'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson sounds off on gays, civil rights

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Sirius Dogon, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    The point is that while it is everyone's right to speak freely, they have to be aware that what they say has an effect. And when the effect has occurred, a reaction is to be expected. If Duck Dynasty were on another network like the Outdoor Channel, CMT or or even The Blaze, Phil Robertson would not feel any pain. As a matter of fact, he isn't going to feel anything since he is a millionaire already with his duck calls. With all that, he could do his own show. The lesson here is that a closed mouth gathers no foot. You may express yourself anyway you want to. But, when doing so, it will be at your own leisure, and your own peril.
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Of course Phil has a right to freedom of speech. But freedom of speech is a tricky thing, and it may come with consequences as others excersise their right to freedom of speech towards whatever was said.

    Have we become overly sensitive in this country about voicing opinions? I say yes. But I still believe A&E had a right to excersise their freedom as well phil does. Sometimes you just have to live with consequences of things you say and do. Ones freedom of speech can not obliterate someone else's freedom. Like the old adage: ' your right to swing your arm ends where my body starts'.

    In this case (and many others), I think some groups jumped on the bandwagon unessesarily.

    Phil may still be reinstated seeing the support he has from the fans, who knows.
    The family is worth 80 million so their not hurting.

    Personally, I think it was a silly question to ask him. What did they expect? Seems a bit premeditated to me, for obvious reasons. Still, he should have known what may come for comments about such topics. Inever watched the show so I admittedly know very little about them, but a few deductions are easy to make.
  3. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    I doubt his family will even allow him to do another interview...or he will have a handler that give the person doing the interview a list of questions they CAN ask that will be answered...otherwise there won't be any interviews
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    FG has spoken

    We can all go home now
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Asking that redneck those questions was like asking Louis Farrakhan what he thinks of interracial marriage
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Speaking of freedom of speech: this is a hot button in Sweden right now.

    A neo-nazi group has recently caused some waves and Swedish regular people has started to demonstrate against them. Very recently, there were a huge demonstration in one of the Stockholm suburbs... Lots of families with kids etc were out demonstrating, the neo-nazi group had followers that attacked the demonstrators and it became very ugly and Swedish citizens are questioning the lack of police protection when the demonstrate were attacked by the neo-nazi supporters. The question is now, how much protection fringe groups with hate messages deserve their right to free speech if it violates opposing remonstrants and that the police were both physically and educationally poorly equipped to handle this situation in balancing protection of both groups freedom of speech.

    Obviously the majority don't want these hate groups to have any freedom of speech at all but legally, that is impossible to do. Slippery slope. But in this case, the police failed miserably and it has lead to a huge debate about freedom of speech in Sweden.

    End derailing
  7. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    To whose home? Mine?:freehug::mrgreen:
  8. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    What did they ask him anyway?

    The l.a. times article just says: "In the profile, an unedited Robertson sounds off on what's ailing the country during a trip through the Louisiana backwoods."

    I'm not about to read the whole gq article. Anyway, what they asked him doesn't matter to people who want to shut him down. how he answered does. He's responsible for what he says, not people who ask him questions.

    Should "the irritated genie" get to keep his job? He has the right to free speech, right?

  9. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Seriously? You're going to rant about this and you didn't even read the article??? *smh*
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Thread shut down right there
  11. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    Thank you! Just because someone has an opinion is no reason to boycott and assist in cutting their paycheck.

    My point was never about his freedom of speech. The point that people want to cut someone's income no matter what they worth is just because they don't agree with what that person said is bullshit.
  12. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I would bet that most people censor themselves to some extent, at one point or another in their professional lives. The reason? To protect their job!! Why is this guy any different? If I walked around work and spoke my mind about every patient, administrator and co-worker...I'd be fired too. There are consequences to our actions and our words, and this man was dumb enough to speak up for the world to hear and it may impact his pocketbook. That's the price you pay for free speech ;)
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's cause and affect fam. You don't say shit to offend customers. It's bad business period fam
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Amen love
  15. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Seriously? You're going to rant without answering my question? You're going to pass up a grand opportunity to make your point about phil the bigot being "set up" by the interviewer? :mrgreen:

    Oh wait, you're just trying to divert the argument to something else (like me not about to read the damn gq article), because your other argument has no legs :mrgreen:

    There are two articles, the latimes article the o.p. posted and the gq article it refers to. I read one. Not interested in the other because...

    it does not matter what the ppl at gq asked him (presumably something like "what's wrong with the world today?")

    What matters is his answer. It's not just another opinion. This guy would turn back the clock to when people didn't have rights. ..So if those ppl are smart, they'll use their "free speech" to shut him right down. There are people who died for the progress your "christian" hero wants to wipe away... so it's right to want to shut him down.

    And if you're so about free speech, I presume you say whatever you want on your job? I don't think so

    So -- you want to seriously defend this guy's right to call for oppression of others while seriously oppressing others' right to resist him? :roll: smh

    If you had the courage of your convictions, you would be real about the reason you're ranting. It's not about free speech, because everybody has the right to free speech -- phil the bigot, as well as people who resist him

    I think you're defending this guy because you're "christian," but you don't have the courage to state your actual motives, like your buddy phil. :roll: ... because you know they're wrongheaded.
  16. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member


    Your argument is all over the place and not very well thought out.

    The issue has nothing to do with me disagreeing with his "opinion". He could say the sky is pink and I wouldn't care. He prolly says lots of things that people don't agree with.

    ...But when he advocates clamping down on the freedom of others, it's important to resist him, and I hope that people who resist him are successful. I hope his ugly mug isn't on tv anymore, so the kiddies aren't demoralized, or grow up thinking that mr. jim crow is just "normal" and "okay"

    I get the sneaking feeling that you like the guy because he's "christian", and you don't think that he'd really put you under the boot of jim crow if he had the chance.

    You're psyched out. Back away from the tv...
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    evidently the Robertson family has A&E by the balls...the rest of the family has no intention of doing the show without Phil...so no Phil no show and that is THEIR choice...

    who do you think watches that show? backassward rednecks:smt077

    get real people...they aren't losing any viewers or advertisers because of this...but A&E may lose their top rated show
  18. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Three sentences is a rant? He was asked what sin is, to him. He answered, based on his beliefs, which are based on scripture.

    I'm not defending what he said. I merely pointed out that he was asked a question, to which he gave an answer.
  19. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Oh I see... Thanks for enlightening us then.

    We were under the impression that both phil and the interviewer sat dead silent, then everybody got mad.. :mrgreen:

    courage of your convictions folks. c'mon, make your church proud! Say what you really mean

    Either that or change your opinion if you know it's wrongheaded. Nothing wrong with that
  20. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I did.

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