Thoughts? Comments? http://livinginthedeadcity.weebly.c...t-interested-in-you-cognitive-dissonance.html
I agree but he does have a point. Women across the spectrum do seem to reach up, rarely across, and never down. They over value their stock in the dating market place in terms of looks. I will continue to say its really not their fault since more attractive men (men in general) will often bed girls below their attractiveness quotient which signals the deception that these women can "get" these men.
Some of the things he said make sense,but especially when it comes to something a little more serious than a fling, there are other factors playing a role in deciding who to invest time and effort in,aside from outter appearance. In that case an average looking guy may be happy with an also average looking female,if he sees things in her which he finds important in a relationship partner.
I think his point is average looking guys will go for average girls but they won't return the same interest mainly because they think they can do "better" in the looks department. I see all the time, fat women refuse to date fat men, short women won't date short men and poor won't date poor men.
i read the article and i ll agree with what you are saying. it s pretty generalizing, but mostly true. nevertheless i find it (the article) kind of discriminating. i think everybody should have the freedom to seek what they are attracted to and not *just* be valued by their looks. i mean, you can spin that on- when will we come to the point where we ll say again black ppl may only date black and white only white. it s just one step away.
I disagree. It's about what's physically appealing and race doesn't always exemplify that. I think his generalizations point to a real truth. You can't be super picky if you don't have much to offer physically.
you cant? well you can. the question left is if you ll be lucky to find someone love you nevertheless. you can be superlooking but if you have a character not worth a 50 cent you should not think you can be too picky either. (you is ment in general)
That was part of the blog to. Not only were these women below average in looks but personality. I think it's worth mentioning that in order for someone to care about what your personality is like you have to be attractive otherwise what's the point
he is saying indirectly women should settle...i dont agree they shouldnt be stringent on bs standards such as he must be 6'1 and millionsaire
No he's saying have realistic standards and wit hanging on to fairytales. Its like if you were only holding out for a model. You can't be a three holding out for eights
everyone it s cup of tea right? i m happy i know a bunch of extremly good looking men that are not thinking that way and choose their women for more then *being attractive*
Fam actually read the article. His point was women who were below average in looks dismissing average men in hopes of landing an above average guy. He makes a good point
First off I doubt that but please get off your high horse with that bs. Are you trying to tell me these attractive men ignore looks altogether in favor of personality?
no i m saying this men are with women who are not meeting the standards of attractivity described in the article. not more and not less.
lol. just skimmed. i see this all the time. u r gonna get dissed....stop bitching. yes women have thier preference and some unrealistic do u (men). just tighten up ur mouth piece.