Man Says He Was Fired Because He Didn't Want to Have Sex With His Two Female Bosses

Discussion in 'In the News' started by 4north1side2, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    For real. It's not that serious.:smt006
  2. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    this guy did it right!

    the work place is never a place to hook up with co-workers for starters.

    second... i would've been seeing dollar signs if i had repeatedly reported unwarranted advances by a superior or a co-worker and nothing came of it except me getting fired.

    this guy is making $35k a year and i bet he gets women throwing themselves at him all the time, he wasn't going to jeopardize his paycheck for some tail and i respect that!

    watch him end up with a settlement of at least 10x his annual salary and yall calling him a pansy, i call that good business!

  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    So very true. Rep added. :smt023
  4. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Well, the reason I'm so adamant about his bitchassiniss is because, in my mid twenties, I was in damn near the same spot as this guy (and I use the term "guy" lightly). I wasn't all distraught because some ugly chick gave me a hug and told me I was her man and all the other women at the company would have to fight her if they wanted a piece (my word! She actually referred to me as a ... piece. Oh, the degradation and shame! I would just reply that they (the women in the office) were going to get me in trouble with my girl or they couldn't handle me. We'd all have a good laugh and get back to work. I wasn't worried about it because I'm a man. It wasn't like they were going to take the dick. What did I have to be "traumatized" about? I dealt with that, and more, almost everyday I worked there. I got my raises and promotions just as I should have. And, if ever needed a favor (extra days off, benefit of the doubt on something questionable) they looked out for me. And, I never ever had any sexual contact with any of those old birds.

    Oh, and there was also the time when I worked at a trendy clothing store at the mall and my manager grabbed at my dick. I was like 18 or 19 and drop crouch pants were the style. Guess I should have felt threatened and degraded there too, huh? Seriously, it really wasn't that deep. As I said before, I'm a man. There was no way she was going to over power me and take the dick. But, in all do fairness, with something like that I could understand a woman feeling threatened if a man started pawing at her regardless of his intent. That is definitely sexual harassment.

    And, yes, I believe the standard should be different for men and women because men and women are different. What would typically make a woman feel threatened sexually is not going to make a man feel sexual threatened. If a woman grabs a man and tries to pull him into some dark ally and ride him, unless she has a gun or something, it's just not going to happen unless he wants it to. And, if it does, unless he's forcibly penetrated, it's not going to negatively affect him mentally. If anything, it could be an ego boost to some men. Mostly, it will just be a funny story he tells to his friends when they're hanging out. With women, it's a whole other story. And I understand that. Our sexual harassment laws should reflect those differences.

    This is why I, and some of the other guys here, say he's acting like a girl.

    Yeah, a woman hugging and kissing a man on a the neck, whispering sexy innuendoes in his ear, or complimenting him in a flirtatious manor at a party, where people typically are more relaxed and maybe even a little tipsy, should be considered sexual harassment. While, legally it might be, common sense wise, it just isn't.

    By that logic, the little girl across the hall from me should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law because she hit one of the older kids by the pool. The little girl is like four. The older one is around eight. Guess the eight year old is now traumatized, huh?

    Just because it's a law doesn't make it right.

    Messaging him at work isn't a big deal either. They pose no threat to him. And, if he feels slighted because the women he works with makes sexual references then he should really keep his ass home.

    As I've stated before, men should have thicker skins than that. He's a punk. Pure and simple. They weren't hurting him in any way. They posed zero threat to him.

    Yeah, I read it, too. If you'll notice, nowhere in the law suit does it specifically say he addressed the women directly. It says he complained to his supervisors. He has more than one supervisor. Anytime I see a document that vague on a point that significant, it raises red flags. If he asked the women directly to stop, why isn't that stated in the lawsuit?

    It looks like to me he wasn't fluxed about it until he figured out he could get some free money out of the deal. Then, he started talking to a lawyer and setting things up so he could sue. Complain to management, bring up the issue in front of coworkers, create a paper trail using email, rinse, lather, blah, blah, blah ...

    See, a man would take up his problem with the person he has a problem with first. A man also doesn't try to get money he isn't entitled to by falsely claiming mental anguish to the point where it prevents him from making a living. A man has honor and takes pride in being honest. This "male" clearly has none of that. Hence, the reason why I say he handled the whole situation like a beeiyotch.

