White GOP Candidate Wins After Leading Tex. Voters To Think He's Black

Discussion in 'In the News' started by blackbull1970, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Now you know how stupid Texas mofos are and how Sen. Ted Cruz got elected.


    If you're a conservative white Republican running for public office in an overwhelmingly African-American area, you'll almost certainly face an uphill climb to victory.

    The road might be a bit easier, however, if your campaign advertisements strongly imply that you're black.

    That's what happened during a recent race for a seat on the Houston Community College Board of Trustees, when Dave Wilson -- a white, anti-gay activist and former fringe candidate for mayor -- defeated 24-year incumbent Bruce Austin by only 26 votes to claim the win,CBS affililiate KHOU reports.

    Wilson, who said he was fed up with "all the shenanigans" within the community college system, circulated campaign flyers featuring smiling African-American faces lifted from the Internet and accompanied by the text "Please vote for our friend and neighbor Dave Wilson."

    One campaign flyer said Wilson had been "Endorsed by Ron Wilson" -- an apparent nod to a popular black former state representative by that name. But in a bait and switch, the "Ron Wilson" referred to on the direct mail piece was Wilson's cousin, who just happens to share a name with the former lawmaker.

    "He's a nice cousin," Wilson told KHOU, stifling a laugh. "We played baseball in high school together, and he's endorsed me."

    His opponent denounced Wilson's tactics as "disgusting" and vowed to seek a recount.

    "I don't think it's good for both democracy and the whole concept of fair play," Austin said. "But that was not his intent, apparently."

    "He never put out to voters that he was white," Austin added in a statement, according to the Houston Chronicle. "The problem is his picture was not in the League of Voters [pamphlet] or anywhere. This is one of the few times a white guy has pretended to be a black guy and fooled black people."

    Austin even circulated his own fliers, lambasting Wilson as a "right wing hate monger," but he ultimately proved unable to halt Wilson's rise.

    Despite the razor-thin margin, some wondered whether the election results might have had more to do with the sorry state of Houston's community college system, which has recently come under fire for insider business deals, than a deceptive campaign by one of the candidates.

    "I suspect it's more than just race," says Bob Stein, a Rice University political scientist told KHOU. "The Houston Community College was under some criticism for bad performance. And others on the board also had very serious challenges."



  2. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    LOL! He didn't lead anybody to think he was black.
  3. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    How does putting black faces in your literature and suggesting you're endorsed by a popular black former state representative = leading people to think you're black?

    It's more like leading people to think that you're someone who might care about the black community (while hiding the fact that you're white).

    What this article implies is that people voted for the guy because they were duped into thinking he was black. That's a bit of a stretch on the part of the author of the article

    The guy's opponent (the incumbent) is black, so there was obviously more to this guy's win than people voting for him just because they thought he was black.

    In fact the article here says "Incumbent Bruce Austin is crying foul and says he wants a recount, after losing by 26 votes. But the reasons for his defeat appear to go beyond political hardball. The board -- whose members have been notorious for using their influence to steer government contracts to friends and family -- has shown signs of returning to its old ways. "

    ..But check out the dumbfuck racist comments beneath the CBSnews article. Looks like the article writer got just the reaction he intended, blowing up a 26-vote win of a seat on the Houston Community College Board of Trustees into nationwide "evidence" that black people are stupid and racist

    ..And the irony is that people who can't see through this kind of propaganda are largely - you guessed it - stupid and racist. The sort of people who hoped obama would fail from the jump (not because he's black tho...:roll: )

    Personally, I'm waiting for herman cain to run again, so I can vote for him. not because I like his political positions, but because he's black! :mrgreen:
  4. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    He has done interviews since winning on major news networks and radio and admitted he plan on running his campaign the way he did.

    I was listening to "Make It Plain" on XM radio this week, and people called in and admitted they were duped and confessed they did not research.

    Joe Madison on XM radio had people call in to try to explain why they voted for him, them country bumpkins were so confused and admitted they voted for him because they saw black people on the flyers.
  5. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone heard his radio spots? They played them on MSNBC. He was definitely trying to mis lead black voters. There really should be some kind of legal remedy for that kind of thing.

    On the other hand, the dumb asses who voted for him should have taken ten minutes and used the internet for something more than checking their Facebook accounts. A quick google search would've told them all they needed to know.
  6. chocolatecream4u

    chocolatecream4u Well-Known Member


  7. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    People were indeed tricked, especially by the images and the fake endorsement. But to suggest that people voted for this guy just because they thought he was black means you have to ignore the fact that the incumbent is apparently, unequivocally black, right there in front of them, and they voted against him.

    Of course, the narrative is: these stupid, racist black folks got duped into voting for a guy because they thought he was black (much like they voted for the president).

    There's obviously more to the story than that.

    1) The incumbent was black
    2) the incumbent may have been corrupt
    3) the conman's literature might've given people the idea that he did indeed care about black people
    4) the conman's literature included an endorsement that seemed to come from a popular political figure
    5) the election was for a position in which there likely were few votes from the jump, so few that 26 votes against the black incumbent made the difference

    To believe that these people voted for this guy simply because they thought he was black is to also believe that if an honest, caring, more qualified candidate came along who happened to be nonblack, these people would have forsaken him for a corrupt candidate who is black.

    That's now the nation's narrative. Irony of ironies -- because the people most inclined to embrace that narrative are the same ones who hate obama for example, because he dared win the presidency while being black.

    Sorta reminds me of the prison inmate who got 40% of the vote in West Virginia's Democratic presidential primary - against obama. And none of the media dare say it's because obama is black. :roll:

    I know black people aren't all geniuses (just like all other kinds of people), and aren't above voting for leaders from their tribe (just like all other kinds of people).

    But you should counter the negative narratives that media is constantly pushing about black people. This case is obviously more complex than what they're peddling
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Has anyone googled that guy before they voted? This is pure ignorance.
  9. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Medullaslash , it is hard to believe, but people were duped and fell for his trick.

    People who voted for him knew the incubent was black. People from the district stated the incubent had been there forever and was not doing nothing.

    There was some issues going on with the school board and they wanted him replaced. People wanted a black guy cuz their is a small amount of black folks elected in Texas positions.

    The district is predominately black and democrat, the GOP guy knew he could not win unless he did what he did.

    But being how stupid them folks are, he could have just switched parties and fed them some BS and they would have voted for him.
  10. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Okay the highlighted sentence offers some insight. Tho I still feel that this is being used as just more racial propaganda.

    People on the "right" in particular have been pushing the notion that blacks robotically vote based on race since the day that obama was elected - no way they vote on issues, agendas and interests.

    It's also ironic that people most likely to embrace that idea are the ones who hoped obama would fail from the start, and no media suggests that that is because of race.

    I still have a hard time believing that if those people in houston had a corrupt incumbent and honest options, they would forsake a good guy because he's white and would rather stick with a bad guy because he's black.

    But I get what you're saying.

    I hold no illusions about how deep and thick the stupidity gets in some corners of this country, and it is indeed stupid to vote just based on literature... just had a hard time fathoming how this is all about race, when the readily available incumbent was black.

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