Federal Jury to Boss: Illegal to Use N-word at Work, regardless of Race

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Mikey, I have no real interest in having a discussion with you. The only reason I even bothered exchanging post with you in this thread was to get some possible insight into how & why you are always on some WTF level crap. And as usual didn't get any actual answers, just more WTF level crap.
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    The problem isn't why someone would own what another person did. the problem is why would someone

    if 100% of bm get lumped together then what percent are they holding back? 0%...

    you do the math and then get back to me...if anything some of you hold yourselves down...

    mikey...for the record this is BM/WW so why the hell would I be talking about BW...we are talking about the advancement of BM...period[/QUOTE]

    I assume because you said black men. What do you think most of the men are on the forum? Geez lady what part of this are you not getting. You decided to attack black men just because you have a couple of bad folks. People ought to be judging people based on the contents of their character and not by the color of their skin and this exactly what you are doing with that comment.
  3. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ra, that's because this is the human race. It is probably ingrained within us to view people in racial categories or racial boxes. We can't get to a post-racial society and even if we tried, we'll still fail and never get there, regardless of what anyone says or anyone thinks. Even with what Martin Luther King has said in the past isn't enough.

    Despite how I feel about race in the US, I don't hate whites or white women, because people should be seen through the prism of human beings and not as racial entities. Most people in America and throughout the world can't figure that out or they deliberately refuse to believe it. So, Ra - can you figure that out?
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    The exchange between you & I was about YOU and your choosing to make the ignorant segment of our race the face of all of us, not your ramblings about the rest of the human race. Again, since you clearly can't stay on that topic & that topic alone, our exchange is done.
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    well stated ...to a point. bp help to keep bp down. semantics aside.....I agree with you. march on sister...march on. I got ur back
  6. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I have an answer, I was hesitant to tell you. I'll be using TDK's own words against you here. What will you think now? This is an old post with him, Phoenix Sosa, and some other people. I remember that Phx. Sosa basically had to end up leaving the forum over this thread.


    I'll be a little more understanding with you this time and say that the thug element/poverty element with blacks is below 50%. I would say it's 35% - 40%. The majority of black youth can abide by the law and do things that are productive. What I'm saying is that some people in America interpret that 40% of the black youth as the majority because of the way it's shown in the media.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2013
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member


    When you can actually answer a question without using OTHER PEOPLE'S WORDS or OPINIONS to answer questions when asked, I'll be more than willing to have a discussion, but since you still are unable to do the most basic thing by answering a question with YOUR WORDS & YOUR ACTUAL OPINIONS.......

  8. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I can't tell you why I think that.

    I don't know how to explain it, unfortunately.

    It's something that you could feel and realize, pretty much. And this is with some blacks, not all.
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You can't tell me why you choose to hold up the ignorant segment of our race as the face of all of us? You believe something but you can't explain why you believe it? Worse you always put time & effort in trying to convince other people that they should also believe it. And you wonder why many here don't take you serious?
  10. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well, the thing is, there's something called "black men who are white". A good deal of our community (even people here) believe that if blacks advance too far in their lives, they're basically incompatible and should be rejected by the rest of the black community. The black community wants a unified standard for blacks that plenty of blacks don't agree with. These kinds of black men are the men that most black women are not attracted to, but white women/women of other races are. I doubt there are any white women who would actively pursue black men who fit into the ignorant segment of the black race. That wouldn't exist. Think about TDK, Petty, Beasty and some of the other guys here, the guys who are on your side. They say the n word all the time and genuinely act black. I'm not really like that. African Americans are judged on how "black" they really are. And the more success you have in your life, the further you have to move away from your blackness. It's athletes and people who have college degrees and other means of achievements are the ones who find themselves "moving away" from the black community. Think about RGIII and the fact why so many people question why certain kinds of blacks who appear to be successful end up with blonde white women?

    Again, the problem is deeply rooted in the black community. Which is why I asked for white men to intervene within it.

  11. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Riddle me this? How & why is it that you always ASSUME that you are somehow more in tune with the black community compared to some of us who unlike yourself actually grew up in the black community and still have ties to it even if we don't directly live in a strictly all black & poor urban area??? Why do you continue to show your ignorance & naivety on anything involving the black community by trying to "enlighten" me with bullshit you have read while you spend your time browsing the internet to "educate" yourself on things you clearly don't have any first hand knowledge about?? And why are you relying on the negative opinions & views of non black people (and some self serving black s as well) who clearly have no investment of any kind in positive solutions towards the black community/race for answers to any of the problems within the black community??
  12. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    They aren't negative opinions, those are factual. A lot of people screw up, blacks included. Everyone who isn't genuinely racist want's a better outlook for the black community. Matter of fact, every racial community. The white community has its issues as well. I'm not trying to portray them as perfect, because they aren't. Bringing awareness of the fact that something needs to be done is the first step to improving the community.

    Maybe when Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in 2016, she should create a section within her administration that is focused on not just improving the black community, but communities for all minorities. We would like to do something, but we are just civilians. There's very little that we can do. Someone who's already in a position of power needs to propose solutions for minority communities. Obama has been criticized by them because they feel he hasn't been doing enough (or anything really) to improve the conditions of minorities and race relations.
  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Factual based on what exactly? Because it's opinions posted on the internet?? Every time you have posted opinions by non black people in regards to black people & issues regarding black people it's always some far right leaning view points or some straight up racists or bordering on racists views. How & where are these "experts" from your limited POV getting their facts??

    And you are correct. Everyone regardless of race screws up & has issues within their own community, but you constantly make it seem as if we as black people as a race are the most fucked up race of people currently walking the Earth & the down fall of American society & civilization as a whole is squarely on our shoulders.
  14. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Most of my reasoning for posting those references here was just to provoke people on here that wouldn't like to hear what was said. The other reason of why I've been posting that was because it sounded like it made sense and I partially agreed with what they were saying. To your second paragraph, I don't believe that we're the most screwed up race. Other races are on par with us too. When they screw up, the form of media coverage is different. It doesn't make it on to CNN. I would say that it's a human thing and not really a racial thing. But more of the focus is always diverted onto what blacks do, which is why I'm spending most of the time talking about blacks.

    Both black men and women really need to step it up.
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Ummm....explain what is gained by "provoking" people with what you believe they don't want to hear? :confused: Not very productive to any discussion or to solutions for any of the problems you and others love to highlight.

    And again why do you keep making ignorant & childish assumptions about other people & what they think/believe because their opinions & views don't match your own?
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    What's gained is the ability to realize that there are people out there who are frustrated with the baffling things that certain blacks do, and/or how black leadership is organized. And I make those assumptions because I believe the race would never improve or get better if we all believed what they had to say.
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Here's the problem with your logic & motivation : No one here is gaining anything from you & other like minded individuals because most of here already KNOW what's going on because we deal with things out in the real world in one form or another. Why do we need you telling us what we already know?
  18. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And once again why do you keep putting up these quotes & videos from other people & what not as if that proves something? You've already confessed you can't even explain why you hold the ignorant of our own race as the face for all of us, so what is the video you're posting suppose to convince me of???:confused:
  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    The last explaination that I had was my best reasoning for backing up what I tried to justify. Probably isn't the best one or the most politically correct one. I think there is an anti-intellectualism or anti-advancement within some people of the black community, and the prevalence of it leads me to make that conclusion about the ignorant segment of our race. If you watched the guy's show, he tries to talk about the white community's perspective of that.

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