The internet has fucked up the game as there's way too much hype around things that wouldn't merit a blink twenty or even ten years ago. Every little dumb thing has the potential to go "viral" these days. Have people forgotten that viruses are generally bad for you? In the lead up to the NBA draft lottery, I was measuring what teams might fall where and players would be taken with certain picks. Instead of covering what matters, we get this non-story about the daughter of the guy who owns the Bucks. I mean fucking hell, really? The girl is pretty and all, a moderate 8 by L.A. standards but she is NOT the story. And these stories appear every single day. What is it today? Charlie Sheen got snubbed by Rihanna at some bullshit party. He should be grateful that Rihanna even spoke to his monkey ass, but ultimately what does any of it have to do with the price of tea in China? Not a fucking thing. It's all a waste of time and brain space courtesy of the internet.
I feel your pain I think souch content on the internet has turned people's brains to mush. I also think it's sad that many people are more fixated on celeb having a Twitter bun fight than the issues that really matter, that affect people's lives in this world
Absolutely true. Sites are desperate for clicks. A writer I follow says late-night talk shows only exist now to generate "viral videos."