I'm sure you know better than I that he's not up for listening to reason. His typical comments about black people is quite disturbing. Trying to justify that young mans murder, saying "well black men kill also", says it all. IMO any black man who can let slide the crystal clear injustices against bm in this country, isn't someone that deserves the time and effort of reason. Common sense eludes those types.
Or, maybe some BM just don’t want to DWELL on the subject. Every other discussion thread on this board turns into the “plight of the black man in America” thread. No one here denies that this is a very real concern. No one here denies that white privilege exists. No one here denies that black people, black men in particular, seem to be expendable in this country. No one here denies that racism, prejudice and unfair business practices exist in this country. No one here denies that police practices are skewed in the way black criminals are treated versus white criminals. It’s been hashed over, debated repeatedly and the consensus is that we ALL agree these things are true and wrong. BUT let a few BM on this forum try to rise above all that and present a different POV, and he’s shot down, called names and is treated like a traitor. I have yet to have a conversation with a black man offline that rivals the hateful discussions that occur here. Maybe maturity has something to do with it. The guys I meet, date or chat with all testify to the same things - they’ve all suffered (and likely more so since most of them are older than the men here) at the hands of ignorant white people and an unjust system. But they spend little time wallowing in that negativity. They live their lives as respectfully as they can and give little attention to anger. It’s beyond me that one man will turn on another here simply because he tries to turn the discussion in another direction, shine a different light on the subject, or try to encourage someone not to make broad generalizations. *sits back and waits for FH and Medulla to go on their “Ches is anti-black” rant* :smt069
If Michael Dunn's GF didn't flip on him, I think he really would have gotten off in this trial. Remember the friends of GZ who were paraded one after another before the Trayvon Martin jury who vouched for his character, gentle nature and non-violent personality?? Even Zimmerman's ex-wife didn't turn on him during the trial. Dunn's ex called him on every one of his lies and omissions after he killed Jordan Davis. This asshole emptied his clip into the car these kids were in and kept firing as they drove away. This trial was so close to letting a murderer walk.
You may see it as them trying to "bring a different POV", but I see it as 1-2 men here finding ways to justify the killing of young bm at the hands of wm, simply because "bm kill also". They find ways to blame the victim. It's sickening. My boyfriend has spoken to me in length about his upbringing...from birth it was a life surrounded by drugs and death. He's lost countless immediate family members to murder and he could have easily ended up in the same boat had he not had the utter determination to make something of himself. He rose above EVERYTHING, yet he's still not like the 1-2 men around here with holier than thou attitudes, in essence blaming young bm for their own murders. It's not about wallowing in negativity. It's about understanding and respecting the fact that bm are forced to live by a different set of rules, and a completely different justice system then you or I would experience. Conversations NEED to be had in order to change that. Making excuses for why all these young bm are turning up dead is as good as saying it's ok, and to see 1-2 bm here with that mindset is unnerving to say the least.
I see it as they are refusing to blame white people for all the black man's ills by pointing out that BM do similar things to each other. How that puts blame on the victim is beyond me.
Middle class BM with jobs(similar to Dunn except different color) don't go around with firearms gunning down Black teenagers for playing their music too loud. Or teens of any race. If you don't see the difference between the killing fields in Chicago and what Dunn did to an SUV filled with unarmed teens, you really are missing the big picture. It's much more dangerous to society in general when the SYSTEM and those most responsible in our society view certain youths as expendable and worthy targets of deadly civilian violence.
So now the DA is racist? How is the DA racist? If the DA didn't charge him with 1st degree, you'd be blowing up this thread with "we are not being treated the same by the justice system!" You'd then post repeatedly how "a black man's life isn't worth 1st degree, but if Dunn was Black and his victim White, he'd be charged with first degree!" and how unfair it is. When clearly that's BS. Of course the DA or any DA worth their professional salt, will charge a blatant homicide such as this WITH FIRST DEGREE, because that would land Dunn LIFE. Additionally, the 'dumb-fuck DA'(to you), was ALSO smart enough to add other charges in the event the jury might wrestle/deadlock with premeditation, a.k.a LIKE ZIMMERMAN's JURY DID, WHO NEVER HAD 2ND DEGREE ON THE TABLE, AND HE WALKED... So at least the 'racist DA'(to you) had enough respect for Davis's life to offer along with 1st Degree, several other options. Of which Dunn was found GUILTY of some of those options, and now faces 60 years!
