30 yrs served because he had inexperienced counsel. What an incredibly hard pill to swallow. Seems he'll get a little chunk of change but that'll never give him his 30 yrs back. Don't "inexperienced counsel" have mentors or more experienced defense attorneys watching over their work to ensure things are being done appropriately?? Just seems like this man lost 1/3 of his life because the people hired to defend him apparently didn't know what they were doing. Can he go after them for damages (just equating it to when docs get sued for messing something up)? It'll never change what he went through, just curious if you can go after your attorneys for damages like you can in the medical field.
Ridiculous that it took them 26 years to exonerate this man. I feel so sad for him. He lost some of the best years of his life.
Judicial ammunity is the problem behind shit like this...the prosecutors that hide..suppress...and destroy evidence are never locked away in prison for their CRIMES..notto mention the judges and those pigs called police. Get rid of judicial ammunity and watch how fast shit like this stop happening.
This is a terrible miscarriage of justice, no compensation can ever make up for those years in prision. The damage to his life is reprehensible. This kind of story scares the shit out of me, it's kind of like, make sure your not in the wrong place at the wrong time poor man, as unless you have a shed load of money you can't do nothing about it.
There was probably enough evidence to exonerate this man more than a decade ago. But what DA wants to admit the wrongly convicted and sentenced a man to death??? Cases like this are why on principle I'm against the death penalty. There's no worse crime IMO than executing someone for a crime they didn't commit. For every death row inmate found innocent after the fact, imagine how many innocent men have been executed in the name of justice??
If I were in that guy's position, I'd carry a nasty chip on my shoulder and curse out the very imbeciles that fucked over me. Forgiveness is overrated and in cases like this...I have every right to be bitter, even with all the financial compensation. No amount of money can bring back whatever life I've lost.