I'm curious as to how you folks from around the world see Americans today. In the past, the world looked to the United States for inspirations in culture, ideas and innovation. I'm not sure that is the case today. In fact, I think the United States is in decline. I could be wrong, but would like your input. Do you still look to the United States for inspiration? What is it that turns you off about Americans today? What turn you on about Americans? Do you see the United States in decline or is still the number one that the world should follow or come to find a new life? How does your society view interracial mixing of other races (this can be explosive in some cultures in that racial superiority view). I find many Americans have not a clue as to how the world see them. I think it is important how others see us in terms of strength or wealness. If I remember my history, Adolf Hitler made his move to war because he wrongly thought the United States was weak because of it's economic and social problems (race conflicts) within. Today, I fear that still may be the case from other potential enemies. What do you think?
We are not there yet. Much of this world is still in the dark ages (pardon the pun). Nationalism, tribalism, Clans and as Micheal Savage would say "Borders, Language, and Culture" still rules.
US still leads in a lot of areas but others countries are catching up fast because of US worthless politicians helping to make a mess of this country. There was an up spike of US favoritism when Obama got elected but now he's doing the same crap. US is definitely in decline and if we continue to allow these poor excuse for politicians we're screwed.
No they are not, actually. Many countries are blacked out from the internet, hell even international TV, News, movies, et al. Propaganda 101.
Half what? Not of the world's population. Take India for example, a country of 1.2 billion, a mere 150 million Indians have internet access. Or China's 1.3 billion people who have 60 censors on their internet access (in fact Amnesty International cites China as having "the largest recorded number of imprisoned journalists and cyber-dissidents in the world.”) I'm pretty sure also the Middle East and Africa don't have hugely viable access either, not to mention Russia, Cuba, and let's not forget NORTH KOREA, so IDK about half. Some yes, but many countries are censored. Here's a list of a few others, btw... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_by_country
Don't worry folks The good ol' US of A is on it's way to blocking like China with the net neutrality going down.
I know, I heard about that...:smt009 Was going to make a thread about it when they announced the decision leading towards it...scary..say NO to Tiers! :smt012
It is just amazing. This stuff was covered on the nsa issues. Meaning no one noticed because we are all to worried about what the NSA is doing which is very important but this is so in connection to it.
I'm happy to be here in the US and where I'm living now, the people are wonderful! “I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.” ? Theodore Roosevelt