Effing heartbreaking..simply outrageous. Beyond devastating. BTW, a more fitting title is... PARANOID, DELUSIONAL, HOMICIDAL MANIAC MURDERS TWO INNOCENT NEIGHBORS.
The whole "I shot 'em 'cause they was on my property" concept is just so insane to me. Standing on a piece of land that belongs to someone else justifies murder?!?? Seriously, every time I hear someone use that as a defense.....
Now I have to wonder would he have shot them had they not been black? Maybe its because its the only thing the media reports but it always seems like a lot of white people in this country feel so incredibly threatened by the mere presence of a black person they jump to kill or be killed mode. Or maybe on some level they really feel like they'll get away with it so it doesn't matter because if it happens the other way around or whites do it to other whites I don't read about or see any videos posted about it.
I don't think being a gun owner is what motivated him to slaughter the two brothers. It goes way deeper than that. ...... It sure smells of a hate-crime. Now can't say for sure, as he did previously own that section of land and there are two sheds near each other on both lands, but the fact that he never even fired a warning shot, or warned them to vacate if he thought they were breaking into 'his' shed - I mean he was hidden in his house, he could have called 911, he could have warned them, damn! Also, there was nothing of value in the shed, and nothing belonging to the killer, either. Seriously, these were two mature-looking men, my gut makes me question whether this maniac might have learned the land was sold and sold to BP and he wasn't having none of it! The fact that he also didn't render any help to either, makes me puke. So sick of this extreme reckless disregard for lives that's going on in this country.
Totally agree with this. Nothing else makes sense unless we find out he has some kind of mental disease
I can't even process this story. Senseless doesn't begin to describe it. What happened to pulling out a gun as a last resort?? When did drawing on someone and shooting become a first option?? When I was a kid visiting my uncle's family during the summer in Roxbury, Mass, he had guns and was a former cop. But we never saw the guns. We didn't go looking for them either because that would have been our asses.:smt022 There were a couple times he thought his house was being broken into, (one time it was his teenage son sneaking back home on a Sunday morning), anyway my Uncle would be as loud as he could possibly be on the way downstairs and told whoever it was he thought he heard 'you better not be in my living room muthafucker..etc.' before he TOLD the intruder he had a gun and to get the hell out of his house. It was funny and a little scary hearing my uncle yell his ass off talking to someone he couldn't see, at least that's how it felt when I was a kid. Whoever it was took one of the components of his stereo, but nobody got shot. Nobody got killed. Because my uncle had no desire at all to smoke somebody and actually preferred to have the thief simply leave his house. Even if my uncle had confronted a thief in the act of stealing, I think he would have tried to threaten him into leaving his house at gunpoint, and only shot if the guy charged him. Even after that break in, my uncle didn't buy more guns. He bought a German Shepard and later on two rottweilers.:smt080 I just don't get people who are so gung-ho to murder someone without doing everything they possibly can to resolve a situation without shooting someone dead. Like the story about that ex-cop who shot the guy for texting on his cell phone. So someone is annoying in a movie theatre. So the fuck what?? It's like the fringe elements in our society suddenly feel empowered to use deadly force regardless of the circumstances.
In the comments section of the link in the OP, a friend of the killer said the killer was always stupid, but not crazy.:smt006 Murdering those two men for no apparent reason is definitely insane.
this is just insane...those men didn't stand a chance...the shooter must have been delusional to do something so crazy...watching too many westerns shooting someone out the window of his house... if you just bought a new property one of the first things you would do is check out any existing buildings left on the property
Until I see people from all walks of life being killed like this I'm calling it racism. How often do you hear of non white people killing people because they felt threatened. Seems like another extension of white privilege where you think its acceptable on some leave to kill a person of color. If it were two old white ladies it wouldn't have happened.
Cases like this and the guy who was killed at the movie theater over texting are evidence that gunlovers buy guns in the hope that they'll one day "have to" use them.
I feel this way too. You would think someone would be making a mint off gun ranges nationally where a gunowner can get that jonez fed for firing his weapon. Too many oddballs out here are packing.
I've been feeling that way more and more these days. Yeah, I understand the concept of self-defense and all but who needs to to take a gun to a movie theater? I wonder what goes through a person's mind to make them think they have to carry everywhere they go?
This is not uncommon in West Virginia. They go by a more frontier type of justice. And it's not just against black folks. White folks get shot all the time there too. My ex-wife was from there and my ex-father in law was in law enforcement and he told me if you are lost never use someone's driveway to turn around. Chances are you will get shot at. He said it happens to him about once a month, and he's in uniform. WV is a crazy assed backwards state!
A lot. go to compton in a red track suit, bet you you'll get shot, stabbed, or beat by somebody non-white.