Could you date a ww who was on the opposite side of "the verdicts"?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by medullaslashin, Feb 19, 2014.


Could you date a ww who was on the opposite side of the zimmerman/dunn verdicts?

  1. Hell no! That's a bad sign, a red flag.

    9 vote(s)
  2. Why not? It's not that big a deal.

    3 vote(s)
  1. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    As we all know, there are ww here who are as disgusted as most of us by the verdicts that let off zimmerman for killing trayvon and failed to convict dunn for murder.

    ...and there are others that believe that zimmerman and dunn could've been simply defending themselves -- based on their own testimony -- and justice was served.

    There are some who can see the racial and social implications and reverberations of these verdicts, ... and others who say there are none -- the victims could've been anyone. Race had nothing to do with it to them

    There are some who can identify with the outrage over these verdicts, and some who say "get over it".

    Question for the guys who know this shit is injustice: could you date a ww who came out on the opposite side? ...Who can't understand the outrage? ... Who believes that race had nothing to do with it? ... Who believes that Dunn and zimmerman could've been just defending themselves and justice was served?

    I already know how the "conservative" bm here will vote. Their purpose is as often about confusing the issue as anything else, so I'm pretty sure they'll say "yes, I'd date a ww on the opposite side". You can never trust "conservatives" to be genuine rather than cagey, so I'm leaving them out of this poll.

    ...But for those of us who are awake and aware, could you date a ww like that? Or would you break it off if she was on that side of the fence?
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  2. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    By breaking it off, you would clearly be signaling one thing......You could not tolerate an independent thinking woman as a jurist....She could not, as your woman, exercise the freedom of her conviction...Racially distinct from you, she would be subjected to your self-absorbed test of loyalty...... It would be your way or the high way.....
    A female mechanical robot, programmed to obey would be perfectly suited for such a challenge........
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    With the Dunn case no but with Zimmerman even though I thoroughly disagree with the verdict if someone used the old we weren't there so how we can know argument even though I don't agree I respect it.
    My big problem with most Zimmerman supporters wasn't really the shooting itself but the presumed attitude that Martin had to be a thug or a thug in training so it was a justified shoot.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Or that you have a different set of principles and in that case you shouldn't be together. Kind of like if I believe in helping the homeless and my SO doesn't because they think it promotes laziness. I can't be around someone like that so its better for both of us to find people who make us happy
  5. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    I don't let polititics or news media affect my dating life.

    Though if I did, I wouldn't let that get out. I don't want to be an uncle tom
  6. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    damn, that's a giant leap.

    I'd be offended by her independent thought? Nope.

    In fact, if she can't see how a bm would be outraged at the fact that any ol' armed fool can follow him, initiate a confrontation, kill him and get off based on his own account of what happened, I'd presume she's incapable of independent thought and likely just one of the psyched-out "pod people" for whom bm are always in the wrong. It's a syndrome which afflicts many. I wouldn't want to be massaging her feet, having her back, going down on her, or soaking in her juices. I'd cut it off.

    And regarding loyalty, yes, I'd like that. However, in spite of what you think, I'd like her loyalty to be to concepts of fairness and justice, not to me or bm.

    I'm loyal to fairness and justice. If a black man told a carload of white teens to turn the music down, then started shooting when they mouthed off, killed one, then went home and ordered a pizza, I wouldn't say he attempted murder but was defending himself when it comes the murder he succeeded at. To too many people, fairness and justice are strictly subjective, depending on who is involved. If I sense that she's one of those people, I'd cut it off.

    These are literally life or death issues. I'd like to know that she has the balance to be fair to all people and not be psychologically programmed to ignore all evidence when it comes to injustices against black people.

    One thing that I need to correct about this thread however -- I'd look for this in whatever woman I'd be with, not just ww. ... So I'd be turned off by whatever woman who thought justice was served in such obvious miscarriages; I'd cut off whatever kind of woman who was on the opposite side of those verdicts, black included.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    i couldn't based on the fact that zimmerman targeted the guy and racially profiled him. that to me is the issue.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    To be fair when you read the kinds of crimes going on in the area at the time Treyvon unfortunately fit the description of being young and black. Like I've said before this entire thing could have been avoid had he just called the cops and stayed in his car or at the very least identified himself as neighborhood watch.
  9. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Zimmerman was as egregious a miscarriage of justice as dunn.

    He followed trayvon into the darkness, knowing all along he had his gun with him. He disregarded the orders of the police to stay away. He didn't have to follow Trayvon Martin, didn't have to kill him, but he did, and got off on his own testimony.

    Then the wife-beater, cop assaulter went posing with the makers of the brand of pistol he killed Trayvon with.

