Even though the title is eye-catching, the intent of what I'm saying is a little deceiving since I didn't imply immediately what their intent for adopting the Ethiopian children was for. I came across this either from CNN or the Huffington Post, and I can't seem to exit out from viewing this. Even though it's not necessarily about WW and BM, in some ways, I still thought it was relevant for me to post this here. This might start to pick up national attention in a few days or by next week, perhaps. Northside made a thread earlier about a movie called "12 years a slave". What's happened in Washington State (Ra - you live around there) is basically a court case where a white couple had adopted two Ethiopian children, one young boy and one young girl in 2008. The reason this has made it to court is because the family has basically emulated conditions of modern-day slavery on the two children. The female one, Hana Williams, died in the middle of 2011. The male one, Immanuel, is still alive, and could testify for the Prosecution in court. I went back to Northside's thread and noticed that Chesbay did say something in that thread explaining that we hung on to history and slavery too often. I thought she was right at first, but after coming across this, I've changed my mind. It also ponders us to think if this family is not the only family who has thought about doing this. Could it be correct to assume that there are other white couples in marriages who adopt kids of African/Ethiopian descent, and do the same thing? What is the true intent that most white Americans have when they interact or engage with blacks (even blacks not from the US) in the US? Are they here to help us, or do they just expose themselves to black people just to screw them over? http://www.goskagit.com/news/local_...cle_b5c44ebe-19a2-11e3-9b0a-001a4bcf887a.html This also leads me to bring up that thread about the WWII vet, where I tried to argue my case saying that Martin Luther King obviously didn't do enough to advance us during the 50s and 60s. Clearly, King and the black leaders in the past and present haven't done enough work.
I'm not sure what this has to do with letting go of "American slavery". Anyways this is really unfortunate and sad news. Wonder how this will all end.
Shitty parents come in all shapes and colors. I don't think there's an overwhelming majority of white couples looking to adopt children of African descent to create their own little family of slaves. That thought alone is enough to make me sick. Some people have no heart, and they adopt with bad intentions...but I don't think it's a "white people" thing, it's just a "shitty people" thing. I think this story is simply an example of evil human beings taking advantage of children. They deserve the worst punishment available.
Well.... we were told that we should move on and it's not good for us to cling on to what happened in the past. But creative practices of slavery/bias are still around. We still need to fight today for basic things that Dr. King talked about in the past. I'll have to look into that and see. I guess you're partially right. But IMO, I think it's very hard to say this was just because the people were shitty parents. There is a racial and cultural element that can't be ignored and that's the elephant in the room which causes this to be as severe as it is.
I think it's easy to assume a racial element here, and by no means am I saying race didn't play a role with these disgusting parents. All I'm saying is that I don't think there is some large subculture of white people looking for children of African descent to enslave. I've read numerous stories similar to this, where the adoptive parents/children were of the same race. Like I said...shitty parents come in all colors.
Ok. I'll take your word for it, a small percentage of these people do this. What percentage(s) are you thinking? Maybe 5% - 15%? I'll have to do some research on transracial adoption since this is an area I don't know much about. I don't think this kind of news would make it onto the TV channels like Headline News or CNN. The repercussions are too high.
Here's a much happier story. Note how one couple's leap of faith inspired others to do the same. http://www.cbn.com/700club/guests/bios/Lysa_Terkeurst031307.aspx
this. there are shitty, evil people out there and this condition doesn't discriminate. my heart goes out to those two beautiful children, may Hana rest in peace and her brother get all the help he needs and a loving, caring family.
Your claim is fairly conditional and has little to do with assessment of situations like this. I personally would like to see these people thoroughly examined. In doing so we can more readily stop situations like this - people incapable of parenting, parenting; that is. We both agree this is wrong.
Thanks for your input. I talked about Dr. King because I really think the entire thing had a racial agenda behind it. Most people on here want to view as it as just a unfortunate tragedy, without invoking the racial perspective of it. Unfortunately, the state (prosecution) did have to make the case about race, so they could get the upper hand in court against the defense. Notice the words in quotations. Those words would have to be associated with white people who have a disdain for blacks. The entire family didn't really like blacks, especially blacks not even born in the US. If the prosecution tried to avoid race completely and just frame their case off of it being something unfortunate, they would be making it easier for the defense to present a better case in court.
The horrific abuse inflicted upon those poor 2 kids is beyond dastardly, and so shameful for everything they represent and have stained. :smt009 I cannot fathom Hanna's terror at seeing these beasts faces come to her each time to harm her. These are the times I would beat the parent tenfold so they cam feel those children's pain. But I won't have to, because prison will take care of them.