Going White

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by foxyred, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Anytime! But I'll warn you...a quick quote from Nietzsche, and this applies all too well with many of the people on here. Specifically the [black] men in the forums...

    Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

    Basically, by wrangling their balls enough, you'll unravel a monster which, ever so quietly, will awaken. :axe:

  2. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    Look under your bed, I'm waiting for you.
  3. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    :roll: :roll: :roll:
  4. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Fighting monsters these days is what folks want to do, especially now. The question is; who is the monster? The monster or the one who is fighting the monster. Has the fighter already become a monster in the process before meeting the monster? In other words, as Forest Whitaker said in that scene in Fast Times At Ridgemont High, "Don't fuck with it."
  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    it makes you wonder...just how close are some to crossing over...if all you feed your mind is negative information it can change your ability to reason...pushing you to become something you never wanted

    picking and choosing your battles would be the wise approach...exposing yourself to a variety of things to stimulate all the senses...it is easy to fall prey to the monster within...it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy where the monster ruins his own life before someone (monster) has a chance
  6. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Poignant remark, sometimes its better to just live and let live and fuck all the rest of the b.s.
  7. fantasyfangrl

    fantasyfangrl New Member

    Rep'ed ... wish more people would take this route
  8. Apollonia

    Apollonia New Member

    Very true.

    However, this princess would simply retreat to the safety of her castle if the monster growls too loudly. She has very little desire or time to wage e-fights with the monsters in the abyss because the world beyond the abyss is far more beautiful.

    I stand on terra firma outside of the cave.
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You're locked in with me. Fancy that!


    Yeah yeah, too much for you to grasp.

    We all have a monster dwelling in us. It never truly manifests itself in the forefront unless we blur ourselves between life and death. Only when the emotions of hate, rage, and indignant resolve accumulate, would you only need to look in the mirror and see the creature for what it is.

    We're all ticking time bombs. Others just tend to get set off easier than others.

  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It's a smart move, and you may never see the monsters outside of here, unless confronted by one who shows disdain outright.

  11. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Smart woman. Enjoy what's enjoyable here and forget the rest! Life is FAR too grand to waste energy on things unworthy of your time! :freehug:
  12. Apollonia

    Apollonia New Member

    Thank you so much. You have such a beautiful spirit! :freehug:
  13. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    If you mean black men who date white women exclusively then yes. My only confusion stems from trying to decide between brunettes, blondes, and of course redheds.
  14. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Differ all you want, that's a stretch.

    Observing that wm/bw often - yes often - try to antagonize bm when they're out and about says nothing about why they pair up in the first place.

    That part of it is exactly none of my business.

    People picking on me because I "catch their eye" sadly becomes my business.

    Fact is, wm/bm combos often engage in "the antics" and it doesn't take a whole lot of insight to imagine that it goes on a lot, even if you're not the target of it. Both groups have something to prove, societal license to do their dirt, a history of hating on bm even when they're not doing it paired up, and would absolutely love for bm to appear to all eyes to be rabidly against their unions

    Can't speak for the whole u.s. of a., but that's big in the ny/tri-state area.

    It's just another ugly part of the race thing that's taboo for bm to mention. You're whining (or is it jealous? maybe "hypocritical"?) if you do.

    But anyway, my initial point on that particular subject was in response to your list of what bw go through when they date white men. My point was:

    Most bw who pair up with wm carry themselves more like they WANT people to care about it than the opposite. (yep - just like in the article that bw wrote about how she was "too dark" for bm when she was young and now wants to make ppl's "heads explode" now that she can finally date white men with dignity :roll:)

    That chick in the article is not an outlier. Unfortunately.

    My other point was:

    To draw an equivalency betw societal response to bm/ww pairings to those of wm/bw pairings at any time in the history of this country is ridiculous and ignores sexual politics that have been going on since before there were even humans walking the planet. To suggest bw/wm experience opposition on the order that bw/ww experience isn't worth hearing

    ... but that's neither here nor there. Less hate still doesn't make hating on bw/wm okay. That being said, to the extent that women manage to leave me out of their relationships, what they go through (or don't) is really none of my business. It would be nice, however, to not be the "enemy" fools bond over hating on.

    I guess that day will come as bw/wm pairings become less new and more normal.

    Still not going to carry around any illusions about them tho. Based on my experiences, I've gone from straight up naivety to seeing them as just another part of the race thing. But how can a bm who dates ww say such a thing? Walk in my shoes for a decade or two

    And this is a bm who has 2 sisters who were involved with wm (one current) and an ex-gf who's ex before me was white. I have zero issue with wm/bw pairings per se. What I don't like is being targeted and trying to ignore shit, however slight. I want to enjoy being me, not have my good qualities -- being a tall, strong, presentable bm -- end up maladaptive because they make me "catch the eye" of assholes.

    It's a buzz kill. Men don't like being picked on by other men, not even dirty looks, especially not men walking with women. And it's extreeeemely ugly -- even monkeyish -- for bw to participate in that stuff. I'm tempted to say you'd have to be a bm to "get" the disgust, but I'd bet bw and wm understand it too, which is why it goes on. They want to make ppl's "heads explode" :roll:

    But anyway, back on topic:

    WW are becoming a much better match for decent bm than any other kind of women. They're trending in the direction of warming to us, while bw are arguably trending in the opposite direction. So --to stay on topic -- "once you go white" ... is probably coming true for lots of bm, just based on social trends.

    All it takes is one or two good experiences to make ir dating simply "normal" for an individual and dating "your own" as unenticing as dating a sibling. The social trends are the catalyst
  15. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

  16. Apollonia

    Apollonia New Member

    So WM/BW couples exist solely for the purpose of taunting and antagonizing BM? :confused:

    Sorry but I have never witnessed (or engaged in) the behavior which you describe. Perhaps its just a "NY/tri-state" thing. However, it is silly to stereotype WM/BW relationships in such a manner while making the assumption that the behaviors indicated can not/do not exist in BM/WW (or WM/AW or HM/WW etc etc) relationships.

    So by your logic am I to assume that the rantings of a YouTube lunatic or a crazed Twitter nut represents the majority opinion of Black men? Its amazing that one woman's news article holds such amazing power to represent the voice of all BW. I didn't realize that we had ALL elected this unnamed BW to represent us all. ;)

  17. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member


    The good thing is they can always change their hair color.
  18. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I second that.

  20. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    It's interesting. My black male friends who prefer white women have told me it's not just about physical attraction. I have heard this from more than one BM. "They" say (NOT ME) that black women are all about drama, and that they find less of this with WW. Of course, I do would not know if this is true, just interesting that I've heard it a few times from different BM.

    As far as "once you go black, you can't go back", I will say I've had a hard time finding white men as attractive as I do black. I'm not saying I would refuse to get involved with a WM, but since I've been with BM, I am, in general, much more attracted to them.

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