Congratulations Texas: Your Laws Are Truly Horrific

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Morning Star, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It shouldn't take one to notice the most recent abortion debate in Texas. And now, the worst [and expected] outcome came to form:

    It's up to the courts now to decide the outcome and as of now, the fetus (aka parasite) is just 22 weeks old, but "experts" would have to wait 25 weeks to determine whether that thing is capable of living outside of the womb. Not only we're dealing with incredulous political leaders and laws, but we're also reminded that this particular debate is purely political and surely not in the best interest of the family.

    As for those who cry, "But what about the baby?!"

    Here's my answer: Once that THING's umbilical cord is detached from the womb, it's a viable, living organism. However, as long as it's sapping away the nutrients of the host, spare me the emotional satirical nonsense, and just realize that it's just a wasteful burden. In the case of the deformed baby, this will never be a truly viable living organism because the family, if the courts rule in favor of the hospital and they decide to keep the dead mother alive, would have to deal with something with so many problems mentally and physically and they would have to rely on public assistance, in which many political leaders in Texas feverishly loathes in many circumstances.

    Short-sighted thinking can lead to long term disasters and this proves it.

    In short: Fuck your convictions, fuck your irrationality, and above all fuck you because we could be seeing Texas giving the big fuck you to a family who did not want any of this to happen.
  2. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    MS there are so many assumptions in that sentence. How long was the mother without oxygen? At 22 weeks, this fetus could be's no longer just a clump of cells...have you seen a 22 week old fetus?

    This is such a sad case. That mother should've been taken off life support weeks ago. Instead they let this shit continue and they now have potentially a viable life (albeit with possible disabilities) that they're considering terminating. Should've NEVER gotten to this point.
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Regardless of how long she's lacked oxygen, the outcome, according to the doctors, is that the fetus will be deformed. That's a fact. But I do agree that this should have never turned into a political affair, especially with these crazy laws enacted in Texas.

    It's a fiscally conservative state and the family lack the resources to get any real help. This is one hell of a burden on them and I do feel sorry for them a lot.

  4. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    SO sad. If that child is as disabled as they believe, the burden will be substantial for that family. Breaks my heart for them considering they tried to follow moms wishes from the get go. Now what?? They're the ones paying for a choice that wasn't theirs. Ugh...just infuriating. Goes back to the point that people shouldn't have that kind of decision making power over someone else.
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Exactly...and I have to say, it makes me question the state of the national affairs when we're dealing with people who simply want to further an agenda, solely to make the lives of others miserable.

  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    actually i don't believe the family is obligated to take the baby...they may release the baby to the state...
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Horrible idea. Very horrible. I'd say terminate.

  8. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    not to mention that his selection of the word parasite which is incorrect as well. No matter what side of this argument you are on, you'll find that MS uses terminologies that don't match up. Since I don't want to derail, I'll let it go.

    If you asking why they did it. I think they were going off of stats. I really wouldn't think at 17 weeks that the baby would survive so I don't exactly lean on their side. The odds were against that from the get go.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2014
  9. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I had read that the she was 14 weeks pregnant when found unconscious by her husband? Either way, 14 weeks or 17, that fetus was not viable. She should never have been put on life support, against the families wishes, to sustain the life of the fetus.

    As for MS's choice of the word might not be the most pc term, but its not too far from the truth.

    It's not a very kind description of a new pregnancy, but factually speaking it seems fairly accurate.
  10. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Wonder what the baby's fate would've been had the mother's health not been compromised, but the baby was still found to be deformed? Would they have aborted him/her?
  11. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i find this whole story disturbing that a hospital would put a woman on life support without the family's consent...there was just a case of a brain dead young girl that the family wanted to keep her on life support and the hospital was threatening to pull the plug...WTF:confused:
  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    IMHO, they never should've put the woman on life support; they should've let nature takes its course.
  13. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    please clarify

    I wonder if you actually mean this the way that you've phrased it. Do you really believe that a baby isn't "a viable, living organism" until the umbilical cord is detached? By that logic, a perfectly healthy 9 month old baby within hours of natural delivery still isn't a viable living organism. It's still just "sapping away the nutrients of the host," its mother. Is this what you mean?

    It's also not quite accurate to say that it's "sapping away" the mother's nutrients, as that would imply that the mother has a finite supply of energy/vitality that is in danger of being exhausted. Obviously, pregnant women tend to take in enough nutrients to account for a growing fetus. We've all heard of "eating for two."

    Anyway, please correct me if I've misunderstood. But in my experience, once people take hard-line (usually extreme) positions--in either direction--their arguments get more hyperbolic and less rational.
  14. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member


    I admit that I haven't followed this story closely. But thus far, I tend to agree with this statement.
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You need to read the post again. I'll reiterate that once the umbilical cord is severed (that part where nutrients are fed into the baby from the mom), only then would it be considered a viable living organism. Since it's no longer feeding away the nutrients from the mother (recall that pregnancies results in fatigue as one of the many symptoms throughout the pregnancy), the baby can actually manage, though will require lots of nurturing outside of the womb until it's actually able to fully develop the ability to crawl and such.

    My post is far from being irrational either, nor extreme. Rather, it's just being brutally honest on the whole ordeal. Some people prefer the fluffy route instead of the cold hard truth.

  16. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    That definition is from the free dictionary website not exactly the most credible of sites.
  17. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha you're joking right?! A definition is a definition. Check websters and get back to me :cool:
  18. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    He needs a more "credible" source like the website.

  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Political affair? What are you talking about? Political in your own head, you mean.

    Crazy laws enacted in Texas? 30 other U.S States have the same law!

    And no where does it state the family lack the resources to get help. Did you make that up??
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    our fact checker has arrived:smt043

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