Gun Nut Kills Two Innocent Neighbors On Their Own Property

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Frederick, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not most gun owners are more like your uncle. You would be surprised at how many people have a non-lethal round as the first round in their shotguns.
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    You are correct - it's Zoolander. One of my all-time favorite comedies.

  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I'm going to have to see it. Will Ferrell is hilarious!
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Nor would it have happened if it was an old white lady with a gun as the homeowner. Of course this nut wouldn't shoot 2 old ladies, so it's an apple and oranges example, TDK.

    Anyway, on the flipside, while different circumstances, THIS is what fuels and adds credence to the 'fear'......which is to be 'weary of door knockers in distress... and have a gun for protection'....Just an awful, awful story.. :smt085

    Grandfather, 69, shot dead after opening door for 20-year-old man who said he was being pursued by men with baseball bats
  5. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    It IS different. Go to India while wearing the uniform of the Pakistani army. Of course you will get shot by someone non white. Duh
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Actually no its not an apples and oranges thing. It exemplifies the growing and accepted paranoia in this country of perceiving black people as threats on sight. You don't have to do much if anything at all to make someone feel like deadly force is the only way to deal with us. Seriously how many more examples do you need Bliss?
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I really don't think he'd have shot 2 little old black ladies, either. Just my opinion.

    Speaking of 'more examples' that you ask 'do I need", why not show deadly force/murder numbers 'committed against you for not doing much, if anything at all', by those exhibiting 'White privilege'? (as you put it).
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well it's understanding and belief that you can get away with harming black people and not have to answer for it. Look at the guy who shot and killed the kid at the Florida gas station, the Treyvon Martin situation, stop and frisk in NY.
    Are there going to be people screaming white power as they do these things? Probably not but my point is the ease and comfort in which certain people feel like they have a justifiable right to encounter blacks suspiciously based on the most minor of infractions and when they feel the slightest bit threatened can shoot to kill.
    And I will agree perhaps the fast action to deadly force doesn't take place with with bw the same way it does with bm, when they can tell that they are women, but there is something continuously being made clear in the last couple of years. The hunt is on and we're the prey.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Stop & Frisk, while very controversial and probably a discussion thread in itself, is not deadly force, so let's speak to deadly force here.

    Also, the verdict is not in yet on the Florida man who shot the teen in the parking lot. Is he any different in maniacal paranoid behavior than the man who shot the father in the movie theater for texting? While I'm not disagreeing with you that deadly things happen to Black people for not much incitement, please understand also that it happens to white people as well, for much the same. Even if the motives/details are different, the ill-willed outcome is identical -someone is murdered for some petty bullshit.

    When you state the message being continuously made clear is that the hunt is on and you are the prey, where do you obtain your information? I don't ask that to be smart, it is a genuine question. Is it from the media? Or from FBI stats?
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's a mixture of all of the above as well as life experience. When you read about the incarceration rate in this country as well as the arrests that lead to incarceration and you see how disproportionately "justice" is dispensed you get a sense of wow there is a type of targeting going. I use stop and frisk as an example because its a further desensitization which paints people of color as only one way. You see a black person they HAVE to be a criminal, after all why do I always see them being stopped by the police, why do I see them on television get arrested, why do I see them on the corners not working. They must be a lazy bunch of people who don't want to work and only want to steal after all our prisons are filled with mostly blacks. So when you sum up highly unemployed, most likely to be arrested and convicted there is a creation of fear that they, meaning black men, are going to try and hurt you because that's what they do. And to be absolutely fair if I were a white person who is sheltered and marginally ignorant I would be scared too and this is what leads to the idea that its ok to kill a black man. It was never more clear than when I followed the Martin Zimmerman case. There was an inconceivable amount of support for a person who followed a teenager at night with a gun. It could and would never be accepted the other way. I don't need hard data to know this because I live here, I see the fear. It may not apparent if you don't see it but it is there.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Really good read, I don't disagree with most all of what you said here..

    My main contention is to ask how much of what you wrote is regarding perceptions, but not necessarily representative of actual deadly force? You seem to digress from the original point-of-reference in order to cite certain Black and White's opinions which, while they can and do produce deadly results, what are the quantitative numbers of White on Black murder for you to declare WP are the hunters and you are the prey?

