Completely disagree. The topic for the class was about the structural hierarchy in media. How do you sincerely approach it without touching on white male privilege. I know a lot of whites haven't visibly benefited in ways like cash in hand money but being part of the consideration process is big being visible is big. It may not matter as much now but it still matters. Denying that is disingenuous
They are being constantly reminded because it is mostly true. I have absolutely NO sympathy if some whiteboy gets upset over THEIR history and THEIR treatment of minority peoples and women.
I had no idea that people 160 years later would still be responsible for how they treat people? This is why racism will never go away. For every problem, ill, misgiving that happens in the black community, the scapegoat will always be 'the man.' Forget pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, it's much easier to just blame someone, thus perpetuating the cycle.
Seriously As for me, I recall race being discussed heavily in my English and social science courses For the most part the white people understood why it was being discussed and went with it
Massa Massa! That little dwarf over dere' told me to stop trollin'! Is 5'5 legally considered a midget?
Black sensitivity about race actually comes from somewhere. Much of the "white man's burden" is self imposed kid.
Called racist by who exactly? And most people who critique blacks are ones who don't have to deal with them. You think people in most of the midwest or south are really concerned about pissing blacks of when they are ok with segregated proms? Come on be rational fam
no one knows what the professor said and how it was said On the other hand, the nazis do have a new mantra they're trying to popularize: "antiracist is a code word for antiwhite" :roll: so maybe this is just a couple of these guys trying to put it into action...
I don't know enough about this to comment directly about this but I will say that when I took courses taught by women in english and social studies. It was almost the man who was at fault. I can someone be symaptheic towards the kids. She should include folks who took time out to reinforce the good in people. something that america does less of towards the minority community. I find it ironic though. It is the first time that those kids see the difficulties of how an authority constantly blasting infamous issues at people with similar looks as you.