Dating or just kicking it?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Be-you-tiful86, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. brendasummers

    brendasummers Member

    I feel that if the guy asks you out then it's a date. I mean if he asks me what I am doing on this Friday or would I like to go out with him this friday, I consider that as a date. To me that is the man telling me that he likes me and would like to get to know me better as a potential partner. But, if he asks me on an impulse if I would like to grab coffee later today evening then we are just hanging out or kicking it.

    The old days were indeed good. I belong to that old fashioned time too when men would make it clear that they were interested in me, when asking me out meant that guy wanted to explore his chemistry with me. It may or may not end up in a relationship but the intentions were clear that he fancies a relationship with me. I did read here someone saying that this gives women the 'power' to decide if they want to go out with a guy or not. I don't see it that way. Besides, that's how it's been for ages isn't it? The man woo's the woman. I like the old fashioned way.

    Besides, why do you guys grudge us women the 'power' to decide? Once you guys get us women, it's us who are getting dictated all the time. :)
  2. Hypestyle

    Hypestyle Active Member

    I wish I could 'just kick it' with somebody.. or date.. :(:?
  3. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    In the old days, all a guy had to have was a job and a car. A car worked every time. Now it is about whether or not the car is new or used and dinner and a movie simply won't do. The guy has to know where the happening places are. Or even a concert. I have no problem with a woman's power to choose. I remained dateless because of it. I wasn't what they were looking for. I understood how it went. To this day, I still respect a woman's power to choose. After all, it is their lives and you only live once.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014

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