Squatting to ninety-degrees places undue stress on the knees. In addition, you are training your neuro-muscular patterns to limit your range of motion.
Specifically, pistols, olympic style front squats, snatch grip overhead squats, and back squats are the cornerstone of an athlete. In this order.
Awww every woman deserves to know the feeling!! I say...practice makes perfect I'm probably picturing this all wrong...
It is not my intention to insult or humiliate anyone's intelligence. I want to prevent injuries. Before starting any type of squats, ensure you have PROPER FLEXIBILITY IN SHOULDERS, HIPS, FEET, ANKLES, AND LEGS, AND ADEQUATE STABILITY STRENGTH IN YOUR GLUTES, ABS, SHOULDERS, FEET, ANKLES, AND BACK. ALWAYS FIX AND CORRECT IMBALANCES, IN ORDER TO PREVENT INJURIES. The more I know, the more I do not know!!!
so you would suggest the ass to grass method? Shit then I guess I'll be sticking to leg presses with a machine or a smith machine I can not fuck with injuries. I'm at an age where injuries now mean injuries for life.
If you are performing proper stretches, calisthenics, and conditioning in your martial arts classes, and using ice, tennis balls, and a foam roller, while maintaining proper technique, you should not have problems with squats. With all due respect, do not take the path of least resistance. A human being was designed to defecate in the full squat position. In China, Japan, Korea, Afghanistan, and Nepal squat toilets are used, by men and women in the eighties!!!