I had been to this site for years and I remember there were some members who are Romanian women about three or four. Also,some brothers had visited those countries. I like to learn more in the future.
Visit Mrveesworld on YouTube. His videos will explain it all. He has a German-Romanian model girlfriend. He's a cool guy.
I had trouble trying to sign into his site a couple of years ago. I still see his videos with him and his girlfriend Izzy. They are still on YouTube.
I've met a couple of Romanian women, but don't really have any experience with them. The only Bulgarians I know personally are a friend who is a doctor and the computer tech and his girlfriend that work on my Mac.
Friendly, but there was never any opportunity for anything else, so I couldn't speak to the romantic dimension.
I guess they were either not that curious, have boyfriends, married or they were lesbians(lesbians can be friendly, too).
The right conversation is also key. Or letting the woman talk and letting her ask the questions instead of the other way around. Or asking questions about her hobbies or profession/areas of study helps, too.
In the words of the late Biggie Smalls, "...ask you what your interests are, who you be [sic] with..." LOL
That's not true. I spent two years in Romania and visited Bulgaria too. If anything the Gypsies in Romania are less racist than the average Romanian. Just don't cross them and you will be ok.
Romanian women scam foreigners. That's true. But the part about Romanian women preferring gypsies to blacks is not. Romanians harbor a greater antipathy towards gypsies than they do blacks. Romanian males are racist but violent aggression is extremely uncommon there. A black man is highly unlikely to be attacked in Bucharest - as long as you avoid areas like Ferentari (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferentari). As for specific examples. The UK is probably the global capital of mixed relationships - especially London. The Netherlands, Belgium and probably France are all good areas in Western Europe for black men who want to meet white women. Sweden is not too bad either. UK -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMqCzgKZ-uE Despite their general dislike of blacks a cool, young, in shape (esp important) black male should be able to meet a nice girl in Eastern Europe. The countries which are on the more dangerous side are Russia (esp. outside of Moscow), Ukraine (in parts) and the Balkans. Bulgaria is safe is you avoid the local Mafia i.e. don't chase their (own personal) women, insult them etc. Watch who you flirt with in nightclubs. Romanian women are in general far better looking than Bulgarian women. Bulgarian women are more international though (esp. in Sofia) and some do look like Romanians. Romanian women are a bit of a basket case in general though. Character-wise it's easier to meet an internationally / open minded lady in Bulgaria.
Roma receive more hostility than any group in Europe, even blacks, muslims and other immigrants. Spain and Portugal feature Roma more prominently in their national life than anywhere else, and they still suffer disproportionately there too. The whole Romanian women thing is an issue in Spain too as women accuse them of coming to marry Spanish men and competing for mates. They form one of the largest immigrant groups there and are stereotyped as gold-diggers. Bulgaria is wealthier and their society is far more open than Romania, which is why you probably find worldlier women there.
Bulgaria is NOT wealthier. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita and Romania has a larger population overall. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/12/12/uk-eu-wealth-idUKBRE9BB0DT20131212 I already said that I spent 2 years in that part of the world. I know both countries pretty well. Especially Romania. I understand / speak some Romanian. The reason that Romanians are less open minded has nothing to do with poverty (or rather their relative poverty wrt Bulgaria). Romanians have a social narrative (esp. wrt to genetics) that praises their superiority and uniqueness. All in a not too dissimilar fashion to the Nazi ideology of innate superiority. They think they are smarter, better looking and more sophisticated then the nations around them. They are proud to be (in their minds) "Latin" rather Slavic and blame the ills of their country on The West(Jews), gypsies, Russia and in part Hungary. They are, in their minds, not responsible for the state of their country. They are victims. Their news and entertainment is largely local and they are generally not exposed to and are not interested in the world at large. They have a local narrative. It is BS but as the country has an underlying bias towards "truth by consensus" rather than "independently assessed fact" then they just accept it as the truth. They are extremely inward looking. But there are some nice people/women there.
http://data.worldbank.org/country/bulgaria http://data.worldbank.org/country/romania I was using "wealth" as sloppy shorthand for "more Westernized", rather than actual GDP stats. Some of Romania's greater numbers can be chalked up to greater size driving its economic activity. My familiarity with the two is based on my experiences in Portugal and Spain and the composition of their emigre communities and the perceptions of each group there. Romania exports more unskilled labor (again, only speaking of Spain here) than Bulgaria, etc. I know nothing of the two countries' domestic environments. Also, despite Romania's raw GDP figures, Bulgaria has a smaller share of its total population living in poverty, a higher educational enrollment (as a share of overall population), health indicators for clean water access, etc.
So incorrect usage then. I.e. "sloppy shorthand" for "I don't know them well at all". ... larger unskilled population to Spain isn't really indicative of the state of education or the strength of the economy in the home country. Romania has a much larger population and they have an affinity with Latin countries such as Italy and Spain. Romanian is similar to Italian and Spanish. Bulgarian is not. It's very easy for a Romanian to learn either of the two. In fact my learning Romanian improved my (very basic) Italian. Romania has more than three times as many people. You are aware (are you not) that the position of the poverty line is relative to the rest of the national population. It says more about income / wealth distribution than anything else. HDI is marginally higher in Romania then it is in Bulgaria. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_in_Europe_by_Human_Development_Index HDI in combination with G.I.N.I (income distribution) are clearer indicators of the general well-being of a population - or unfairness of an economy. -- I'm not sure what you want to say with all of that. Squirming and lecturing simultaneously is unedifying. The bottom line is that your original conjecture that poverty drives Romanian insularity is wrong. Your clarified / adjusted claim that income / living standard disparity is the driving force is also wrong. Romanian attitudes towards themselves and others is driven by elements of their national psyche which have little-to-nothing to do with the disparities of wealth / income distribution between them and Bulgaria. The Romanian cultural narrative embodies a core ideology of exceptionalism which is entirely absent in Bulgaria.