No doubt. Bet they wouldn't mind if the black groups were armed and talking like Alan Keyes about the Founding Fathers and 'true patriots'. The amount of BS people will swallow it it suits their personal dogma is amazing.
GTFOOH. Timothy McVeigh - domestic terrorist And here, I googled White Domestic Terrorists and this Wikipedia page came up. Have at it.
Both of you need to grow up and pay attention. An organization that blows up churches filled with kids that organizes in opposition to the government is a fucking terrorist organization. But for some reason the parameters change when the victims are black or those who sympathize with blacks opposed to religious ideology. I never said there were never white terrorists stop twisting shit it makes you look ignorant and slow. There's a clear difference and everyone else sees it
The people that fool killed were NON Jewish Christians... They can't tell the difference between the jews they hate and their own
Do you really need articles to show you that this country has treated blacks as second class citizens for decades and that's a bump up from property. The kkk has used violence to temper the movements of blacks since the end of the civil warx check out birth of nation, they've used everything from hangings to bombs to destroy the enemies of their ideological white power movement. So they have ideology check, kill American citizens check, used bombs check, and their victims are blacks and black sympathizers check. Yet they aren't treated as a terrorist group. You honestly need journal articles to tell you that this would be different if it were the other way around. Come the fuck on book. You know if black supremacist were hanging white men and bl poo wing up churches with white kids they would be terrorist plain and simple
I think the crux of the issue is whether or not the violence is deployed in furtherance of US objectives/values or not. I think the US tolerates or even encourages violence if it is to accomplish what the wealthy and policymakers want, but they will not tolerate anyone opposing their plans and wishes. Black people working in furtherance of black liberation is antithetical to those plans, so it's logical that they would be quick to hand out those stiff sentences, but so are a few other viewpoints that are inconsistent with the rule of the 1%. They will knock a white adversary just as fast as they will a black one. Oppose them and you're on their radar.
Really? I don't see much evidence of that. As we know the rules are applied differently. A bomb in a public place is considered terrorism when the victims are white but just racists when the victims are black
They whacked McVeigh b/c, despite his feverish racist delusions, his primary crime was opposing US hegemony. Those delirious racists are idiots b/c they blame Africans and other non-whites for the oppression they are being subjected to by the 1%, not us. Test the government, industry or the banking system and you're D.O.A. I agree about the rules being applied differently in one-on-one criminal cases, b/c it's well-documented that black defendants face far stiffer penalties when a white victim is involved than when white defendants harm black people (they rarely if ever suffer the consequences, unless it's a sensational case with media attention that demands a response - and even then it's unlikely). But when it comes to testing the oligarchs, they will have everyone killed. No ifs, ands, buts or maybes. Black, blue, yellow, blind, crippled, crazy, one leg and a kickstand. Everyone will get herded right to the gallows.
I wonder how true that is, did a lot of mysterious deaths happen as a result of the Occupy Movement? I also wonder how the rise of cryptocurrency will effect that as well. Coins like bitcoin remove the middleman of banking out of the way in order to transfer money and define value.
The Occupy Movement didn't kill anyone, but they didn't hesitate to give them a beating, a little pepper spray in the eyes, etc. In Seattle and St. Louis, anti-Monsanto actions landed more than a couple of people in the hoosegow, even in the absence of violence or destruction of property. I'd like to see what's going to happen with bitcoin, too, because I can't see these clowns allowing anyone to cut them out of the action. I believe they're the driving forces behind the increasing use of plastic, b/c it ties everyone to their system. I'm in the process of trying to find a good credit union b/c I don't want them to have any more of my money than is absolutely necessary. Parasites.
An isolated incident and rather meaningless in racist ideological terms given that all three victims were white and gentile. Structural violence remains the most effective tool of white supremacy, not the actions of rabid fringe groups.
Great point. I don't think the oligarchy is concerned about white working-class racism at all, b/c it's the most effective tool to prevent broad class-based organization.
As long as you don't have cross-racial alliance building to identify common class interests. White working-class racism is the most effective deterrent to broader class consciousness. It is hard as hell to organize black and white working people around a set of issues even in the same ward, to say nothing of the urban/rural divide, across state lines or internationally.
lol organize to do what exactly, they hold all the cards, they have all the keys and guard all the doors. As the saying goes resistance is futile in a world where all it takes is the push of a button to kill hundreds at once with a drone. Its the fault of the collective that they won because we couldn't be bothered to care but the writing is clearly on the wall they won and our days are numbered.
Please pass what your smoking because you must be high. Again pointing out systematic inefficiencies no one said it was "whitey's" fault
The 1% are afraid of the same thing that brought down the ruling aristocracies is Tsarist Russia, the French ruling class in 18th century, North American English colonial rule in the 1700s, every military dictatorship in Latin America and Africa and the U.S. backed Shah of Iran in 1979. The strength of the 1% is their weakness; there aren't enough of them to physically maintain power when the majority populace decides to revolt. Imagine during a Presidential inaugural if a million spectators on the Mall decided to take over the WH, the Capitol and the Supreme Court?? A thousand nukes couldn't stop it. When hundreds of thousands of people are willing to die to change a system, the 1% are in trouble because no amount of money can buy off a majority nation that feels it's being oppressed and exploited. It really wouldn't take a violent rebellion to overturn the system in this country because of the vote. If there were a truly populist cross-ideological candidate who was able to work outside the normal big money fund raising apparatus and run a national grass roots campaign, you could take back this country in a bloodless coup. That's why it's a good sign to see the plight and suffering of the poor filtering up to the middle class. The 1% in this country haven't had it this good since Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous was a top rated show in the 1980s, and yet the ultra rich are still complaining they don't have enough. You heard the expression pigs get fat, but hogs get slaughtered??:axe: The system needs a course correction soon or things in about a decade are going to get ugly. The first sign will be when the GOP base as a group stops listening to the bullshit rhetoric from the Right-wing, including the Tea Party. Conservative leadership has relied on poor working class White people willingly voting against their own best economic interests because of race identification. If and when that ever stops happening, the 1% are in serious trouble.