does assad look like....

Discussion in 'In the News' started by medullaslashin, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member


    he's baack...?


    I always thought that he looks like hitler, so I googled that and found that I'm not the only one who sees the resemblance.

    This is interesting because if there's a WW3 brewing, he's smack dab in the center of it, just like hitler was in WWII.

    You know how they say this could be the big one? This actually could be the big one. :mrgreen:

    Some ppl say there's a world war every 50 years. Don't know how they can say that since there have been only 2 world wars, but if they're right, we're overdue.

    We have russia and usa squaring off in the war of words, then you have shia vs sunni, hezbollah vs jihadis, turkey and israel in the mix. what a mess. Even china and some of its neighbors (japan and others) are having static

    WW3 almost got started in the 60s over U.S. military setting up missiles in turkey (the cuban missile crisis was resolved at least in part by kennedy withdrawing missles from turkey, which was russia's greivance then and probably now).

    Bigtime geo-politics going on.

    ..So in the youtube thread I found about assad looking like hitler there was an interview with assad. I had never heard him speak and he's speaking english. I was surprised, but I guess I shouldn't be. Here's the vid:

  2. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

  3. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    And that makes you smile ????
  4. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    hehhehe. :mrgreen: why not?

    Humanity needs a lil humbling at this point.

    Don't worry - when the smoke clears, people will be much, much nicer to one another. :mrgreen:

    besides, I don't really think it's gonna come down to wwIII. Already obama's hedging and backtracking on his "red line" comment, calling what he might do a "shot across the bow" to "remind" syria not to use chemical weapons again.

    More than likely he's going to put off any action at all, pursuant to a fuller report from the UN inspector. Russia's calling his bluff and we're in no position for any more wars, let alone a hot war with russia. I think obama's gonna keep it to proxy stuff. (Worry about the next prez tho.)

    Besides, bashar falling or bashar staying is lose/lose in america's eye. No big win either way. The war would continue if bashar falls, except it will be betw moderate syrians and the salafists. A mess. No setting up an american friendly regime there, plus russia won't have it.

    In fact, I'd bet that if Obama could have his words back, he would've kept quiet about syria instead of saying asad must go (encouraging the rebellion, which didn't go well) and drawing red lines that he's losing face over. politics!

    Israel would probably rather see asad in place too, because at least he represents stability as opposed the great unknown. Much like they prefer the military dictatorship in egypt to the muslim brotherhood running things things. And with hezbollah's attention focused on the sunnis, with asad keeping a lid on things, that's fine with israel.

    I watch this kinda stuff like other guys watch sports. I like history and science and stuff and "big picture" questions, so humankind can be fascinating, if you step back from it a bit.. "The Great Game" is certainly fascinating.

    ..So all told: don't worry 'bout a thing, cause every little thing's gonna be alright
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    LMAO, uz a fool! :smt081

    Me too, and a greed. Always nice to see other out-the-box steppers. :smt023
  6. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member


    Even uk is sitting this one out. british parliament voted down uk participation... I don't think america's gonna go in unilaterally.

    poor syrian people are stuck in the middle of it all. maybe stuck with assad

    I have to say tho, I was watching some talk show in which one of the expert commentators said that some of the syrian chemical attack hospital footage ("proof" of the attack) looked "hyperreal" to him (as in fake).

    I've seen the newsclips too, and I gotta agree with him. The clips I saw looked staged - there didn't seem to be the sense of urgency, panic and chaos that you'd expect in such a treatment room. the lighting was too perfect too. Other commentators have noted that the doctors in the footage hadn't taken measures to protect themselves like they'd need to if they were treating a room full of victims of a chemical attack

    Not saying the footage was faked, but it kinda looked fake.:smt017


    Official: U.S. may take unilateral action against Syria
  7. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I say let them fight it out on their own if there is no proof of chemical weapons being used. If their are chemical weapons being used I would hope that our allies would be on board for putting a stop to it. That shit is sickening. Whats next? Dropping airborne virus after you vaccinate your own troops? They can kill each other with bullets, missiles, and bombs all they want. Its when they use WMD's and kill thousands of kids and civilians is what is truly sickening and Russia and China are ran by some perverted bastards that seem to be perfectly ok with it.
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Bomb the fuck out of Assad and his military. The Russians are NOT getting into a major military conflict with the U.S. over Syria.

    Problem is we lack the desire or commitment to do the war thing again after over a decade in Iraq/Afghanistan, which is understandable.

    It really pisses me off to know that if there's a human rights atrocity taking place anywhere in the world, if Uncle Sam doesn't set things right, NO ONE WILL.

    The rest of these 'world powers' ain't shit lately when things really get pushed to the edge.

    Assad could murder 5 million of his own citizens to stay in power and the world community would wring their hands while the U.N. says, 'shame on you bad Assad'.
  9. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    obama is in a hard spot right now. I think he's gonna stand down. He doesn't want a war with russia, which is a distinct possibility if america acts

    It's more the opposite: America is not going to get into conflict with russia over syria.

    Putin's not going to knuckle under to obama. Putin sees himself as a "macho man" and that's part of his political image. Plus russia has more to lose geopolitically with american hegemony in that area.
  10. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    If he stood down while the US invaded oil rich Iraq why would he stand up now over Syria?
  11. Black DeNiro

    Black DeNiro Well-Known Member



    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    there are human rights in the us.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    i don't see how ppl could joke about this when innocent ppl die. especially black ppl when we are refugees in our own country. shaking my head.
  14. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    There is a possibility that if our fleet of battleships fire on Syria that Assad will sink each and every one of those 5 ships because they're well within range of his miltary might. That would be a catastrophe for Obama. Syria is not Afganistan or Libya; Assad has state-of-the-art Russian missiles at his discretion and our fleet is stationed right off his maritime coast
  15. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You are more likely to win the lottery :smt081
  16. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Syria is russia's ally, kinda like turkey is part of nato. Plus if U.S. controls syria, we have damn near the whole region as allies/areas of influence

    iraq, saudi arabia, jordan, turkey, israel

    With syria under u.s.control, only Iran is left out...

    and on the other side of iran we have afganistan (to whatever extent), pakistan to an extent

    Russia's not liking having all this go on in its backyard. The u.s. takeover in Iraq is probably one of the reasons russia's standing up now
  17. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I imagine Putin sucks at chess. If I were in his shoes there would have been a much different play on Iraq. Your answer on Syria is not the optimal. If Syria is important enough for them go to war with the US it would be because Syria is their only ally that has an Mediterranean port. There you go. I strengthened your position and still think you are wrong. The US and Russia have been doing everything they can to avoid a hot war since the end of the cuban missile crisis. The reason we won the cold one is that we had the better business model and Russia went broke. Guess what even though the US is broke it still has the better business model and Russia still sucks economically.

    FYI Pakistan hates the ground we walk on. They were only playing politics against their very powerful enemy to the east.
  18. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    hee hee - Obama just announced he'll seek congressional authorization

    (Probably hoping they'll say no...)

    Next up: congress says NO

    Congress returns September 9 to begin the debate..

    I'm pretty sure u.s. is going to stand down here

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