I don't really see it as something positive because I don't think 14 year olds should be having kids. She was not only raped but she had precious years stolen from her. I hope she has an incredibly strong support system and not just people who will cheer her on from distant yet do nothing while she's struggling to grow up and take care of a child that was literally forced on her. And to me less than ideal would be getting pregnant due to wrecklessness, get pregnant due to rape is a crime literally.
Duh. I didn't mean the rape was positive. And, if you'd read the article, it mentioned that her family has been a huge support to her.
Why should contraception and birth control education be mandatory only for young women? They aren't getting pregnant by themselves! And no amount of education would've helped in this situation.
I can't believe this kid has raped 3 girls and is allowed to go to public school...he should be in a juvenile detention center...i sure hope that his parents are contributing to the welfare of this baby and they are slapping him with child support payments
But they more than likely have to deal with the consequences by themselves which means they should take extra care of their own bodies. And education may not have helped this particular situation but it would help with most unplanned pregnancies. Contraceptives work far better than telling kids with poor impulse control to just abstain. Its absolutely ridiculous to think otherwise.
Child support from where? He's going to be a convicted rapist where the hell is he going to get a job?
you didn't read the article...they didn't charge him as an adult...he does not have to register as a sex offender...he was charged with molestation:|
did you not read the article where it clearly states that he does not have to register as a sex offender...WTF is wrong with you...i thought you were smarter than the average bear around here
I am not disagreeing with you. Relax woman lol Just saying I don't get how molestation isn't a sex crime regardless of whether he's being charged as an adult or a juvenile.
well if you had the read the article the school board didn't even know about the incident when her parents asked that he be removed from the school
some very good points made by a, since, saty, lippy and very much sammy's above. whilst i think that the young girl is very brave, keeping a reminder of a horrific act around for the rest of your life isn't for everyone. as for the 3 slaps on the wrist to that rapist...just disgraceful. when will rape be viewed as the violent crime that it is and be dealt with properly?
S1980,those pro lifers are hypocrital on their lives especially if their daughter,wife,or aunt got raped. The young lady has courage but,most are not going to carry to term a child of a rapist. They even want women to keep the baby in spite of rape,incest,or the life of the mother is in danger. They want to be anti government but,pro government when it comes to controlling a woman's body. BTW,are they going to take care of the kids if the mother needs help? No.
Ok we probably need to stop with these "discussions". Because each side isn't even discussing the same thing. Pro-lifers consider an abortion as killing a PERSON. Pro-choice people do not consider a unborn child to be a PERSON. If pro-lifers didn't consider a unborn child to be a PERSON they wouldn't care about abortion. It would be just another medical procedure. If a pro-choice person considered a unborn child as a PERSON they wouldn't approve of abortion. Nobody would endorse killing a PERSON because their existence is a burden. So everything else is just spinning our wheels. IMHO
Pro lifers want to save the person but,will not have the responsibility of helping that person to adulthood.