You know the group that he has standing behind him at speeches? Shouting stuff, almost removed by secret service, until obama says they can stay. :? That's messed up [YOUTUBE]lXud2p4fQfg[/YOUTUBE]
How easy it would have been to just let those few be removed from the crowd, but instead, our President stopped the intervention, allowed the fucktards to stay, turned directly to them and schooled em a little bit about how this whole process actually works. Good for him :smt038
"Our president" my ass. That shit was fake as he is. Obama is in the left pocket ....Bush was in the right pocket. Wall Street owns the pants.:smt039
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, I'm sure there are others who feel similarly. Not everything's a conspiracy IMO. I appreciate how he handled it.
No news here. Obama gets heckled all the time. A lot of time, he actually deserves it. What was ridiculous was when that gay rights group tried to infiltrate a fund raiser for inner city black children that Michelle Obama was speaking at to yell at her about her husband's record on gay rights. Obama's been better on a gay rights than any other president, so I have no fucking idea what they were so upset about that they thought it warranted attacking the first lady.
^This. Obama is a corporate shill whose only constituency is the establishment. Anybody who thinks that he's any sort of "Liberal" only has a superficial understanding of politics in the US. It's not even possible for a real liberal or any kind of genuine populist to be a viable candidate with the way that the system is currently structured.
Stop deportations.....Stop enforcement of basic immigration laws. Allow corporations to legally outsource jobs within this country. I honestly despise how much the supposed Left have turned on immigration. While I agree that amnesty right now is a solution because of years of broken immigration. The fact is deportations should continue, and an actual policy needs to be enforced. No one advocating a healthy functioning liberal society would advocate for complete total open borders, and allowing for corporations to outsource jobs. This immigration issue is nothing but corporate through, and through. Republicans just say "Blame the brown people deport them, but ignore companies hiring them." Democrats just say "Open borders open borders the poor mexicans. We are all Immigrants. They do the jobs we want to do." None say "Blame the corporations shortchanging the American worker." This allowance of illegal immigration is simply a way for capitalists to make money, and unfortunately this country is owned by capitalists.
:smt038:smt038 The corporations and the politicians that own them want to turn America into a LATINO BANGLADESH. If messico were a Black country that border would be sealed so tight the average microbe couldn't squeeze in with a crow-bar and a grang jury. Be you black or white....what is yours TODAY will be theirs TOMORROW. And for all the negroes who happilly proclaim "we go' have a brown and black majority" I say move to columbia or cuba and get a look at your IMMEDIATE future. :smt039
It's not a conspiracy theory that Obama is in fact a corporate owned puppet just like Bush and all puppets that preceeded them. Enjoy the koolaide.:smt039
Fh,do you think there would be enough Senators and Congressmen with a liberal bent to shake things up? When Bush was in the chair those GOP reps in both houses rubberstamped almost everything he brought like the Communists. Where was that outrage?
Obama did a lot in a shorter period of time than any of these "career politicians" had done in 20 years. No president has been through as much as he has. And he'll keep standing firm like his predecessors. The office of the POTUS is not without its problems and is not perfect. Every politician of either side will tell you that if you are lucky to ask. The POTUS is a human being. The office of the POTUS is an institution. Both are to be respected regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, gender, etc. In previous administrations, I had my opinions of these presidents, but there was always respect.
It's s been proven MANY times that congressmen and senators or more corrupt than a barrel of demons be they in the left pocket or the right.
Disagree if we were bordered with Africa they would make use of the cheap labour. Regardless I agree with the last statement. In fact Capitalism was founded in latin America with the model of a majority of the population being poor, colored, and working for nothing. (Which is the direction American capitalists are taking it.) However exceptions to the rule will always exist, and people will always have some advantages..........Mixed/biracial people will always have an advantage in any society. I have enjoyed many of the economic, social and educational benefits of white privilege. I have broken the rules of stereotypes numerous times, and fortunately I can actually bullshit being poor when I want to.....................Americans are dumb, and associate skin color with economic status. So I can be in the poorest area, and people will assume I am one of them..........On the flipside most whites think I am some underprivileged negro..............Which allows me to do things like bullshit about how hood I am.
Regardless,a lot of people gave their lives for voting rights and other people. America will be a third world state if the people let it.
Obama has been deporting illegals at a record rate since he entered office. He's done the most to secure the borders too. We need to streamline the immigration process for Mexican workers and not make them jump through a million hoops to attain citizenship.
Fuck all that dumb shit...."We" need to deal with illegals the same what mexico does. Obama ain't deporting gotta' be half monkey to believe otherwise. Almost half a million a year.:smt119