Not a white person this time, even black folks are getting in on this shit. I mean bustin shots for your car getting egged. Cmon man. Moreover what the fuck are these kids doing riding around at 1 A.M., shouldn't they be at home sleeping. Nothing good can happen on the streets that time of the night. This world has gone batshit crazy.
God these stories are sickening. I'm so tired of reading about kids being murdered. I agree with the point of nothing good coming about at 1am on the streets, but people seriously need to stop being so trigger happy. Your car is being egged so you grab your gun?? Wtf kind of thinking is that? RIP baby girl.
too many crazy knee jerk reactions happening with gun owners...something needs to happen like yesterday to educate gun owners...they should have to go to classes...pass a test...learn the laws...carry a license
stick up his butt...please tell me why he isn't a crazy motherfucker just like the white dudes that have been doing this...he killed a 15 year old girl
This crime is almost a week old and truth be told, I had to read about it in a British publication, so surprised to see an American national publication finally report it. These kids were revenge pranking the car for a Halloween prank the shooter's son played on them. Furthermore, he repeatedly shot into the car full of teens as they were fleeing in their car. Over eggs. And yes, he is being charged with 1st degree, thanks to the "racist--or-dumb-as-fuck DA"
The dude should not own a gun and yes he's a crazy fuckup, but it's a slightly different situation than the Dunn murder case. I agree it's insane how many people nowadays seem perfectly willing to fire off their guns in anger for any reason. There's obviously a backstory to this case. Wonder why they specifically targeted this individual's car for egging??
I'm just at a loss to grasp when I read these stories any more. The messed up part is there will be a few more to come this year. Need a value on life man. Once you pull that trigger its likely over. Now this girl with all her life ahead of her is gone forever. SMH.
How is this case different? The outcome is still the same, she is dead. Over music eggs and mayo. He is 48. At 15, her cognitive understanding was, 'it's just eggs". Eggs, man. And he didn't even know if she did it or was just waiting in the car. But he shot into a car full of unarmed teens, anyway.
Yep, in both cases its adults acting like hot headed, temper tantrum kids with deadly weapons in their hands. Both shooting into a car full of kids over shit that didn't call for that level of violence. Its like they both felt disrespected and figure I'm gonna teach these punks a lesson.
What's scary is that they felt the "lesson" had to be taught with a gun. This man was a father yet he felt ok firing into a car full of children. I honestly don't get it. I just can't wrap my head around this level of violence. Having your house (or in this case, car) egged is incredibly annoying I'd imagine, but how unstable does one have to be to grab a GUN as a defense against a group of kids with eggs and toilet paper? The increasing rate of these types of stories scares the shit out of me as a mother. Everything in me wants to wrap my kids in my arms and personally escort them throughout their entire lives.
So you're saying the DA for the Zimmerman and Dunn case wasn't racist or dumb as fuck? Justice is being dispensed evenly?
You have to understand....The impulse to return so often to that slant is the result of wide and strong that for all practical purposes it is now automatic.....
The case is different because everyone can expect the law to work in this case. The law isn't going to let this guy off. In the Dunn and Zimmerman (etc., etc., etc.) cases, everyone expected to be let down by the "justice" system, based on a long history of being let down by the "justice" system, and they weren't disappointed. Stop playing stupid. You're being disingenuous (and/or trolling) if you can't see the problem with "justice" being served up differently when the sociopathic murderers are white and the victims are black. The problems aren't the murders, though the crimes are sad enough. The problem is the "carte blanche" being granted to sociopathic bullies because they're white and their targets are black. Our outrage isn't over the crime, it's over the fact that law consistently won't punish the crime when the killer is white and the victim is black, based on the killer's word. If the killer is willing to tell a lie, he can kill black men without recourse. White people get that message, black people get that message, the entire society gets the message, including the children. That's a big problem that one day could come back to haunt the entire society, in all kinds of nasty scenarios. but anyway -- I've always said this about "Conservatives": they have no fealty to the truth. Somehow psychologically and spiritually they simply feel no need for it. From "the government is going to kill grandma" to stuff like defending the dunn and zimmerman verdicts (and insulting the outrage over them), they couldn't care less about the truth, logic or justice. When proven wrong, they just move on to other lies (and/or obfuscation, like always bringing up "black" crime to confuse these issues). It's some weird psychological or spiritual deficit they're simply beholden to -- a dedication to defending injustice, the race equation, and being an obstacle to progress. It's an especially curious phenomenon to see black people possessed by, but even more ugly to see among women who lay down with black men.