THIS^ let's also keep in mind this jury did not find him "not guilty" which means he can be retried on the first count...dunn is not getting away with this:|
:smt031 You're right - my bad. However.... http://whitewomenblackmen.com/forum/showthread.php?t=25223
A friend of mine got caught off guard by a wild hog. He dropped his shotgun while he was hauling ass. One of the funniest stories I ever heard. Luckly no one got hurt just wish I could have been there to help and lmao! The moral of the story is to keep a hand cannon on the hip.
I can't with you, you sound willfully ignorant. Charge the asshole for the crime he actually did which was murder two like Zimmerman should have gotten manslaughter instead of creating conflict for damn god reason. And the DA didn't charge him with attempted murder out of the goodness of his heart it's what fucking happened. Dude shot up a car full of kids genius.
KNOCK IT OFF, you know damn well it was legally murder in the first. The DA had to charge that, there is no way you let that cretin slide, but they learned from the Zimmerman case, so this time added more high sentencing charges to seal the deal. If they were racist, they would not have added the additional charges. You know damn well also if they had charged only manslaughter, there would have been an uproar, despite us knowing it would help more than hinder. Kudos to the jury for finding a way to get his ass convicted with the other options.
Um yeah it wasn't legally murder in the first, it doesn't satisfy the above requirements. They HAD to add on the other charges, was the DA going to ignore the other potential victims in the car Bliss? It wasn't a tactic to make sure he got convicted it was their job it had to be done, it wasn't some clever ploy so stop treating it as such. I don't know if you misread what I wrote but the Zimmerman trial should have been manslaughter, which it was.
Zimmerman was 2nd due to the fight with Trayvon, and straight calling the cops, etc. We all agreed here last year that they overcharged. We all saw it wasn't 1st in the traditional sense, though the DA said he stalked Trayvon, so 1st was still somewhat legally plausible. But the Dunn case is a whole other set of details in the sense that this man's jailhouse comments and letters allude to this being premeditated. Read also the comment I posted earlier in the thread (I reposted it below) where she said with forethought, he went to his glove box to get the gun yet he claimed fear?? Dunn also said that Davis was out the car coming at him when ballistics show Davis was shot seated, he also drove home first, did not call 911..this man was itching and ready to take out a 'thug', cause he said so while in jail awaiting trial. That's first degree forethought. Dunn is now claiming, btw that he is the victim here and is akin to 'being a rape victim'. :roll:
Still doesn't sound feasible in the Zimmerman case. First degree means intent to kill, even the judge thought that is bullshit and got manslaughter on the table. From what I read a lot of people in the legal community agreed they totally over charged, if the purpose was a solid conviction they would have went with the obvious manslaughter. As far as the Dunn case from what I know they seems way more like murder two than murder one. He didn't know the victim prior, it wasn't a thought out crime that turned from something like robbery to murder or some kind of hit. It was a heat of the moment kind of thing. I'm hoping the sentence sticks but I really can't help but question something that seems so obvious to a rational person.
Always wear a holster on a chest rig to carry the hand cannon in the field. Unless it has an 6 1/2 to 8 3/8 barrel lengths with a good scope. You might not need a rifle.
Jordan Davis's parents were on Katie today...their lawyer was also there to answer questions...this case will be retried and they will try murder in the 1st degree again...they feel they can win... evidently Dunn is doing himself no favors flapping his mouth off in jail as well as writing letters to friends and family that are just outrageous...this guy has no conscience at all...i didn't realize that he left the scene of the crime and then went to a bed and breakfast to have pizza...who does that? how do you go out to eat after firing 10 shots at a car full of teenagers:smt011