Such amazing news, and about bloody time!!!! A huge thank you must go to Paul and the amazing volunteers at Sea Shepherd
That is great news, we enjoy watching "Whale wars" in our house, they really sacrifice a lot to prevent whaling.
Great news indeed.. I've seen it today on TV!!! Finally the bloody hunt is ending..Life for wales!!!
i m glad this has finally been doomed on such a high instance.. still i m concerned, they will find a way around it again. they did that before.
The wale was caught in a net, he was weak, nearly dead, they helped him out- and then something very emotional happened...fabulous!
fantastic news! we all need to keep fighting the good fight...find a cause...something you believe in:smt061
They should do that with lions...cheetahs...rhinos...and everything else on China's greedy menu. Soon as China got a little money they drove those poor creatures to the brink of extinction.