    If they had fired him because he wouldn't have sex with the women or if he was denied raises or promotions because he wouldn't give it up, I'd be on his side. But, this looks like a set up to me. And, women are buying into it because of what it looks like on the surface.
  5. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    he is trying to get paid! have you ever worked in corporate america?

    call me a punk for saying I'm traumatized by women at work and filed a lawsuit against the company i work for.

    when I cash the check, pay off a house on the golf course and drive past you in a amg benz ill be sure to tell you I am a punk, a punk with more commas in my bank account than you.

    as a man in corporate america who has taken more hr classes than i can count on my fingers and toes, i know companies don't play. a male who knows the rules and is concerned about his 5 and 10 year plan and his financial longevity would pull the lawsuit card towards the company.

    id like to see you tell a cop who pulled you over for speeding, "Just because it's a law doesn't make it right."

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Dont think he has :cool:
  7. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I wonder if you'd feel the same way about the "law" if a gay man was kissing your neck and massaging your shoulders at work.

    You have some f-cked up logic. I would never, EVER inappropriately touch a man at work, including giving him a massage. Ever. That is called sexual harassment.
  8. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    lmao!! Rep coming
  9. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Wait a minute.

    First it's wrong for this man to acquiesce to the alleged sexual advances of his female supervisors. Now a man is enduring an unfair hardship if a woman playfully massages his shoulders???

    This is crazy talk.

    Like Samson said, just because a woman is doing heavy flirting with you doesn't mean you have to give in to it. You just handle it without acting hysterical.

    This dude would have you believe these women were on his ass for sex 8 hours a day the minute he arrived at work.

    Remember this individual only started having problems professionally when he decided to complain about the attention he was receiving. These women weren't penalizing him for not having sex with them.

    There are instances when it's appropriate to sue the corporation where you work, but for a man to sue for receiving non-coersive sexualized attention from a female supervisor is a punk move all day.
  10. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Punk is not a word you should use to describe someone in the workplace. Corporate America is about politics and kissing ass to begin with. There are not many jobs out there that put your manhood to the test, therefore; it simply makes no sense to think about calling someone a punk on the job unless your job is special forces, tactical swat team, mma, ect. Calling someone a punk that works in public relations? really?? Give me a break with that nonsense. If someone calls you a punk on the job there is a 99.9% chance that they are a punk simply because they would not refer to you in that manner at any other location. So why would you read their story and call them a one?? :smt006
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Punk is what you call someone in private, unless you're about to fight.

    It's just a word for a point of emphasis in a discussion...cause that's how dude in the OP IMO is acting.:smt089

    Snitches at work for minor rules violations, suck ups, phony people, etc., are all punk in my book.

    I'm kinda loose with that word anyway.:smt031

    I know the older men in my family think punk=faggot and is the worst thing you can call another man. I don't take it that deep.
  12. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Well said and on point. Reps added. Some dudes need to see the bigger picture in a work environment and not just getting your dick wet in any ole pussy.
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah want to find out the character of a person....give em power
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    well stated ....THE DUDE played it before ass.

    these mofos screaming hes a punk for snitching or not hitting are the same dudes that would fly cross country just to smell pussy.
  15. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    This is the same kind of hip-hop/fake macho/no impulse control bullshit that gets black men locked up daily.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    well stated. you are being nice...i say these dudes are weak minded and have the wisedom of rock.
  18. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I wish I could be one you fine upstanding gentlemen who doesn't want to have sex with any of my attractive female co-workers.

    But, I'm not. Color me insecure.
  19. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Also, some of y'all dudes know damn well that you're lying through your teeth. You might be fooling some of the ladies here, but I see you...
  20. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member


    i can only speak for myself... when a man is at a point in his life where he is concerned about his 10 year plan and not knockin boots you have a different outlook on the booty.

    these days i am about the money, i bought a 10 year old car last year just so i could buy a house on the golf course that i move into this weekend.

    booty is easier to obtain than money therefore aint no way in hell ill mess around at work.

    you are a corporate man and i know you understand the repercussions of an office relationship gone sour.

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