Kobe Bryant Stirs Social Media Firestorm With Controversial Comments

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Sirius Dogon, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  2. DonnyJ

    DonnyJ Banned

  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    That first link represents Hispanic births as the leader.

    The second link shows the decline in Whites as...

    "The new 2012 annual census calculated births minus deaths as of July 2012 and saw a decrease of about 12,400 people out of 198 million non-Hispanic whites in the country."

    But that isn't much of a dent, no? Also it said that the economy is the reason, once it rebounds, so will the White populous, particularly at the legal immigration. Either way, this country's demographic will likely switch to half Hispanic once they grant citizenry to those here illegally, and they then will sponsor their relatives to move here, etc.

    Also...what is your take on this?..

    In N.Y.C., More Abortions Than Live Births For Black Women
    Feb 26, 2014
    By Ruth Manuel-Logan

    Data from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reveals that black women had more abortions than live births in 2012. While the city’s abortion rate has declined to the lowest since the Supreme Court legalized the procedure in its landmark Roe v. Wade decision, it remains well above the national average.

    In a report titled “Summary of Vital Statistics 2012, The City of New York,” black women not only had the highest rate of abortions but they also topped the chart with the highest number of pregnancies and miscarriages as well, surpassing all other racial groups.

    Whereas black women delivered 24,758 live births, Hispanic women produced over 10,000 more. White women in New York City, on the other hand, gave birth to the highest number of live babies at 39,112.

    As far as pregnancy terminations, black children who were aborted comprised 42.4 percent of the total number of abortions in New York City. In 2012, out of 73,815 abortions in the city, 31,328 black babies were aborted.

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2014
  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    The issue with that logic in the second article is that the economy has recovered, and our heads are above the waters. However, their personal feelings toward the economic recovery still remains pessimistic. So really, it's a matter of what they feel and their current environment as opposed to the whole reality behind it. So, really, white births may very well continue to be in a decline even if there's a full recovery.

    As for the other bit of info? You're only looking at one state as opposed to the overall thing, in which minorities are still delivering more births than whites as a nation.

  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yep, I'm well aware it is one State, but the figures are startling, no less. Of 73,000 abortions, 31,000 were black*babies (*or blobs of cells to you :???:)...I don't think the population is even half black?

    Which brings us to note, based on your first link, that the 'minority' population reproducing the most..is Hispanics. What I'm curious to see is the ratio of how they identify.. eg: white or black or other.
  6. DonnyJ

    DonnyJ Banned

    Exactly. And most black hispanics don't want to be associated with african americans, so...
  7. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Rep. added.

    Speak for yourself. Informal canvasses of my family members have yielded no such result. Maybe the people you're commenting on are just spooked by all this talk of "black on black crime" and don't want to get caught in the dragnet or hit by a stray bullet.

    Every group is responsible for the vast majority of the murders of members of its own racial group. And an overwhelmingly large number of murders are (after controlling for domestic, intra-familial violence) among participants in criminal activity, namely the drug trade. You step beyond that and black-on-black, white-on-white and purple-on-purple violence drops precipitously. So if people want to end criminal violence, treat drugs as a social health problem and bring the production of the substances into the legal economic framework and away from criminal gangs.

    In all societies where people are educated, the birth rate drops. The US is the only industrial country that defies this trend, due to a variety of factors, including excessive societal religiosity, a relatively less-educated population (compared to other industrialized societies), immigration from largely undereducated population groups, and a large segment of the native population shut out from social services and access to opportunity (including African-Americans, native-born Latinos, Native Americans, rural, structurally impoverished whites, etc). Besides the earth is already well exceeding its carrying capacity, particularly at current rates of industrial degradation and agriculture. The earth needs about 35-40% of the people it has now and a radically different energy, transportation and food production paradigm.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2014
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well that wasn't what we were discussing... it's not about who one associates with/relates to, we were discussing BIRTH/POPULATION RATES.

    I like this explanation...makes great sense! [​IMG]
  9. DonnyJ

    DonnyJ Banned

  10. DonnyJ

    DonnyJ Banned

    You want to know how who hispanics will identify with, so I gave you a little info on black hispanics.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Guess what else is higher for blacks? Unemployment for bm is four times higher than it is for wm. Wm with a criminal record are more likely to get hired for a job than a bm without one. Blacks are more likely to get incarcerated and more likely to get the death penalty for the same crimes committed by whites. So when I said external factors before I was talking about this. So study the correlations my friend. If the murder rate is four times higher in our impoverished communities (it's important to make the distinction black people ain't banging in Silver Springs, MA) and we are four times more likely to be unemployed what conclusion do you draw?
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    OK maybe we are misunderstanding each other here.. I was referring to how HISPANICS identify THEMSELVES (ie: on the census form- black hispanic, white hispanic, bi-racial hispanic, asian hispanic, etc..)

    Now, if YOU are specifically speaking on Black Hispanics and whom they associate with or culturally relate to, or not...that is something different and I can't speak to that as I don't know.. you may know more on that.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Where did you get the stats from?
  14. DonnyJ

    DonnyJ Banned

  15. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    The 35-40% number isn't a scholarly one, just my thoughts given the industrial agriculture model. Aside from Malthus' writings, however, (not all of which I agree with) you can get some info on global carrying capacity at


    The one I found the most informative is http://na.unep.net/geas/archive/pdfs/GEAS_Jun_12_Carrying_Capacity.pdf

    For a contrary view:
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is all based on current consumption levels. All we have to do is consume less
  17. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Exactly. Good luck with that. Lol
  18. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    They ARE blobs of cells. This isn't a matter of opinion. It's a statement of fact and not based on emotions or the perceived idea on what determines life, which in this case would be more accurately deemed cellular life. A human life is when it's fully developed and more importantly, out of the vagina and when the cord has been severed and can breathe on its own.

    And I wouldn't call the stats "startling" in any regard either. New York is a big state, so while the numbers are perceived to be "large," it hasn't slowed the upward growth of the overall population. And to be frank, overpopulation will pose a huge problem.

  19. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    that means they are crazy..without us they'd have no rights in America.

    Black American numbers are growing...hate to rain on your parade.
  20. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to add one nuance to this statement. The US government domestically often treated black non-Americans differently as a byproduct of its foreign policy. The State Dept. had a protocol service detailed to exempt black foreign dignitaries from suffering racial discrimination or to respond when they did. White racists often practiced tiered social policies designed to keep African-Americans at the bottom. The only other black people as consistently abused by US policy have been the Haitian people. It was an effective divide-and-rule strategy, but is also a causal agent in the current gaps in understanding between the black American community and other members of the African Diaspora, and insight is required to see the commonality despite the different cultures, approaches and experiences.

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