Ohio teacher tells black student: "We do not need another black president"

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Sirius Dogon, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Why do we crave conflict? What are we fighting to ensure we do not become what we are fighting? Are we, as a nation, becoming what we are fighting? I think so. Will this nation realize it in time? I don't know.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Conflict is inevitable. We feed on negative news moreso than the positive ones. That's why when there is traffic in articles or news outlets, what tends to maintain longevity in trend? The negative ones.

    On top of that, regarding fighting for dominance, so many people take the mantra "survival of the fittest" to the highest regard.

  3. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Conflict is inevitable, but not absolute. As human beings, we are ruled by emotions. The mantra "survival of the fittest," IMHO, is flawed because even the weakest among us can survive.
  4. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Get real, son. You're listening to a bunch of nonsense in the media that has no basis in reality.

    Christie is going to get slaughtered in the primary when his opponents blast the airwaves with non-stop campaign ads showing pictures like this:


    Being civil with Obama is a huge no-no for the Republican base. There's also the fact that the "loud, obnoxious, Northeastern douchebag" shtick isn't going to play AT ALL in the South.

    This nonsense about Christie winning a presidential election is pure fantasy. His run will be about as successful as Rudy Giuliani's was. The notion that Giuliani was a viable candidate for the presidency was another bullshit media creation. They spent years telling us that he was "America's mayor," but he couldn't even buy any votes after the Republican base saw him up close during the primaries.
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Indeed. But even our emotions can drive us to do maddening things.

    The difference between Giuliani and Christie is that the former NYC Mayor was more known for his "coddling" of people during the 9/11 attacks and he just became a soundbyte for that particular event. Beyond that, he didn't really show much more beyond all that. He didn't really get any kind of exposure until that event.

    In all fairness, Christie's a loudmouth governor, yes...but he's known for a lot more than that in his home state, whether you like him or disapprove of his performance. I think when it comes down to do it, if he has a good PR campaign, he could be the pick that will prove difficult to beat. "Moderate" candidates wind up being the overall winner in the primary because they have to appeal to the mass audience of people, which he can potentially do. Clinton will be difficult to beat, nevertheless, unless she gets trumped again by someone else.

    Freddy, if you forgot already...Romney ultimately became the winner of the primaries despite all this flip-flopping and other problems.

  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Bengazi is nothing more than a fake outrage stirred up by the right. The NYT reporter did a good job and they are going in denial. Wished Elizabeth Warren would run but,the plutocrats would not allow it especially the bankers who got away with the Crash of 2008. Gov.Christie could not be elected president since those conservative Southies will not have a loudmouth yankee from Jersey who looked like them.
  7. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    I would love to see a women holding down the presidency. But not Hilary. She cant be trusted. Her and her husband openly courted racists, when they were running against Barack during the 2008 campaign. She will say and do anything to get what she wants.
  8. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Whoever is the last person standing on the Democratic ticket is the person I will vote for. Male of female. Of course, I will be looking at what each candidate has to offer or what they are about.
  9. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    HUUUUUUUGE Co-sign!!!!
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You're both being woefully optimistic. People in this country don't operate like this. The way I've seen citizens react to this president based on his race is absolutely out of this world. The whole birther movement demanding his birth certificate even though we all knew his mom was a white woman from the midwest people were obsessed with treating him like an other.
    We aren't ready, him being black made it impossible to get anything meaningful done. It's a great symbolic gesture but while you guys are at home in your warm homes typing this on your expensive computers there are real Americans suffering. Millions are homeless and food insecure because racist congress members are willing to tank everything in order to make sure this negro doesn't look good. What is more important ending suffering or some ridiculous do nothing symbolic gesture.
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, the repubs rather see the country go off the cliff, just to make a stupid point. Its recorded everywhere, to blame Obama... Seeee... Stupid shit that does not have help the country one bit. They will do the exact same thing with Hillary, for very similsar reasons. Although I think she is the one, for now. There are zero republicans that stand a chance, unless some magic happens. I like Hillary's health message and root for her. But if the repubs will continue this agenda with no collaboration we are lost. We need to collaborate, that is unfortunately, the only way we get out of this crap.

