so you and your friends are sitting around talking about your/thier boyfriend/gf and bad things about them is being it disrespectful to do that? what if it was good things being it still bad?
still bad, a person should never bad mouth a significant other, to me it is disrespectful. i could see the person that was told some information using it to get back at the friend through the significant other. people are more shady than you realize.
i think you have to be careful in a group of people...many times it comes down to not only what was said but also how was it said...body language included things that are said unfortunately get a game of telephone the story changes the more it is repeated it says alot about someone in the way that they reflect on past loves good or bad...relationships are two way streets... i think it's okay to say good things but stick to the facts...not too much elaborating...i admire someone that can take responsibility in their part of a failed relationship bad things said will ALWAYS come back and bite you in the ass Happy Holidays Goodlove:smt114
If they are close friends, and you know each other well, then it can be ok, but only if you are just trying to get some perspective and help or ideas on what to do, and if you are just sticking with facts and not just name calling. If its the latter, and you are just bad mouthing for the sake of it, then you are just being a bitch (male or female lol), and you need to really think about why you are even with that person.
If you don't think your significant other doesn't talk about you to their friends then you aren't living on planet earth. I think it should stop once people get married because at that point you become a family and you shouldn't talk about family business in public.