Going White

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by foxyred, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    How is that negative? It's his personal opinion.
  2. Apollonia

    Apollonia New Member

    Probably because of the context of the original OP question. Of course it is perfectly fine for people to have preferences. It is normal and natural.

    But I have never had a conversation with a non-black man that I was dating regarding my attraction to black men or if I would ever date a black man. And it has also never even occurred to me to ask a white guy if he would or would not ever date white women again.
  3. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Zero-sum game bro. If you are not gassing up a chick's ego it's "negative"
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    there's truth to this
  5. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  6. satyr

    satyr New Member

    White skin is an evolutionary adaptation to ancient European weather conditions, nothing magical there. Real magic requires some creativity and inspiration on her part.

    Men are also wired differently. A woman tends to hone in on specific qualities (including ethnic) and will rarely deviate from that formula over the course of her lifetime. A man usually wants something beautiful and fertile, which can be found anywhere.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You may not have, but in the context of IR relationships, it's not out of the realm of possibility that this subject arises from either party. Some say is bluntly as FoxyRed's experience has been with some men, others veil it in their 'preferences'. ie: "I ONLY date" WW or BM or BW or WM.

    You also see dating sites full of this verbiage. Sometimes profiles necessitate it due to the volume of responses not catering to one's preference, so it's not that obtuse to specify it.

    Sometimes also, it will alert you to their motives. For some, you might be their first encounter and it's a way to decipher if you are just an experiment if your date specifies to you, "I am not attracted to ____" or "I ONLY date ____." or I have never dated ____ before, but I do exclusively now"

    The only way to learn fully is to explore the conversation if a date brings up their preferences, ie, ask them '..and why is that so?', etc...nothing wrong in feeling your date/partner out.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  8. Apollonia

    Apollonia New Member

    OK...this makes sense.
  9. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Black man's opinion = "negative"
    White woman's opinion = "makes sense"

  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Real fucking talk
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    LOL...hey newsflash, women communicate with each other far better than men and women do. Example, ever had a debate/argument with TDK? You would understand if you have. Hair pulling. :smt001

  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I've never been in a relationship with a black woman, mostly because the ones I've been around never found me remotely desirable to seek something more than just friendship. I was either the brother type, the friend type, or lacking a certain personality. However, I've always been more attracted to white women in my entire life, plus my younger years, I wasn't too concerned about having a girlfriend since I just like being myself and be the introvert that I am.

    But, that sort of sentiment is shared with all women I've come across, regardless of ethnic background. However, with the few that I had a relationship with...all of them were white.

    My preferences are fairly obvious, so based on what I'm least attracted to, they would have to really blow my mind away for me to consider a relationship at all, let alone date.

  13. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Golden :smt023 Let the wise take heed!
  14. free816

    free816 New Member

    What I've learned these last 25 yrs her color doesn't matter if she hates her father, only thing I can offer her ass is advice
  15. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    There will always be exceptions, but on the whole, this is an excellent observation.
  16. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    This is funny. A girl I'm seeing now recently said "I couldn't see you with a black woman...it would have to be a specific type of black girl for you and those are rare".

    I've dated a black girl and was serious with her, but I do find myself more into white women from a personality perspective so IDK. I wouldn't dismiss a black woman but I'm into white women more.
  17. Apollonia

    Apollonia New Member

    This is very true.
  18. fantasyfangrl

    fantasyfangrl New Member

    agreed ... for me and my friends it doesn't matter the "color" ... we just seem to communicate better!
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Or women are far more likely to cow tow to one another. I've noticed that a lot on here. Women are more likely to "stand up" to men because its usually a safe bet that your opinions will be backed by the other women on here whether they fully agree with you or not. From what I gathered any less than favorable interaction with a man is looked at as bullying so it entices other women to band together. But when its usually one female versus another you are forced to stand on your own with your argument.
    Just my opinion
  20. fantasyfangrl

    fantasyfangrl New Member

    And you're entitled to your opinion even if its wrong :freehug:

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