    Just sayin. I wouldn't be with a woman who says that was self-defense. Something extra is going on her psyche to make her ignore circumstances like that, to not be skeptical of that verdict
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Like I said before I can understand how the situation happened, was he wrong? Absolutely no doubt about it but I don't think he approached the situation with Dunn I truly believe fat boy took on more than he could chew and panicked. Btw the dispatcher isn't the police and to be fair if you listen to the tape it does sound like they were coax him to figure out Treyvon's position before telling him to go back to his car. This situation has heavily sensationalized, my problem isn't with Zimmerman as much as it is with the Florida justice system. They didn't properly investigate the killing in fact they kept the body for three days before notifying his parents even though they had his cell phone, it took public outcry to fucking charge this guy and they had the nerve to charge him with the crime he didn't commit instead of the one he actually did. Zimmerman is the smallest piece of the puzzle to me.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    it's still racial profiling and just because he shared the same race as someone doesn't mean he should be victimized because of it. a white trayvon wouldn't be profiled period.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Is it racial profiling though? If it were solely his race I'd agree but he was wearing a hoody AND he was black. I don't doubt that there might be some merit to what you're saying they problem is how do you prove it, especially when the people committing crimes looked exactly like the victim. Had he been wearing flip flops and surfer shorts with a shells necklace then you'd have a point but I see how he could be mistaken for a criminal even if he wasn't. To me the big problem and what should have gotten Zimmerman arrested and tried on the spot is lack of identification. No reasonable person would accept be followed by an unidentified person in the dark and then when confronted still doesn't announce himself or reason for following you.
  13. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Silly question. But, I will answer. When a guy asks a woman out, he's not interested in her politics or philosophy. He would know that about her from the beginning. If the subject was brought up during a discussion, then there is no reason not to want to learn an opposite point of view. There is no viewpoint that warrants a break-up. It doesn't matter what race the woman or man is. All a person can do is express their concerns of that issue. In these things, there are no absolutes. No answers, or solutions. Just an individual's, thoughts, opinions, suggestions, visions, wishes and aspirations. Take it or leave it. Don't break up over it. James Carville and his wife are as opposite as fire and ice philosophically, and yet, they have stayed together.
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It depends.

    I mean if she was like of course GZ was innocent and clearly TM was a young thug on the, no. We couldn't be a couple. We could fuck though.:freehug::smt080

    I agree with what TDK said, if the disagreement is based on a general lack of info on the details, so be it.

    But I'm still gonna refer to Zimmerman as a murderer. Can she handle that??

    I'm really more concerned with how a woman and I function as a whole within the relationship, our personal respect and consideration for each other, than her political views.

    Most conservatives and libs that I meet IRL identify and recognize many of the same problems generally speaking that need fixing in this country. The disagreements are more about the method and process.

    I definitely could NOT date a right-wing ideologue who goes around spouting talking points and demonizing progressives. Nope.

    I can't be going to bed angry at my girl laying next to me for the thoughts inside her head.:rolleyes:

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    the proof is in hundreds of white kids wear hoodies and are never harassed. again if a white person a commits a crime, white person b,c and d aren't held to account for it.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    well this isn't some little issue. it really speaks on your worldview. this isn't about taxes....this is about human rights. btw carville and his wife are both neoliberals so the d and the r don't really matter. technically obama is center right.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Says who? It may not end in deadly force but in my town all the skater kids are harassed and all of them are white. People fitting their description always do dumb shit around here.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    are you serious right now? yeah whites are a victim of stop and frisk. they are also getting killed for loud music.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Do you know how to read? I said.... never mind lol
  20. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Very well said. I know this thread is geared towards men, but I'm chiming in anyways :cool:

    Independent thought is critical in a relationship (imo), however there are certain thoughts that would be deal breakers for me. Someone closed minded re: equality for ALL would never be someone that I could lay down with, or enjoy a future with. Long term relationships often times involve children and I refuse to raise my kids with a man who isn't willing to speak out against injustice, and fight for what's right. This goes across the board, not just with regard to the injustices against bm.

    Maybe this holds true for individuals who aren't really passionate about anything in life, but to me there are certain viewpoints that would warrant a break up. The simple fact is, if I'm looking to be with you long term...I need to know that we're in this together, fighting the fight together, trying to bring fairness and equality to people who don't currently enjoy the same rights/privileges/justice system that I do. If your viewpoints are on the opposite side of the fence from mine, on topics of that magnitude, I think I'd have trouble respecting you as my partner. I'd respect you as a human being, but I wouldn't be able to feel for you the way I should feel for my boyfriend/husband...because at the end of the day your (the general "your", not you specifically) viewpoint perpetuates discrimination and that is something I can't be a part of.

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