Who is at fault?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by archangel, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member


    pretty bad end for the guy who got run over.

    One of those cases when you should choose you friends wisely.

    I don't know who to blame here. I feel as if the motorcycle that slowed in front of the car started it but that is if he did it on purpose.

    I also don't condone running people over with your rover. He should have just stayed in the car and called the cops.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2013
  2. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I think the bikers are at fault. Period. They never should have surrounded the vehicle in the first place. The Rover wouldn't have hit the first biker and the ensuing chase and terror would've been avoided. Chances are, had the driver simply stopped and called the cops, the bikers still would've been pissed and still would've acted violently and done as much if not more damage to the family, waiting for the cops. I feel for the family. They had to have been terrified.
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Lol! So you expect a reasonable person not to make an effort to get their wife and child out of danger? Thats nonsense! I will always protect myself or someone I love by instinct and worry about the judgemental block heads later.
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying that . I'm merely conveying my sympathy towards the man who got run over and will never walk again. He didn't start anything and was the most injured. Meanwhile, the guys(not the driver or the guys who got run over) who started the whole mess got off with a slap on the risk.
  5. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I heard from another bike enthusiast (a respectable one), that there were 5 undercover cops in the bike gang. One of them reported the incidence his involvement 3 days after the fact. He supposedly broke out the back window of the SUV. I didn't read this myself, so take it FWIW.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2013
  6. chocolatecream4u

    chocolatecream4u Well-Known Member

    This is a very iffy situation a group /gang of bikers can be very intimadting IF!! there was a threat to the driver and his family I would tried get the fuck out dodge and run anyone in my path over as well,however IF!! he hit this guy purposely being asshole driver they should have got on to his ass I wasn't there so I don't know :smt102
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    this was on the news last night...his cover is blown now...when they finally got stuck in traffic the undercover cop was the one that broke out the drivers side back passenger window

    I feel for the man that got run over but what in the hell was he doing stopped next to the range rover...his safety in numbers kicked in and unfortunately that didn't work out to well for him...his own damn fault IMO...
  8. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I have no comment about who was at fault. It was an unfortunate day for everyone involved. After seeing the clip, I think the driver of the Range Rover would've had the instinct to stop or slow down since the biker slowed down. The biker should've moved out of the way. I am sure he can hear with his helmet what is behind him. If the driver of the Range Rover had stopped and called 911, it would not have gotten too bad. To the biker's friends, it could very well be seen as a hit-and-run. But to the driver of the Range Rover, it was extreme road rage and they ran for their lives. It was just a terrible day for all involved. My sympathy goes out to both of them. A few years back, in Mexico City, a crew was filming a nighttime scene with a group of bikers, when, all of a sudden, a Mercedes Benz sped through sending main of the bikers airborne(as high as 20 feet). Many of them were seriously injured and one was dead. The man who died was an actor named Edgar Ponce. The drive of the Mercedes(who was drunk) said he had nothing to do with it.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2013

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