What is the Worst Racial Experience You Have Had as a Black Man?

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by whitechocolate123, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. whitechocolate123

    whitechocolate123 New Member

    Many people believe that racism is over with, especially with Obama in office. I keep trying to tell my friends that this isn't true. But whites, especially white men, can just be really ignorant when it comes to opening their eyes.

    With that said, what racial experiences have you had as black men in this current time?
  2. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Not speaking as a black man, but I'd say the small looks and sideways stares and subtle things would get to you after awhile. From people trying to peg you as a criminal, lazy, dangerous, or any variety of other stereotypes, just from first glance at the simple exterior of your flesh.

    Also people trying to kiss your ass, and white men calling you "bro" or "brah"/ "my brother", or the worst "my brotha from anotha motha" :vom:

    White women seem to have more genuine relationships with black females (or at least try to, as much as black females will let them) ... and if the BW got with a man of another race they would probably be happy. Just my opinion from observation. However, I couldn't say the same for a lot of white men, unfortunately (if their black "homie" started dating a white woman, for example. But I am suspicious of them from the start (white men). Not to say that I hate all white men - I mostly just feel sorrow/pity/disdain for a majority of them. The way I feel compassion/empathy for black men (and some frustration). Somewhere a switch was flipped.

    Not that you wanted to hear from a female first but there you have it. I identify with black males to a great degree. For some reason that I cannot effectively explain.
  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    whitechocolate123, you seem to be focusing on a hell of a lot of stereotypes in most of the posts i've read from you thus far. i'd suggest you read through the site first, especially focusing on the stereotype and myth section, as this may answer some of your queries.

    i would also like to point out that we here strongly disagree with putting down or speaking badly of genders, traits and races of people.
  4. whitechocolate123

    whitechocolate123 New Member

    I am not trying to be stereotypical, and I'm sorry if I came off that way.

    I am trying to discuss racism and stereotypes, something that black men deal with on a regular basis.

    Is that not allowed on this board? Seeing that there are other threads discussing racism, I felt it was okay for me to discuss it. If it is not okay, I will not discuss it.
  5. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

  6. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    i agree with you on his choice of words however i think he makes a point in general. in the skype chat we talked about this and how even though in public people dont express there views as much as them expressing it online.
  7. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    I worked @ a Jewish country club as a waiter. I ended up havin' an all-out, full-blown love affair with a fellow waitress named Natalye, who was raised as an Orthodox Jew. In the midst of us fallin' madly in love, I later discovered that her dad was the president of the country club. One of the club members saw Natalye & I out & about @ a movie theater together, & all hell broke loose. Once her dad found out, he abruptly relieved me of my duties as a waiter @ the country club. He embarrassed me in front of the entire club by callin' me EVERY black, racial, & derogatory name you could ever think of. He pretty much called me every name but a child of god.

    Again, Natalye had always told me that she was raised as an orthodox Jew, but didn't really agree with the "you can't date him because he's a n%#€$&" part. Natalye's a beautiful person with such a big heart. Before her dad found out that we were, in fact, dating, he told her that if the rumors were true that her & I were dating, she'd then be disowned from the family & taken out of his will.

    Long story short, Natalye and I are still in each others' lives (engaged, in fact), her dad ended up getting voted out of the country club by the board of trustees for his racial tirade at me, the rest of her family LOVES me, & life is beautiful now.

    So, there ya' have it. That's my most painful experience as a black man. The scariest part of all of this was that I not only nearly lost my fiancée, but best friend, confidon, and my better 1/2.

    Guys, love is colorblind. When "true" love comes (regardless of the person's color, you MUST go with it.

    Oh!!! Last but not least, how could I forget?? Go O's!!. Go Ravens!!!......lol
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    That is very sweet sexyb. Good luck to you........... especially with him as your father in law you might need it. :p
  9. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    ^^yeah, please give us some SERIOUS prayer........lol
  10. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Good wins out over evil. I love it! Congrats to you & your fiance.
  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Damn, take good care of her bro.

    She loved you enough to confront that situation and make what was surely a profound choice.
  12. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    ^^Thanks for the support.....


  13. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    darn post took ALOT outta' me.....lol
  14. MixedCalifornian

    MixedCalifornian Active Member

    Ok ill give a list of some experiences I have deal with.

    Being pulled over randomly by cops to ask "What I"m doing around here."

    Being told "Gosh I didn't think you were black, your so smart."

    People assuming that I grew up n a poor/low neighborhood.

    Being told by classmates in high school that I was "Acting white." or "White Washed" for actually performing well in school.

    Being told that I am "Well spoken for a black person."

    A girlfriend breaking up with me because her parents didn't approve.
  15. demattha28

    demattha28 Member

    This is the funniest/ most pathetic side. White dudes going way out of their way to show they are cool with you.

    Granted, I don't hang out with alot of white dudes, but it just comes off as fake, like they are trying to show not racist they are.

    every white dudes want to be the cool white dude, haha
  16. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I know...which is why I get nervous about dating them in general. Watch when they find out a woman has a history of dating black men and watch the eye start to twitch and watch them try to act all cool with it and then they start with the stereotypical jokes like: "Well I'm black from the waist down..." haha or something like that.
  17. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    Sorry to hear you had to go through that, bro. I know.....it's tough, but just be strong.

    I've gone through ALL of this a well....
  18. SexyBaltimorean

    SexyBaltimorean New Member

    ......probably THE biggest insults i've ever gotten.

    JUST BE YOURSELF, people!!!!!!!
  19. empirestate86

    empirestate86 Member

    Being called the n-word at work and being forced not to tell anyone because everyone likes this guy and production would stop if I did rat him out.
  20. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member


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