White Supremacist ID'd as suspect in Kansas deadly shootings

Discussion in 'In the News' started by GQ Brotha, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And when they can use drones to kill from 20000 feet in the air and kill hundreds at a time then what?
    Look at countries like Brazil and Mexico do those governments seemed to be even the slightest concerned about their population revolting? Those people are far too poor and hungry to do shit. The technology has made them untouchable coupled with people who will hurt others just to get a little food and shelter. Personally I'm hoping for aliens lol
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You're really too pessimistic to be a revolutionary.lol
    ALL revolutionaries are fools, until they succeed.

    In Brazil they do care. THat's why they have massive favelas isolated from the rest of the big cities by the police, who are afraid to go into many of these shanty towns.

    You rarely see armed insurrections and national revolts in democracies, unless it's led by the military.

    Really it doesn't take a majority of the population to lead a revolution, all you need is a committed group capable of taking over the government and the force and brutality to control it.

    To overthrow the government in this country it would be hard to do without some support from the military, which means several generals and thousands of troops would have to support it.

    If and when you have political activists in your neighborhood 'disappearing' or government death squads gunning down mobs of innocent citizens, the critical mass for revolution won't be there.

    But if you let this country go through a huge inflation period, or most middle class people saw their income cut by a third to half and things would get interesting.

    You think things are bad but you know they aren't as bad as they could be.

    When middle class people feel their lives are day to day filled with desperation over survival and they prefer the unknown over the known then you have the environment for revolution.

    Revolution in a democracy is about wholesale changes to the constitution and taking financially punitive and sometimes capital redress against the wealthy.

    If we saw major amendments to the U.S. constitution and top investment bankers given mandatory double digit years sentenced in federal prisons, IMO that would be revolutionary.

    I was always told if you ever had a situation where the majority of the American people believed a presidential election was outright stolen by the 1%, you'd see people in the streets.
  3. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I suggest watching a film series from Brazil called Tropa De Elite(Elite Squad). It is about an elite military police squad that is trained to go into the favelas of
    Rio De Janero and fight drug gangs on their own turf. There were two films that were made and a third has also been released. I have seen the first film in
    English and the second in Portuguese. It is worth watching.
  4. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Yeah they are called BOPE - Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais.

    Where did you see the films Gorath, was it online or somewhere else.

    Police in Brazil are often notoriously corrupt and the life of those dope boys in the favelas can be snuffed out like they are a grain of rice, no goals to their existence and very short term life span.
  5. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I saw Tropa De Elite and Tropa De Elite 2: The Enemy Within about 2 years ago on cable and checked out Part 2 on DVD from the library. Your library might be able to look them up for you. The first film has a brief IR scene in it where the black member of the team is dating an attractive Brazilian woman. They start out dancing and it ends with a kiss.
  6. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Excellent points. This is why the elite places such a high value on propagandizing the working class via media, encouraging intra-class divisiveness, consumerism, racism, etc. Because they lack the numerical strength, means of soft control are even more essential to them.

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