My heart breaks that this girl had her childhood destroyed. But I'm glad she chose life. This reminds me of an article I read, about anti-abortion activists who themselves were conceived in rape and incest.
Why are we making news out of an intensely personal decision for this young woman?? Most women who end up pregnant from rape don't get abortions. Most women period regardless of circumstances do not get abortions. Many if not most pro-choice advocates would personally NOT get an abortion if they experienced an unplanned pregnancy, but they still believe as a matter of law a woman's right to get an abortion should not be infringed. I dated more than a few avowed feminists who jumped at the chance to march in pro-choice rallies, and to a woman if they had gotten pregnant off schedule, they would have kept the baby. It still doesn't change the fact that in the first trimester I don't think there should be any restrictions on a woman's right to abort a pregnancy. If men still carried the same status in society AND were able to bear children, this wouldn't be an issue. When we outlaw the death penalty, get back to me about making abortion illegal.
I'm with andreboba on this one. I'm pro-choice and I have no problem with her choosing to have the baby. A lot of pro-life people that I come across seem to believe that is pro-choice folks believe that abortions should be mandatory which is completely at odds with the designation "pro-choice." What bothers me more is the way that the article damn near glosses over the fact that her rapist is still allowed to attend school with her. Yeah, I know that this story comes from a pro-life website but still, it's concerning.
That and this is the dudes third offense and he does not even have to register as a sex offender. He has been getting away with rape with as little as a slap on the wrist. Little to no concern was given to these facts.
Because it IS fact. According to the Centers For Disease Control (CDC), there were 765,651 abortions in 2010(still a crazy high number IMO). In 2010, there were also over 3.9 million births. That doesn't include miscarriages, etc. That's a better than 5:1 ratio of births versus abortions in the U.S. Seriously, common sense should tell you Paniro that MOST women don't get abortions. EDIT: If that was my little girl who had to go to school with her rapist, my ass would either go insane or end up in jail. For the well-being of all interested parties, her rapist should have been shipped off to another school/school district.
If I could any more rep for these two, I would. Let me add, if men carried babies, not only would abortion not be an issue but there'd be advertisements for them on TV, drive thru service and 2 for 1 specials on slow days.
Common sense Andreboba, would have you ask of the 3.9 million births, how many were UNPLANNED? Then compare those numbers with the ratio of abortions. And you can forget the CDC's stats because - California, Delaware, Maryland, and New Hampshire do NOT provide abortion reports to the federal government. And Since California decline to comply with the CDC's requests for abortion data......and since California ALONE accounts for more abortions than any other state in the U.S (23%, last count in 1998 ), CDC totals are statistically incomplete. A more thorough number would be garnered from is the research arm of Planned Parenthood, who is the world's largest abortion provider. ON AVERAGE, the ratio is 4 abortions per every 10 unplanned pregnancies.. so not really 1 in 5, more-like, just under half of women chose abortion.
Classic propaganda. Remember ladies, no matter how violated and despondent you feel after your run-of-the-mill rape, there is a special bundle of joy growing inside of you. Everything happens for a reason. God bless
Why is this news? Either you're Conservative and believe in privacy and non government interference or you're Liberal and believe that it's a woman choice and she made her choice. So what's the conversation about?
To demonstrate the simple fact that just because a woman was raped and got pregnant doesn't mean the only answer is abortion. We tend to think that nothing good can come of a pregnancy that begins in less than ideal circumstances. Why does half the stuff that makes the news, make the news? At least this was something positive.
If we're talking actual live births, I don't see why whether or not the child was planned or not is relevant. Both married/unmarried women have abortions. 40% of the births in 2010 happened to unmarried women(roughly 1.5 million), so by definition using marriage as the standard, the overwhelming majority of those births were not planned. My point was comparing how many babies are born against how many abortions there are in a given year, and most women who get pregnant AREN'T getting abortions. That prolife stat is highly misleading; half of all pregnant women don't get abortions. Unless you have a survey detailing the reasons why women get abortions, only comparing abortion numbers to unplanned pregnancies is not an accurate number. Hell the CDC has 4 different categories for unplanned pregnancies, so applying all abortions to a specific subset of total births is inaccurate too. (IMO prolifers use this tactic to make it appear that abortion numbers are much higher percentage wise than they really are. For a prolifer, ONE abortion is too many.) Here's a better stat; among intentional pregnancies, women who planned to get pregnant(regardless of marital status) 59% of women with less than a HS education wanted to have their baby, 60% of women with only a HS diploma wanted to have their baby, 63% of women with some college education wanted to have their baby, and 83% of women with a degree wanted to have their baby. Better education overall, including educating young girls about the importance of contraception and birth control, is the BEST way to lower the rate of abortions. I never understood why pro-lifers are not only against abortion, but really aren't too tough about making contraception available to all and birth control education mandatory for adolescent and teen girls. Do Bliss and Ches believe than effective contraception is a lesser form of 'abortion', because the potential birth of a child is denied? BTW I know people who think like this.