    I harp on this request not to discount what you personally feel, and believe me, I feel often the same despair and anger about my loved ones when they are targeted for nothing more than their blackness, so I'm not discounting your experiences and prism view, I just like to break down how much of it today is it perception that a disproportionate number of race-motivated murder is occurring against BP by WP, versus the actual numbers?

    (ps; fyi, Black male incarceration is falling, which is a great thing going into the future)
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well to be fair I really don't have numbers since its unlikely for a perp to admit to a racially motivated crime since it carries a much heavier sentence but from the narrative of living in this country for more than 30 years I can honestly say that racially motivated crimes against whites by blacks is very unlikely for a number of reasons. One being that a lot of the crimes blacks commit against whites are usually robberies and home invasions and not because the victims are white but white people are more likely to have things worth stealing since there are more white people in general. Even hateful comments I've seen from blacks regarding white people is usually reactive, it's rare that I ever see or hear about an overt superiority complex where blacks feel as if they are better than whites to exact any kind of violence towards whites purely based on their skin tone. I could be wrong but I've yet to see it as frequently as I do the other way around. And again I haven't seen any hard numbers but when I see a lot of the crimes involving whites on blacks its rarely if ever a crime of necessity or greed, I can't recall a situation where whites were stealing or robbing middle class blacks. Not saying it has never happened but what I do see and hear about are assaults or other violent interactions, that paints a particular picture for. That also coupled with a lot of right wing propaganda that has white America fearful of losing "their" country shows me the seeds that lead to a thinking that can only breed xenophobia. I also notice the liberal bs of standing with blacks and latinos on camera but would never actually have one of them at their homes. A lot of them make their bread and butter parading around the poor and disenfranchised in order to get votes but at the same time alienate the white demographic going through the same struggle which builds even more resentment.
    I seriously could go on for pages but my overall point is there aren't actual numbers but I don't have the actual numbers on which governments are tapping phones and isp addresses but the writing is on the wall and I can see it.
  14. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    They love to play the crazy card.
  15. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    People completely discount how people act when they feel they have impunity.

    Fact is, there are whole swathes of people in this country who wake up snarling and growling about black people and go to bed snarling and growling about black people. Signal that they have impunity to fire, and what do you get? People looking to fire.
  16. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    This country is starting to feel like a Viking encampment in one of those movies, where you bump into a guy and he challenges you to obligatory combat. At any time we live in fear of the slightest misstep or affront leading to death. Bump someone? Die. Listen to music in the store parking lot? Die. Cut someone off on the highway? Die. Walk home from the store? Die. Walk home inebriated? Die. Ask for help with your car? Die.

    Could death not be the end result of every single casual encounter? I'm not against guns for self-defense in the home or hunting food, but this guns blazing thing is sickening.
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I couldn't agree with you more. I've always been pro-2nd Amendment. But, lately, with all of the shootings going on for no reason, it's made me rethink my stance and wonder if it's still valid.

    A month or so ago, some guy allegedly cut someone off in traffic through a merge, and the guy who was cut off, took out a gun and shot the guy. The guy didn't even realize he was shot until a later. He ended up being shot in the shoulder. So, I can only imagine that the guy doing the shooting was going for a head shot. Seriously?!? For cutting you off at a merge? WTF is wrong with people? And imagine if the guy had a child in the backseat. The bullet may have hit the child instead.

    I've had the same feeling that this land is becoming lawless.

    It's a scary time to be living. People are out of work and desperate. Or other factors are contributing to the craziness that people are experiencing.
  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The problem is that we have too many high-powered, corporate interests that are drafting and getting laws changed in this country.

    The gun lobby thinks there aren't enough guns in the hands of all Americans.

    The fossil fuel lobby is opposed to any investment and research in alternative fuels.

    The pharmaceutical industry is against any FDA approval or extended trials for new drugs.

    The medical lobby wants to put a cap on payouts for malpractice lawsuits.

    When the powerful and the rich are making laws that benefit mainly themselves, the people at street level are the ones who get fucked.

    It amazes me how many folks appear not to give a shit about taking the life of a stranger.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  20. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    It's made even worse by the fact that people with guns tend to be a lot more brave and a lot more reckless. I strongly doubt that the guy in the movie theater who shot the father for texting would have said anything if he didn't have his gun with him. The same thing with Zimmerman: if he didn't have a gun and didn't want to play wannabe police officer that never would have happened.

    I don't think the Second Amendment should be abolished but sometimes I wonder if this country is obsessed with guns to the point of self-destruction.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014

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