National PTA installing first African American male president Otha Thornton (PTA) The National PTA is installing its first African American male and a veteran of the Iraq war as its president this weekend. Otha Thornton, a senior operations analyst with General Dynamics in Fort Stewart, Ga., and a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, will become the leader of the National Parent Teacher Association after years of being involved with the organization in Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, Texas and Germany. The PTA is holding its annual convention in Cincinnati, where Thornton will be installed Sunday. He earned the Bronze Star Medal for exceptional performance in combat operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom 2009-2010. Thornton once served as vice president and president of the Parent Teacher Student Association at Fort Meade in Maryland and has been a volunteer at other schools. The PTA is the country’s largest parent involvement organization, with nearly 26,000 local units in every state as well as the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the Department of Defense Schools overseas.
this is a perfect example of a dad getting involved in his kids school...he joined the PTA when there were just 7-9 members and grew the schools PTA to over 400 getting parents involved in making their school better... I hear many black men here waiting for someone else to emerge as a leader...this man became a leader by joining a club...he represents parents of all well as the black community in his leadership
it was on world news tonight...I believe he was person of the week (last week) I actually was waiting to see if someone else would post this positive gem of information but it has become clear to me that the negative out weighs the positive on this forum...there are many fabulous black men out there...they just don't get recognized!
Outstanding. Now this is my idea of a leader. I hope and pray for more like him. We need a million more black men to step up to the plate. I'm doing my part without fanfare. Education toward the development of the triangle of life, Mind, Body, Spirit (MBS) in all children of color is imperative if this nation is to survive in a world of extreme challenges. My God, people of WW/BM make this your national calling. We in the interracial community can be that bright star for the development of excellence in all of our children because, of the example we show based on humanity beyond color in our love for each other. - Blacktiger