'Kanye West Thinks His Brand Can Outweigh Decades Of Racial Oppression' His thoughts by him making a patch of the flag and wearing it as a fascion, it would erase decades of slavery and racial bigotry that followed it over 100 yrs and continue to doplague the country till this day http://live.huffingtonpost.com/#r/a...of-racial-oppression/527c046578c90a39850003f1 What are your thoughts??
While he's a cocky, arrogant son of a bitch who simply wants attention, he does bring up a valid point -- symbols change over time when they are put into something elsewhere. While the origins of those symbols aren't forgotten, they can be made into something else, be it good or bad. In his case, if he wants to modernize the meaning of the flag to taking as his own, then more power to him.
Ignorant fool. Didn't his mom have a PhD in African American history?? When there are legions of racists and bigots who fly those colors as an emblem of their own hateful political ideology, it's impossible for one albeit very famous BM to change the history of the meaning of the confederate flag. It's a treasonous symbol of racial oppression and slavery. Wake up Kanye.:smt031
I never said I agree to that, simp. The same way how people like to use a variation of "nigger" as a term of endearment, instead of an insult, the same could be said about this nonsense. Quite being a hypocrite.
a black person using the confederate flag in fashion is really no different than if a jewish person decided to incorporate the swastika into fashion...it's just wrong no matter how you slice it and dice it...I purchased an old 72 ford pickup from a guy in Wyoming...he had the confederate flag on the inside cab roof...the first thing we did after the sale was slice it out of there at the nearest gas station...there was no way I was taking that in my neighborhood... kanye is probably trying to figure out a way to bring the most attention to himself...I hope it backfires on him
absolutely. But you know how idiots are when their bellies are full - no consideration at all for what anyone else goes through or has gone through He's so comfortable that his world is post-racism and symbols of hate are a play-thing
If Kanye West wore the swastika in the original Buddhist design, he'd have no problem. It was appropriated by the Nazis. They simply turned it around and that is the way we continually see the swastika. The Confederate flag will always be viewed like opposite sides of a coin. This is an example of the duality of that flag.
The swastika cant be redeemed. It dosen't matter who attempts to do so. Even though the symble didn't originate with the nazis, they have forever tainted it.
Maybe to you old ass dudes it's offensive but to the new generation this symbol means nothing so I can definitely see it catching on with young fashionable black kids hell I'll probably cop one to wear with the new yeezy's
Go 'head on young Sambo...do your bitch ass thing.:smt043 In the meantime PLEASE stop calling yourself NubianKing....it's too ironic to be funny.
LOLOLOL. Repped. Fools like this are the reason why an asshole in Detroit can shoot a 19 year old Black girl dead in the face with a shotgun and not be charged with ANY crime. Cause these young dudes think racism is something oldheads made up to make White people look bad. The best kind of slave is the one who thinks his chains and shackles are a fashion statement. We have an entire generation of Black folk out here who learned nothing from our history, and I'll be damned if history isn't repeating itself in the 21st century.
Its an official symbol of several southern state flags . . . its their history right? Now as a NJ teen who matriculated to a HBCU in GA, I had no problem seeing it while mixing in down there. It really has no relevance up here though in my opinion unless you have ancestral links to the southern states
You should ask yourself the question, what 'history' does the Confederate flag represent?? Why was the Confederacy established??? Why did they want to secede from the United States and form their own country?? What was the basis and foundation of the Southern economy(this is where you look in the mirror.) I live in Virginia and see that flag all the time. I'm not saying should be knuckled up every time you see the Confederate flag ready to knock a muthafucka out. However for any BM to attempt to reclaim and represent a symbol of Black oppression in this country, a symbol that has yet to die out in over 150 years, is dumb.
YH,slavery was in the constitution of the CSA and I'm glad in Georgia they changed that flag. I remember the late mayor Maynard Jackson got rid of that Georgia flag and replaced it with the one that was flown before 1956. Also there is this fool who lives in Asheville,NC who wears the Confederate uniform. He used to be the head of the local NAACP. Reclaiming my foot.