food fight

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, May 29, 2014.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    michelle obama is in a food fight with the gop over having healthy food in school cafeterias and getting rid of the unhealthy food (processed food and food high in fat such fries and sodas).
    gop says the kids are not eating it and it cost too much.
    administrators says younger kids are adjusting...(san diego) and enjoying the food.

    conservatives talk shows says its govt over reach and reducing choice. do you feel the same as the gop and conservatives?

    do you agree with the change due to the overweight problem in america?
  2. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    That is old news. Michelle Obama has had this problem from the GOP ever since she became First Lady. Arnold Scwarzenegger did the same thing while in the Reagan administration. Like Michelle, he wanted encourage everybody to get up and exercise and eat healthy. Nobody complained then. Why now?
  3. Athena

    Athena New Member

    It's a great idea because a lot of the obese/overweight kids are eating garbage at home and it's nearly impossible to get it through the (also obese) parent's head that it's their responsibility to feed their child nutritious food, make them exercise and grow into healthy adults.

    So if the schools have to do it, just add it to the list of things schools already have to do for kids such as teach them manners, discipline them, and now feed them the only healthy thing they'll eat all day. I mean wow, the teachers have nothing else to do right?

    What the hell are parents doing at home that they are too busy to do right by their own offspring, their own responsibility?
  4. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Some people are lazy. I hate to say that, but I see it all the time. I'll never understand a parent feeding crap to their children on the regular. And I don't buy the "it's cheaper to eat fast food" excuse. It's easier...not necessarily cheaper. If people had any idea the path they were putting their children on by feeding them fat/sodium laden processed foods, I think they might change their tune and adjust their priorities. I hope, anyways.

    I absolutely love that my kids school serves healthy food. I think parents and teachers need to be in sync with what our children are learning, whether it be math, science or nutrition. I like knowing that my children's school takes their health as seriously as I do. Yes, I know these programs cost money, but people can suck it the fuck up. Teaching health and nutrition to our children will prove beneficial in the long run. Jmo of course ;)
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I don't believe it's the government's responsibility to forcefeed children in school healthy foods.

    I understand the need to try to fix the obesity problem in the US, but wasting food in the process is NOT the answer.

    Education is the answer.

    Maybe instead of trying to forcefeed these kids, they could hold seminars in the schools for parents who want to learn more about proper nutrition.

    • Give them REAL WORLD examples of how much food costs in the various grocery stores around where they live.
    • Give them real world examples of possible grocery lists and approximate costs of buying these foods for their children and for themselves.
    • Give them lists of when fruits and vegetables are in season and will be cheaper to buy.
    • Give them information on how to read labels on food and what to look for and what to avoid.
    Schools cannot be everything and do everything. The responsibility lies in the parents. Healthy foods CAN be bought when people are living on a budget, if they have the knowledge.

    Encourage them to exercise just 15 minutes a day if that's all they can do.

    Responsibility needs to be handed back to the parents.
  6. Athena

    Athena New Member

  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i agree with you and the rest. i do disagree with the point that the govt is force feeding part perse.

    the govt was feeding the kids unhealthy food without our permission so they can feed them healthy food without our permission.

    think on it....they never asked us our input on what the menu should be before obama so why is it a problem now?

    i agree with you in that parents need to be more responsible but there should be a healthy partnership between the teacher,school admin and parents.

    i just dont understand why would give push back on cafeterias on serving healthy foods..when there was no push back on them serving unhealthy foods.
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
  8. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    If the schools stop serving a nutritious meal to kids, then the parents take over that detail. But many low income families cannot really afford it. Back in the day, every lunch I had in school from the 6th-11th grade was a well balanced meal. Even if the menu was a hamburger/cheeseburger, fries/tater tots, lettuce and tomato and a cup of mixed fruit/peaches/pears/pineapples/apples sauce/apple crisp, it was still good. Later, the cafeteria made salad cups and a limited selection of salad dressings and then cottage cheese. The only government involvement was the state Board of Education and the county school board. And some schools have included more healthy meals in their daily menus.
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    schools should serve healthy a national security risk if you dont.
    about 20% the males and 40% of the females are not within the weight guidelines to enter the military. thats before they enter basic training and advance training to wash out.

    google it. i saw this on the news someti1 ago about a year or so...go under too fat to fight.

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