Fox News is the premier network for all things news and since its inception, has really took control of the media business with its [obvious] conservative slant on politics, beating out other competitors such as Current, MSNBC, and CNN. But, it fails to hold up on one thing: accuracy and keeping audiences well informed. FOX News Makes You Less Informed Than No News For those looking for informative news sources, you won't find it in Fox News, let alone other partisan based broadcasts (sorry MSNBC and CNN), though the latter two manage to score higher than the No News category relating to information. Taken from the PublicMind survey, conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University, researches were to ask 1185 people about domestic affairs. It's a bit tricky, but the findings were astounding, as you can see below: This doesn't stop there. When asked about international affairs, the survey conducted shown that those who watch Fox News trailed behind those who watch no news. Even MSNBC failed to hit past the No News crowd in this department. It's pretty alarming when partisan affairs are suppose to keep you on your toes, yet it reaffirms that both networks are more about entertainment than keeping people honest. So, who's the clear winner here? Those who watch Sunday morning political shows and NPR, which is the leading program for all things news, domestic, international and media. As shown, they have scored significantly higher than others by a wide margin which goes to show that you can educate the masses and can still maintain success without having to resort to a base, just to make sure you can make people feel more empowered about their own nationalistic attitudes or perceived ideas.
Those stats are highly questionable IMO. The Daily Show at best covers 2-3 major stories per episode. You aren't getting the full range of domestic and international news. Oftentimes the comedy and satire obscures the actual news story itself. I know a lot of people apparently watch The Daily Show more than regular news programs, but I find it hard to believe they are more informed from watching it. I think somebody is confusing correlation with causation. I love to eat cornflakes. I can read spanish. Doesn't mean cornflakes help someone learn foreign languages. Also, most talk radio is right-leaning, just like Fox News. Yet people who listen to Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh 24/7 are more informed than folks who watch Fox News regularly?? Not buying it. If you don't know the people being surveyed or the questions they're being asked, it's hard to take a survey like this at face value. Rachel Maddow/Chris Matthews/Chris Hayes/Alex Wagner/Ed Schultz are all MSNBC program hosts and left leaning, but you can fact check the hell out of all the the stories they cover and rarely find them to be off on their facts. Ed Schultz has been criticizing the administration for weeks on the new trade deal(Fast Track Trade Authority) being pushed through Congress as another NAFTA that's going to drain more American jobs in the long run as more U.S. companies offshore their production. Who else is really talking about this?? I hate when people try to equate Fox and MSNBC as two sides of the same coin. Fox News spends all their time bashing the POTUS. Very little else goes on there. The truth is most people get their news from more than just one source. If all you do is watch the Daily Show, Fox, CNN or even MSNBC, you're only getting a fraction of the news.