Did you mean this as a stand alone statement, or as a response to what I wrote? Because, I'm not sure what this has to do with what I said.
I think most pro-choice advocates know exactly what happens when a woman terminates a pregnancy. However ending a life isn't the same IMO as killing a person. We endorse killing people all the time in this country. There's a hypocrisy on the pro-life side argument in that they are ONLY pro-life as it pertains to the life of an unborn fetus. Pro-life people would bring more supporters to their side if they were pro-life in all circumstances ; war, poverty, capital punishment, environmental protections, public health, gun laws. You can't be honestly pro-life but ONLY when it's about abortion. If you really are pro-life, let's try to give a damn about the living too and improving the duration and quality of those lives already here. If there's a fire at a hospital and you have a choice of saving 15 fertilized ovum prepped for fertility treatments, or five 2 year olds, is there any real thought about what 99% of most people would do??
Pro-lifers aren't homogeneous. They are much more then the stereotype of the hypocritical conservative. There are all kinds of different pro-lifers, who believe lots of different things. All these groups have pro-lifers among them. Religious Atheists Men Women Old Young Feminists Doctors Scientists Homosexuals But none of that matters. Because like I said, the two sides of this debate aren't even arguing the same thing. One sees the glass as half empty, the other sees a bowl full of grapes.
Well prolifers love to criticize people and force choices on them that they won't have to be involved in. So call it even?
Stop generalizing. I'm pro-life. Who have I criticized and who did I force to make a choice that I won't be involved in? I am for life and I would encourage someone to choose that, but I have yet to condemn someone for choosing abortion, even though I don't agree with it. Who says pro-lifers only care about abortions, that we do not care about what happens after we prevent one, that we support the death penalty? I have yet to meet a pro-lifer who supports the death penalty. The ones I know believe that's Gods job, to take life. My best friend from high school is now the executive director of A Woman's Concern. http://www.pregnancylancaster.com Adoption referrals is one of the many sevices they offer and we have a number of good adoption agencies in our area, not to mention private adoption services. But they also offer pregnancy counseling (including information about abortion) and after-abortion counseling. Thousands of women have abortions and suffer emotionally and psychologically for years. No one ever talks about that... If a fetus is just a bunch of cells or a "thing" or "parasite" (disgusting descriptions), why would they suffer any emotional consequences?
That's not true of any of the pro-lifers I know. Many consider an unborn child to be a person, the difference is that we understand that until a certain point in the pregnancy, it's not an "unborn child". In the first few weeks, it's simply a group of growing cells. This is where the issue of science vs religion/beliefs comes into play IMO. Science has fully outlined the process a pregnancy goes through (and the fact that it's really no more than a cluster of cells in the beginning)...it's your beliefs that determines a pregnancy to be a "person" from the moment of conception.
You are truly delusional on this topic. If the country were overflowing with parents dying to adopt there wouldn't be children who go through the system their entire lives. And the truth is pro-lifers are generally conservatives and conservatives are usually for the death penalty get where I'm going? Until I see or hear you people offer to take care of the unborn "child" fall back
Because there's a stigma attached to abortion, perpetuated by many pro-lifers. Pro-lifers loitering around high schools with 6 foot long banners showing gruesome late term abortion pictures. Picketing providers offices that offer terminations. Making young women feel less than because they choose not to continue an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy. These women struggle with the decision to terminate, of course there will be emotional consequences.
TDK, I KNOW parents who have gone through the nightmare of adoption only to be turned down or have the mother change her mind!! For whatever reason, adoption is hard in this country. A co-worker adopted 3 boys, all overseas - two Korean and one Vietnamese. Why?! There are many parents out there waiting for a child, of any race, to give a home to. PS Men are more likely to support the death penalty than women. You're a man so that must mean....
That may happen for some. Over the years, I've read countless stories of women who happily aborted and regretted it years - sometimes many years - later. Especially after they'd had other children. Because they realized too late, that they took a life. Not because someone paraded around with a banner.
I've been in the medical field since I was 18, and I've never seen a patient "happily abort". Most people I've seen never thought they'd be there, laying in the stirrups. I absolutely agree that some women ending up regretting their decision to terminate. I think a lot of people have opinions here, but like most things in life...until you're in a position of dealing with something personally it's hard to really understand what someone goes through. I've been there. Pregnant at 17 and scared shitless. My mom was the one who actually had a deep conversation with me about termination (she was a mom at 16). I would've had her support either way, but she knew first hand the life I would've had ahead of myself. I do regret my decision sometimes...but not because I think abortion is wrong, not because I feel like I took a life, and not because I'm a mom now...I regret it because I had no idea at 17 how strong I really was. Maybe I could've managed a baby and continuing my education to make something of myself. Who knows. It's the what-ifs that bother me...not the abortion itself. Bottom line, I made a decision and it's mine alone to deal with. More relevant to this story though...as a victim of rape, I'd never be able to keep his child. A constant reminder of that horrific act...no way. It's hard enough just dealing with the memories (a smell, a sound...anything can trigger a flashback). I hope that little girl (and her family) understand the impact seeing that little face may have on her. Resentment can rear it's ugly head and make a "brave decision" become a nightmare.
LOL at the spin going on in this thread. RIght now there's a nationwide movement, state by state, to turn back abortion rights and restrict access to providers. A political movement led by prolifers. Eliminating all abortions in America is their ONE issue. I've never seen a prolife rally to improve the living conditions of impoverished children, or promote job creation in poor communities, or to end the death penalty. Prolifers are almost cult-like in their opposition to abortion. If their movement were more comprehensive prolifers would have more general support from most people. For those who are applauding this young GIRL'S decision, if this were your 14 year old daughter, would you really be encouraging her to keep the baby of her rapist?? I guess she could always give the child up for adoption.
Yes. And here's why: Psalm 139:13 New Living Translation (NLT) You (God) made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
as a mother, no i would not encourage her to keep the baby or carry the baby for that matter...at age 14 to take 9 months of her life to carry a baby to term is something that just doesn't set well with me...the teenage years are already so delicate that i would be concerned about the long term psychological impact...
I'm not applauding her decision, but I do think my job as a mother is to help steer my children in the right direction. I'm older, wiser and better equipped to make some decisions for them. If my daughter was adamant about having her rapists child, I'd ultimately support her...but I'd damn sure try to talk some sense into her. I honestly think some people don't understand the LONG STANDING ramifications of rape. A cute little baby doesn't fix or help anything.
This is the second time you've said this. Just because I'm a person of spiritual faith and believe in God doesn't mean I take the Bible literally, or choose to selectively interpret passages to fit in with my own political/social view. The main problem I have with anti-choice advocates is they only place a high value on unborn life and aren't really that concerned with the plight of the living in general. Don't be a religious bigot, Paniro. In a free and tolerant society, not a theocracy, Matthew 22:21 is the most apt Bible verse for the devout; 21 ....Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. Abortion is legal. If you're morally and spiritually opposed to it, don't get one.