Amy Chua, a Chinese-American success story, is no stranger to controversy. A few years ago, she received a great deal of flack for a book entitled, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother", in which she explains how Chinese-style strict parenting is better suited than Western style coddling. Well, the outrage didn't last that long, as the book went away from the mindsets of people. Now she's back, along with her husband, in a new book called The Triple Package. In this book, she lists eight groups who exercise a great deal of success - Jews, Indians, Chinese, Iranians, Lebanese-Americans, Nigerians, Cuban exiles and Mormons as groups with three qualities that set them apart. A superiority complex, insecurity and impulse control are the “three cultural forces” driving these groups to achieve a disproportionate amount of success, the authors suggest. Where does this lead to? The question as to whether the Yale Law Professor is reinforcing the idea of racial and ethnic superiority. What do you think? Is she just stating the obvious in a blunt manner and we're just being too culturally sensitive? Or maybe she's trying to reinforce her personal agenda of some kind?
If these groups were so culturally superior, why are they all coming to the USA?? You would think if they had their shit together they'd stay put back home in their culturally superior homelands. She's promoting a myth that's true of most immigrants in general as high achievers. Ethnic groups who immigrate here arrive with knowledge any success they achieve here begins and ends with hard work. But when you study the educational and economic demographics from their home countries, you realize this idea of cultural superiority is just that; a myth. America is a country that rewards hard work academically and tunnel vision focus. If you're able to eliminate all the distractions that keep you from reaching your end goal, almost anyone can have a great deal of professional success. She like most immigrants are benefiting from a political-social system that allows them to achieve that success, something that was denied to them in their home countries. I find the ideas she's promoting to be dangerous. I really get sick and tired of immigrants coming to this country, having no understanding of the history and arrogantly believing they are innately superior to American Black folk, which is one of her underlying arguments IMO. Nigeria is fucked up. China is fucked up. India is fucked up. Iran is fucked up. Lebanon is fucked up. Cuba is fucked up. No middle class and a cadre of ruling elites who hold all the wealth and power for a select few. Is this woman even assimilated as an American citizen?? Or is she still a Chinese living in America, which IMO is how many immigrants view themselves. Look down your nose somewhere else. Like where you came from.
Wish I could rep you But I will say this though, we can learn a lot from the immigrants coming here. Tunnel vision focus is totally needed right now.
Absolutely. I believe Black immigrants can and do provide role models for Black youth in this country with their own successes, to show that it can be done by someone who looks like you and how they did it. Ultimately when people talk about immigrant success stories in America, it all comes down to a stable family structure and the support and guidance from parents at an early age. The Black family has imploded in this country, it's even more extreme in the more socioeconomically deprived strata of Black America. Despite being poor, if you have a mother and father, preferably under the same roof, who are RAISING you from the moment you exit the womb, teaching you the right value system and the core lessons needed for achievement later in will achieve success as an adult despite your beginnings. A strong home environment, discipline and a healthy work ethic is the immigrant secret for success. Unfortunately it's a lesson that's been lost for many Americans of every background. Ms. Chua is promoting the idea of ethnic superiority which is a very Asian belief system. If you teach a child early on the principles of accountability and consequences, it doesn't matter whether you come from Hong Kong or Kansas City, you're building the foundations of their own success later in life.
Great post, andre. And you're right, her ideas are dangerous, because they encourage an environment of spite and small-mindedness that can demoralize and frustrate those blacks that do aspire and struggle and sacrifice. people who want to maintain the status quo of their "superior position" are often much more spiteful towards blacks that don't fit their little box of stereotypes and low expectations than they are to the ones who do. Many will even try to "take the wind out of the sails" of your kids. That's a factor that's often discounted, but combined with the fact that blacks (black males in particular) have little social and societal support, I'll bet it does have an affect on the psyche At least miss "tiger mom" didn't dredge up the ol' "bell curve" notions of "IQ"-- the darwinistic stuff they were peddling back in the nazi 90s. Although she does give a tacit endorsement of racism in citing the benefits of the "superiority complex" and "impulse control" :roll: This book impresses me as the kindler, gentler face of "bell curve" darwinism, with nigerians and others thrown in to take the edge off the racism. Why not instead just focus on those qualities of individuals that make them successful? As andre said, if the cultural shit were true, the concentration of these folks in their home countries should make those places a paradise. So why not just tell us what goes into individual success instead of getting racial about it? After all, if the purpose is to light a path, individuals can only improve themselves and their families. The shitty state of the bulk of folks "back home" vs the success of ms tiger mom only underscores that point. Tacitly casting aspersions on whole cultures ("inferior" vs "superior") only serves to condemn individuals from the "inferior" cultures who are struggling. ...And if lighting a path is not the point, then what is her point? To sell lots of books, while spreading racial nonsense? As far as learning from her cultural examples goes, I think black folk should simply focus on education, education, education and independence, independence, independence. These things have no ethnicity or color. Buying into the notion that one group corners the market in any good qualities is stupid, and bad for your lil black kids. Black folks should also swallow and digest the fact that nobody gives a fuck about us, and most outsiders would prolly kill and eat us in a pinch. And that should inform how you protect your psyche, who you're willing to hand profit to, how on guard you should be when you mix with people, how much you value your economic independence, etc. etc. ...In other news -- Wait'll paniro gets ahold of this thread. Hope you guys won't indulge his trollishness too much
Adults too. It's unfortunate too because we are slowly headed towards a protectionist mind set where people are buying into this "protect your own" bs again. Divisionist bs like this serves only to hurt the masses but we should also be responsible and see through her unsupported contextual lies. We have to promote liberty and prosperity for all instead of crap like this that would have us believe that it's only for a few. If anything capitalism has taught is a system that promotes social mobility for all creates opportunity and wealth. The rich get richer and the poor can get richer too without having to create the idea some are better than others. Unfortunately I know the under educated and lazy will fall for her shit hook line and sinker
A little off-topic but... Married to a white (jewish) guy, and keeps her last name to tout her asianness in the public sphere... So many asian female writers and celebs fit that exact profile Flame me, neg rep me if you will, but I've always observed that nonwhite women who marry white men tend to be racists and wear it on their sleeves Ms Chua, in my opinion is just more of the same.
She probably thinks her husband is of inferior stock and doesn't deserve the right for her to carry his last name. Normally I wouldn't make a big deal out of it but based on her literary output, it's no accident she decided not to take her husband's last name. If his last name was Gates/Murdock/Rockefeller you know damn well she would have changed her name from Agree with TDK there are only superior IDEAS, not superior races of people.
Generally, they are not liked and a conflict between them is expected when they move over here. It is seen with things such as resistance to immigration reform in America (the DREAM Act) and the same thing is also present in England, as evidenced by this article. They have anti-immigrant sentiment on the Romanians, Bulgarians and the others who are "invading" their country. The thing that's interesting about England though is that the white natives (Britons) don't even like the white immigrants (Romanians and Bulgarians) in their country. But why is that if they both appear to be white!? I could make the same kind of credible argument about black people too. They simply don't mix very well with other people.
I learn something every day. A 'Tiger Mom' who married a Jew and not her own race. Some female conservatives are married to White men like Deneen Borelli(BW/WM),Michele Malkin(AWFilipino/WM) and others.
American Jews are generally really progressive. But then you have your black sheep in the whole ordeal.