy restriction on guns as California so heavier gun laws wouldn't have prevented that kid from doing what he did. It's incredibly funny that the same exact kind of kid keeps coming up in these shootings, middle class to upper middle class white men with mental issues yet guns are the issue. Smdh
Unless the other side of the equation is anyone in an elected office who is proposing to completely repeal the Second Amendment, it's still a false choice. I've never heard any serious politician even talk about getting rid of all guns because that would be impossible to do. And reasonable restrictions on gun ownership doesn't equal everyone's guns being taken away. Even Antonin Scalia realizes that the right to bear arms has it's limits. The same is true of every right listed in the Constitution. "They're gonna take our guns" is what crazy people say, because not only is it something that no one is suggesting, it's also something that would be impossible. It's a belief that has no basis in reality. And the reason that guns are the issue is because guns make it really, really easy to kill people as quickly as possible. It would have been a lot harder for him and other mass killers to do what they did with a knife or some other weapon.
soo, justify the nra fighting the safe gun technology... you said no restrictions, so you are ok with people like george zimmerman having a gun who had a violent past and after murdering trayvon threaten his gf and father with a gun...and other violent felons. you guys thought you had trumped with that secret service pic but DIDNT THINK about the how they get that gun. so yeah we need to interview yalls family, friends, past employers,financial records ,credit history ect....thats what they do when you get a secret clearance. im sure they go thru more than that. so are you ok with that?
First off you live in the south up here they actually want to do retroactive gun bans. So if I bought a gun last year with a 30 round clip they want me to "voluntarily" hand it in and get one with a 7 round clip. All it takes is an inch and they come for the whole damn thing. You could really easily kill people with household items, shit a good old molitav cocktail could burn down a school. I am not ok with disarming citizens and letting just cops and criminals have guns fuck that noise. We lose far more people to second hand smoke, to alcohol, and obesity. Tackle those problems first and leave my damn guns alone unless I actually commit a crime.
As a one-time gun owner, I have to say that if I were to buy another gun, it will serve the basic need to protect myself and others. My next gun may not be an AK-47 or a AR-15/M-16/M-4/XM-77. It's capacity will be limited to 10 rounds in a magazine. I want to have the knowledge and proper training on the gun I am using. And, yes. People are injured or killed from everyday items and individual health issues. I think that detailed psychological tests would be helpful. They had conducted these tests at the Wackenhutt(now called G-4) security company in Jacksonville, Florida. These tests show whether or not you would be allowed to work as an armed security officer. I took the examination which was about 4 hours long. After a couple of days, I was called to see a counselor. I went to the counselor and they asked me questions about the answers I provided. The counselor asked me more questions and I answered them. The counselor told me that I cannot work for the company. I was disappointed but I wasn't surprised because I had just resigned from Florida State Prison and I was a little shell shocked. The counselor said that she gets a lot of former correctional officers in her office. It wasn't until 2002 that I got my G-license and my first handgun. Thanks to further training, handling a handgun is second nature to me and I have to watch myself every time. I used to say to myself when I was an armed guard, that when I strap on a gun, I strap on responsibility and accountability for myself, the client and the company. Each time the gun is taken out of the holster(other than a weapons inspection by a road captain)the State of Florida wants to know about it. In the end, we all want to be safe.
bullshit....thats nothing more than a scare tactic. nra and other conservative groups say that shit because they get backing from corporations and such. example dick army came out stated that freedom works pay glenn beck to say what they want him to say. nra is getting paid by the gun manufacturers. what reasonable person would be against the safe gun technology or have back round checks on private sales and at gun shows.
Wait what exactly did I say was bullshit? And wtf is safe gun tech? All that does is add costs to people with limited money but does nothing to stop those who are stacking bodies. THEY GET THEIR GUNS ILLEGALLY
the bullshit is ...they are gonna go door to door and confiscate your guns (rite wing scare tactics...)....people who say that are the sameones uses photos of the prez and secret service saying "see see...guns keep him safe. ooh ooh cops have guns...dont call the cops." these are the clive bundy nuts.....screaming govt over reach after clive violated laws and lost in court. logic escapes those people. if the govt said we gonna confiscate guns then yeah...take it to court.
lets see how many death threats the prez get and you get. how long have you served in the military...oh you didnt...(pussy). air force and navy dont count. go army and marines....then get into the infantry...then we can talk about you are allowed to wave the flag with pride. freedom leech. this dude is the type of person who screams "as long as im not effected...who gives a damn"
since1980 and i responded to the secret service pic you put up earlier....our answer apply to that also.
you are a freedom leech. people who scream me me but never worked for the whole...leech. people like you (as you revealed would allow someone else to suffer for your benefit). hate mofos like you. gave nothing just want to take. go serve in the infantry then come back and we can talk. mofos love waving the flag but when its time to pick a weapon (men dont carry guns...we carry weapons)
what ? i squared you up tightly. you were quick to throw the victims from mass shooting this past weekend for your benefit so when you get fronted now you want whine. like those fake christians...they love how christ sacrifice for them ...but for them to be slightly bothered those mofos will march. how dare you ask me to do a back-round check to sell my guns. i said "punks always want to talk tuff but when its time to step up...they got excuses?" gtfoh.
typical talk show conservative....hypocrite with that fake concern for country.....when in reality its all about self. patriotism is the last refuge for scoundrals like you. go enlist in the military...go infantry. stop playing with guns and grab a weapon. then we can talk bout love.