follow your bliss? live each day to the fullest?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by medullaslashin, Jan 5, 2014.


Are you actually doing these things, or not?

  1. I believe in "follow your bliss" and I'm doing so

  2. I believe in "follow your bliss" but I'm not doing it at present

    0 vote(s)
  3. "Follow your bliss" is a bullshit philosophy!

  4. I believe in "live each day to the fullest" and I do!

    0 vote(s)
  5. I believe in "live each day to the fullest" but I just can't right now

  6. "Live each day to the fullest" is trite bullshit, thanks

    0 vote(s)
  1. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    "Follow your bliss" and "Live each day to the fullest"

    Are these just pop culture phrases or are they something people actually do? Is there anyone here on who can say they're doing these things?

    And whether you're doing so or not - what is your "bliss"? And how would you define "living each day to the fullest"?

    I would think that doing either of those things is pretty darn difficult for your average person, though the ideas are sold heavily in media.

    I'm betting that most ppl will say they are "following their bliss" and "living each day to the fullest", but their interpretations of the terms will be broad enough to drive a truck through

    I can say with certitude that at present, I'm doing neither

  2. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I wouldn't really say I'm currently doing either. Both sound like grand ideas, but it's hard to find the time to put that much energy into yourself and what makes you happy when most people are spent just trying to get through the tasks of everyday life.

    Living each day to it's fullest, to me, means leaving no stone unturned; means that you've done your very best at each and every turn...I'm not sure that's something I'll ever be able to say I've accomplished. There's always room for growth IMO, so I never end a day feeling like I've "lived it to it's fullest". As long as I can end my day knowing I've learned something, maybe grown a bit, and with a feeling of accomplishment...I'm good :)

    Follow your bliss...I've honestly never heard that before but it seems more attainable than "living each day to it's fullest". Managing your life in a way that brings about your happiness (whatever that may be). I think we all do that to some extent...but for me it's certainly not something I do on a conscious level.

    I have a tattoo on my wrist that says "Never let your fear decide your fate"...and THAT is something I live daily. The two phrases though that you mention in this thread don't speak to me in that same way, I guess. Everyone's different and what resonates with me may be completely different than what resonates with the next person. If those two phrases you mentioned bring motivation to someone, I say have at it! Whatever makes people strive to do better, and be the best version of themselves they can be is good in my book :cool:
  3. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    I like the way you think, raider. Especially the bolded part. That's exactly where I am right now -- leaving no stone unturned and trying to grow educationally and personally as well.

    I think some people equate "living each day to the fullest" with self-indulgence. For me, it's almost the opposite: a more austere and disciplined lifestyle that makes the most of opportunities. And when I do indulge, I want to make it less casual and of higher quality. That's the model that I'm focused on for the moment.

    "Following your bliss" means following Bliss around on the board to counter all her posts. haha, just joking. :mrgreen:

    I think the standard definition of "following your bliss" is focusing on a career (or hobby) that engages your interests and passions. That's another thing I'm working on. For most of my life I've worked at companies that I didn't care much about (or for), doing work that I barely found interesting. Now I'm realizing what a gigantic waste that is, and how I've stagnated by doing so.

    You're right on point in saying that "following your bliss" is more realistic than "living each day to the fullest".

    That's another thing I'm working on. I've tended to be "stuck in the middle", living a safe, fairly comfortable life that I'm not satisfied with and dreaming of the life that I want, but sorta fearing the steps and risks that it takes to get there.

    "Stuck in the middle" -- not fully applying myself to either the status quo or the dream life. Like a vegetable, to quote the mj song.. :mrgreen:

    However, never too late to change! (I hope :mrgreen:)

    You seem to really have a good head on your shoulders, raider (though I'm sure I'm not the first to say that). I have a feeling you'd make a damn good motivational speaker.

