looking for acceptance....

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by kentuckycuck, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. kentuckycuck

    kentuckycuck New Member

    Hi, first of all I just want to say I know alot will not accept me on here but I ask for a chance. I'v thought hard how I would introduce myself so here goes.

    I'm a wm, yes a white male. Ive looked where I could express myself and I love this site. It just seems very legit and real. That is what I am. I guess I'll just jump in here. I am a guy who has accepted how things are. And I appreciate how things have become. I do understand that that times have evolved to the point of where black men seem to be, for a lack of a better way of saying it, taking over. Yes once the wm once controlled things and with their closed minds have essentially screwed things up. I know their r good wm, as are every races, out there, but there is no denying that the thrown is occupied by bm. The evidence is everywhere.

    Now its true Id love to meet a woman who'd accept me being this way but I'm never taken serious. I love black women its true, but I'd love to meet a wf who accepts me this way. I know I know its so unorthadox but it is what it is.

    Pleae, accept me, as Ive completely accepted things as they are. Thank you
  2. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    The only thrones black men sit on top of is the nba, nfl, and sexual desires which isn't really important in the grand scheme of things..... anyway welcome.
  3. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Time will always reveal how true people actually are. With that said, be respectful and I hope others show you the same in return. Welcome.
  4. fantasyfangrl

    fantasyfangrl New Member

    ^^ This ^^
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Hmmm.....Welcome man.
  6. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site.
  7. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Welcome. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say and hearing your perspective. Insights are great, especially when it comes to that topic it's taboo to talk about in most other places: the big "R".

    Please don't mistake people disagreeing with you (and shooting down your arguments) as trying to silence you or not "accepting" you. This is a discussion board. Shooting down weak arguments is one of the joys of discussion boards, along with gaining new insights from people with strong arguments, be they wm, bw, ww, bm, whatever

    Keep in mind though that the idea that "all opinions are equally valid" is a real IQ test. Beneath a certain threshold of intellect, people are gonna confuse the concept that everyone has a right to voice an opinion (true!) with the concept that all opinions are equal (false!).

    Personally I'd like to hear you expound on "the evidence is everywhere" just to gain insight into what people who believe stuff like that are actually seeing, from their perspective.

    On the other hand -if you struggle to come up with actual examples- can you explain where that perception comes from?

    I understand, however, if you'd rather not spell it out. When it comes to the big "R", most people in fact would rather not have their core beliefs challenged. Makes it much easier to hang onto them. Racial attitudes, however core, are not something most people really think about anyway, so often it's even very difficult for them to break it down

    Personally, I like having my ideas challenged. Everybody gets misdirected by their own "myopia" and "tunnel vision" to an extent, and everybody fools themselves to an extent. Having your ideas challenged helps you "weed" out the bad ones -and- reinforces and validates your good ideas when you see how weak the opposing arguments are.

    So feel free to challenge anything I say on here :cool:

    tldr: welcome to the board :mrgreen:
  8. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    let me address the white elephant in the room... your screen name suggests you are into cuckold...
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I was going to leave that alone, but...... :smt069

  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    That's the great thing about this site. Someone is going to eventually post what you are thinking. I had a nice little post adressing it but I said naaaa

    let someone else do it for me.
  12. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    yep...saw it...started to reply...bit my tongue:???:
  13. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

  14. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    good to know we all think alike on some topics. :weedman:
  15. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Where in Kentucky do you hail from?
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    Fuck those other bullshit welcome posts this guy is a straight up pervert
  17. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I no longer feel intolerant knowing other people felt dude was suspect.

    buglerroller pulled a Bill Burr and called out what the rest of us were afraid to speak on.
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Bill burr is a funny ass mothafucka
  19. Jason91

    Jason91 Member

    taking over? maybe in your cuck fantasy

    Sure some BM make it big, but for the most of us it isn't that way.
    If I were you I would be addressing your humiliation fetish and strong insecurities with a psychologist and not on this website.
    but that's just me...
    if you're happy with it, so be it I guess
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    You ain't lyin'.

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