    BTW, Sweden has had a median socialist/right collaboration for many many years. Maybe that is why we didn't feel the economy downhill issue, there were a genuine collaboration to make that not happen, beyond political agenda.

    To the naysayers, of course there is always a political agenda, but some countries actually manage to think outside the box and put the countries best first, beyond making a point - which has been USA's problem for years. They rather see the country go off the cliff and blame Obama. It infuriates me that there is so little collaboration that other countries manage to do in ecomical distress. This country really need to get its shit together. I love the us. I just want it to sucseed.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its a plutocratic oligarchy my friend
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    In the article I read last week on this, they said this sorry POS was going to be fired, no excuses. Teaching is to inspire, to coach and lead. No room for bigoted politics and sadly that's the current College mantra that now has infiltrated high schools.
  14. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    good points throughout. I think christie has a real chance. Hilary has this weird "anti-charisma" going on whereby people don't trust her. she comes across as too mercenary.

    I tell you though, it's going to be interesting. The tea party ppl are energized and will be dead-set against another "liberal" in the white house, even if he or she isn't black

    You can bet the repubs are going to try to capitalize on that energy in all kinds of stupid ways (a la "the gubmint's gonna kill grandma")
  15. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Those members of congress are the problem, not the president's skin color. And if they had their way policy-wise, the suffering you see now would multiplied tenfold.

    You don't win by giving in to racists. There's no win in rolling over, because they then just push the envelope

    symbolic gesture or not, we're citizens and deserve ALL the rights of citizenship
  16. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    One thing we have to remember is that voter turnout is much bigger for Presidential elections compared to the midterm elections. So, this is where we will see things come out in droves. But other fundamental factors would determine whether either one of them will get elected.

    • Economic recovery (If we can see the debt being halved by the next cycle)
    • Job Market (unemployment falling)
    • Affordable Care Act (successfully performing)

    We could bet on social issues, but future events would have to be considered or assumed to be an issue by that time. Same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization are still steam rolling into the political scene, but also the abortion debate will still be wishy-washy for both sides...mainly for the conservative minded people.

    Clinton's in a comfortable position at the moment, with Christie being the tough one to beat. But it would depend strongly on how well they sell themselves and if they run a strong campaign. I think Christie may win the popular vote...but it would depend on the Electoral Colleges.

  17. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Please don't say this.

    A Republic is simply a representative form of democracy because one man-one vote doesn't work so well on the federal level in a country with more than a five thousand people living in it.
  18. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I understand your view on this, the hatred displayed by the right towards Obama has been visceral and open. That being said, there will always be gridlock in Washington, that was actually part of the founding fathers plan for government. That being said, President Truman also faced an obstructionist congress, so much so that it was referred to as the "Do Nothing Congress". Bill Clinton was accused by a top republican official of being the head of a drug ring that murdered multiple people. There will always be hatred of the other side, whether its race/religion like it is for Obama or just based on the grab for political base/$/power.

    Also, despite the best efforts of the obstructionists, Obama has gotten A LOT done...

    Bob Deitrick, a principal at Polaris Financial Partners in Westerville, Ohio. Deitrick crunched 80 years of numbers. Politically, 1929 to 2009 were exactly divided — 40 years under Republican presidents and 40 under Democrats.He put his extraordinary findings in a book, “Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box.”
    Because President Obama was in office for only three years at the time of the writing, Deitrick and his co-author left him out. But Deitrick now has enough of an Obama track record to have recently declared in a Forbes interview, “By all measures, President Obama has outperformed every modern president.”


    There will be future presidents of color as well as women presidents, and they will all owe a debt of thanks to the trailblazing of President Obama.
  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Masterful post! :smt051

  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Geek and Loki,you hit it right in the head on the White reaction towards Obama. The GOP from the time he was sworn in in 2009 wanted him to fail and claim that he is too aloof or don't even communicate with them. Well,if I was POTUS I would not communicate with some in that party who do everything in their power to fuyk me up. One can read in the right wing blogs,Fox News,and any radio talk show host in a market in the US on the massive dissing of Obama. I remember reading in the troglodyte Investers Business Daily and they had a entire page full of Obama's mistakes in his first term. One can ask one conservative or White right winger on the question: Name one thing that is positive about Obama? I bet even the right wing members of this website can't think of one.

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