Federal Jury to Boss: Illegal to Use N-word at Work, regardless of Race

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    so you are stating that you as a black man are holding black men down?
    yes or no?
  2. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    No, what I would say instead is that this goes beyond our race. I think it's more of a fundamental problem and not really a race-based one. And I think this kind of problem exists in every race of people, even our own. I think it's something that's inherent and very difficult to explain.

    Do you remember during Halftime or before Game 3 of the Spurs verses the Heat? There was a Mexican immigrant who was 10 years old, singing the National Anthem. Everyone from every racial group (except the Hispanics themselves) "held him down", especially on Twitter. Even black men and white women did. Black women did too.
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    That's not what she posted Mikey. The conversation is on what she posted.
    I am glad to see that you disagree with what she posted. She should not be blaming you me and every other black man for what individuals have done. You need to remain vigilant in correcting people who defame you for doing a good job. That's what this conversation is about.
  4. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I don't know. Although, I believe that the world's history and the triangular slave trade had something to do with it. Or possibly that it just happens to be natural in our society to do that. Or, there just happens to be some unexplainable reason. And not it's just with us, it's done with all other cultures and ethnic groups too, besides the white race. Think about the face of Asian men Ra. They are portrayed as awkward and not really fitting in with US society.

    Ok, Lippy probably was in the wrong for doing that. I would suggest for her to not just focus on black men. Lippy's focus should be directed towards both BM and BW, and on other racial groups.
  5. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You will stay on topic for once since you like to talk so much and actually answer a question rather than post some meaning less ramblings . Why do you & other like minded black males here insist on making the ignorant among our people the face for all black people all the while always ignoring the very fact that YOU as well as pretty much all the rest of us black males here are proof that the ignorant are not the majority face & voice of our people?
  6. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member


    It is what it is, Ra. Even Andreboba actually gave me more credibility to what I was trying to say about the state of black people during the Trayvon Martin case. He said something like, "Unfortunately, Rachel Jeantal represents the majority of black folk in this country." Then view what people on blogging sites and other online discussion panels had to say about her testimonial.

    The thing that the country can't figure out is if the ignorant is the majority face & voice of all minority groups (not just blacks) or not. It really is hard to tell, Ra.
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Lippy's comments should be directed towards those that are doing bad and not alienating the rest of us that are doing good.
  8. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Rachel Jeantal does not represent the majority of black folks. Most of which are not from Haiti or have parents from Haiti. Rachel is a product of how bad the education system is in America. When you can bring a kid to this country from another country that is in unison with having one dictation and one behavior to another country and see his or her behavior in that country's culture, you see a big problem.
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Pull up the quote of him giving you credit for what you said. You have a warped sense of reality as always, plus now you're trying to save face by throwing in ALL races when you initially jumped in here once again pointing at only black people.
  10. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ok, understood. That makes sense to me.

    I can pull it up probably on the next time I sign on. I'm out.
  11. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Don't bother. I don't care if he actually did or not. Plus you never answered the question that I asked. Why are YOU choosing to hold up the ignorant of our race as the face of all of us???
  12. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    I think mikey is evolving. Congrats mikey :smt023 The path to betterment of black people involves recognizing that there are fuckups - and upright people - in EVERY group.

    You should be held up for your good points just like the next man. And you should fight vehemently against the nazi "hierarchy" that weak-minded, weak-bodied, weak-spirited people try to impose because it gives them "free points" and "levels the playing field" in the face of your strengths.

    Now, I'm still waiting for lippy to walk us through how I (and presumably mikey, ra and archangel) are holding black people down. Exactly how does that work? :smt017
  13. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Not that she needs any help from me...she doesn't. But this is a woman who has loved BM (on multiple levels--friends, lovers, etc) for decades...including when it was much less socially acceptable to do so. She has a stake in this...notice her use of we.

    She's on our side and she made her well-meaning comment full-knowing that some would be sensitive to it, but said it anyway. It is her opinion and she is entitled to it.
  14. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    The part that you quoted isn't the part that is the issue. It is the part where she attacks black men. You can help a person without stabbing them in the back.
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    okay so let me break this down for you...when I said black men are holding black men down...I own it and I damn well meant it...now why on earth a few of you here would automatically raise your hand and ASSUME that I was talking about you...how can black men hold black men down if you ASSUME that all black men are in the spotlight

    this is where the problem begins, resonates and ends...why would you own something that you aren't responsible for...why not instead rise above it and set a good example for other black men...

    if 100% of bm get lumped together then what percent are they holding back? 0%...

    you do the math and then get back to me...if anything some of you hold yourselves down...

    mikey...for the record this is BM/WW so why the hell would I be talking about BW...we are talking about the advancement of BM...period
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    it's a firestorm but I am not shaken by it at all...sometimes it takes someone to say something not so popular to get people to open their eyes...
  17. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    When it's confirmed that enough people in our race are moving on the right path (both black men and black women), I wouldn't be questioning it.

    Within my social circle and the people I meet, I don't detect any problems within our race. Beyond that, when you look at blacks from a national perspective, we have concerns that need to be addressed.

    I talk about BW anyway for the sake of doing so. I'm aware that not all of them are "hood-rat quality", there must be some BW of decent quality out there that can consistently function well enough in society. Same goes for white women, hispanic women, etc.
  18. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    so not necessary! of course there are quality black women...you all have mothers and sisters and many of the men here have daughters...let's just keep on subject...

    I see none of the other men came back to this thread:smt005
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And how exactly will you confirm that enough of our race is moving in the right path in your mind considering the current gauge that you seem to use to make your little determination is to always find the most extreme & biased/bordering on racists views/opinions that someone can find on the internet as if those are the default opinion/view of most people? :confused:
  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ra, I've reached a deal with you. We have to talk about it in a new thread that I'll create. It has to do with the thread that Northside created, which I haven't replied in.

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