Man Says He Was Fired Because He Didn't Want to Have Sex With His Two Female Bosses

Discussion in 'In the News' started by 4north1side2, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I am totally opposed to sexual harassment in the workplace and would never engage in coercion to get sexual gratification. But I don't get attractive women demanding sex from me ever. I'm afraid I would have to respond with "Thank you for this incredible opportunity. When should I begin?"

    Silliness aside, it would stink to have my job in jeopardy based on something like this. The pressure must be intense.
  2. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member


  3. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Firstly, we only have this guy's side of the story and he's trying to sue. Why are we taking this guy's word as gospel? What's the other side of the story? You do realize that most of these kinds of cases are settled behind closed doors and you never hear of them. That leads me to believe his case may be flimsy so his team is resorting to unwanted attention to get the other side to cave. He's hoping they'll just give him money to go away. That's how this game is played.

    I'm one of those men questioning this guy's manhood. I am not calling him gay. One can be a gay male and still himself in a manly way. And, I don't think he should have slept with them if he did not want to (or at all). I'm calling him a woman for handling the situation the way he has. Here's my reasoning:

    Men don't complain about being hit on. Women do. A man will just deal with the women in such a way that defuses the situation, yet still allows all parties to work together in a comfortable and productive way. See, a man knows there is a third choice. He doesn't have to have sex with the women or make a complaint because he understands the dynamics of human interaction. In short: he knows that women (even the ugly ones) hitting on him ain't that serious. A woman will get annoyed, get upset and file a complaint.

    Sexual harassment should be limited to unwanted physical sexual contact, or sexual coercion. In other words, if someone touches you inappropriately, that's not right. If someone says you must have sex with him or her or you're fired, won't be promoted, or otherwise discriminated against in any way because you wouldn't have sex with that person, that is not right. Those are clear examples of what sexual harassment should be.

    But, just because someone you don't like, hits on you repeatedly, unwanted or not, should not be a reason to file charges of sexual harassment. That's what women (not all) do. And, that's why so many men are questioning this guy's masculinity. Because, he's acting like a woman.

    Dude's panties are showing.
  4. southfloridagirl

    southfloridagirl New Member

    Assuming this article is all true, which it may not be, since nothing like this should ever be taken at complete face value, but assuming the article is accurate:

    A third choice did not work out in his favor. He got fired. Even when he did complain higher up, it said that the guy brushed it off like it was nothing.

    In other words, he couldn't get any help from above because the guy he complained to, took the same damn attitude that you are taking: "Dude's panties are showing." Look I understand men value their machismo much, but we are talking about an office workplace, it's not supposed to be like the wild wild west, where people can only work things out on their own, with verbal exchanges and guns. People should have a recourse, if treated unfairly. Otherwise, treat it like the wild wild west you think it is, and separate the women from the men in the work place. Its not fair to ask people to play by two different sets of rules --- despite the fact that in reality that's what often happens.

    If I was a man, and I had to work everyday for a female boss that I didn't particularly want to have sex with, or jeopardize my job for, why in the f--- would I continue to accept harrassment????
  5. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Okay, let's, as you say, take this at face value. No where in the article does he say he tried to address the matter with the women he claims to be harassed by. Instead of telling them he wasn't interested, he turned right around and complained to his boss like the grade school girl he is.

    A man would simply play them off or tell the women, "Thanks, but no thanks. Now, let's get back to work." But, no. He did it in the most disruptive, drama inducing way he could.

    Remember, we are assuming things went exactly as the article says. And the article says he handled it like a punk.

    I'll repeat what I stated before: if his employers denied him fair treatment because he did not want to have sex with those women or because he just wasn't interested, then, yeah, I'd agree. But, anything less than that is petty and weak minded on his part.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Samason7842 is right x1000.
  7. southfloridagirl

    southfloridagirl New Member

    I've been abstaining, biting my lip really hard.... but now I'm just going to come right out and say it. All you guys who think he handled it like a punk, or a pair of panties... are full of it. If you were in a similarly threatening situation, which if you had empathy, you would be able to relate... you would do the same. However, because as insecure men you cannot possibly watch another man put his machismo aside in favor of his better judgment, and stay silent about it for fear of losing your man card... you come out and call him names like "punk" and "panties".
  8. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    You love hearing yourself talk. How fucking hard is it to say I'm not interested and keep it moving? Dude looks super [​IMG] based off his pics alone.
  9. southfloridagirl

    southfloridagirl New Member

    I do love to talk. But I think the more pertinent point, is that you hate to hear me talk.
  10. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    It's not my fault you bring nothing but hurt emotions to the forums.
  11. southfloridagirl

    southfloridagirl New Member

    Do I nip a pointless conversation in the bud, or should I dive right in? Lol. F--- it.... Let's do it:

    And you bring nothing but the kind of attitude I described above that you attacked.
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    She would kiss him on his neck, inappropriately hug him, sexually whisper in his ear, massage him without invitation and publicly embarrass him with sexual references in front of co-workers. Sounds like sexual harassment to me.
  14. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    And sexual assault
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    ^^^^^^^ true, kitten^^^^^^^^^^

    I have read the actual lawsuit (and will repeat what I wrote earlier)....

    (the article states) he did complain directly to them... before he went above them...

    "...All the while, Jackson says he complained about the harassment, making it known how uncomfortable he was..."

    (Also again), in the actual lawsuit which goes deeper, he says he always stated he didn't want a romantic relationship with them. He was not the only employee harassed, either.

    You know not all men think alike, and this man deserves the respect to think differently from the majority of men in this circumstance. These two female bosses seemed oblivious to their ultra-creepiness, and IDK how to explain this but I'm betting that their unwanted attention was a huge distraction to him personally and professionally every day, even on the days they didn't bother him. I don't think he could ever relax and truly focus.

    Bottom line, he should be able to make his living without some hyper-sexual beasts humping his leg.
  16. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member


    You seriously need dicked down.
  17. southfloridagirl

    southfloridagirl New Member

    Thank you.
  18. southfloridagirl

    southfloridagirl New Member

    Getting dicked down.... lol.... is not an issue for me. In case you cant tell, I am just a very passionate person in general....The fact that you don't like me says a lot more about you than it does about me.
  19. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Their's not a single person on this website I don't like. :freehug:
  20. southfloridagirl

    southfloridagirl New Member


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