    Even just reading what you wrote and responding to it here has been kinda therapeutic for me! :cool: Helps me sort out my thoughts

  4. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    With all due respect, I'm not exactly a fan of the personal fulfillment / happiness gospel. I could be misinterpreting its tenets, but I believe that it fosters a sense of narcissism and selfishness in people that is inconsistent with living as social beings in a social group. My attitude (albeit a non-spiritual one) toward life is more that things are simply what they are, and that we should strive to be present and give our maximum effort in each moment and trying to stay balanced to bring about fairness, even when that isn't consistent with our personal sense of what the "fullest" is.

    I like RaiderLL's take on it far more, that it is about being present (pretty Zen, RaiderLL!). I often hear a lot of people talk about it as living for their maximum pleasure and happiness or in the sense of "If that person doesn't make you happy, leave." Put in those terms, it sounds suspiciously like "cut and run" to me.
  5. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    I used to think like that also. I was really dismissive of any "personal fulfillment" "motivational" philosophies as just hucksterism.

    However, sometimes you can really use a "pick-me-up"- something to get you back into positive thought patterns. And the web can make sifting through that kinda material both free and easy, so lately I've been watching motivational videos on youtube.

    I'm pretty skeptical, but I also try to keep "the beginner's mind" (to reference a zen term). I remember how I used to be as a kid -- focused on the possibilities rather than the obstacles -- and I'm trying to recapture that attitude

    Here's one video I found that I liked. It's definitely a bit hucksterish, but I think there's something good to take from it

  6. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    and of course, raider has it goin on! :smt023
  7. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I absolutely agree. From hearing many speak about living each day to it's fullest, their interpretations often end up sounding selfish in nature. To me, it's much more about my own discipline, and a strong desire to leave my mark on the world in the hopes of bettering it some how. If I were able to commit to truly living each day to it's fullest, it'd be very little about me...much more about the bigger picture.

    Birds of a feather love. I've tried very hard this past year to step outside my comfort zone and attempt to go after my goals without fear (hence the quote tattooed on my wrist). I truly believe that life has so much more to offer than just the safe/comfortable routine that we often settle for. Trust me, once you start ignoring the fear/risks (within reason of course lol), everything gets so much more clear! It was ridiculously uncomfortable for me in the beginning because I second-guessed everything (over analyzing risks, etc), but once you accept that you've got one life to live, and that no one dictates how your life turns out but you...damn it's a good feeling! I get so excited when people finally take charge of their lives and wholeheartedly go after their dreams :heart:

    Thank you baby. Much appreciated! :freehug:

    Yes yes yes! In pink is a perfect summation of the "big picture" mentality I was talking about. Love it :)

    So sweet to me :smt058
  8. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    I have always been a believer of phrases such as these, I live my life by "your attitude determines your altitude." Countless people have told me they wish their brain was wired like mine, they would be truly living the dream.

    Life is short, its not just a phrase. When people realize their brain controls their life and they should be in control of their brain to be in control of their life, they can then live each day to the fullest.

    People tend to focus on the negative and how to resolve it right away versus focusing on the positive and moving forward. In my life, I brush all that negative off and don't let it affect my long term feelings and emotions.

    The last 3 months I've been hit with some shit that would probably make most people need a 72 hour hold on 5150 and just yesterday had to deal with some ish but today I'm straight.

    I would you define "living each day to the fullest" by a person being in control of their brain and always being in a state of how they want to be.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think we should appreciate each life to the fullest recognize the me in you and vice versa. Then maybe we wouldn't step over homeless people like they weren't there and have this is "as long as it ain't me" attitude to the suffering of others. As much as we try to fight it or ignore we are truly all in this together.
  10. Apollonia

    Apollonia New Member

    I firmly believe that positivity breeds opportunity.

    Also, I have been fortunate in my life in so many ways that I really can not find the audacity to complain about minor bumps in the road.
  11. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Can't rep you right now but would if I could.
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I wish I could do at least both. This is something you can do if you are rich or lucked out with a job that pays well and something you like to do. For the rest of us, well....
    Hard to do.
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i would follow "bliss" anywhere:smt049
  14. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Me too!
  15. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    I will be 40 this year i have lived my life to the fullest and followed my bliss my older kids are at the cusp of being teenagers and would begin to find me lame and embarrassing to their friends.I have no idea why i added that :cool:

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