An overhead view of a flooded downtown New Orleans in the days after Hurricane Katrina. A new poll shows that more Louisiana Republicans blame President Obama for the federal response to the storm than President Bush. Nearly a third of Louisiana Republicans think President Obama is to blame for the federal government’s notorious response to Hurricane Katrina, a new poll revealed. The only problem, of course, is that Katrina, the dreadful 2005 storm that left more than 1,800 people dead and caused more than $100 billion in damage, occurred more than three years before Obama even took office. (The future president was then just eight months into his term as junior senator from Illinois.) Despite that critical fact, 29% of Republicans in the Bayou State blame Obama for the federal government’s sluggish and sloppy response to the 2005 hurricane, according to left-leaning polling agency Public Policy Polling (PPP). Former President George W. Bush looks out the window of Air Force One as he flies over New Orleans to survey the damage left by Hurricane Katrina. Another 28% blamed it on President George W. Bush, whose administration oversaw the federal response to the storm, which turned out to be the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history, according to the National Hurricane Center. The remaining 44% of poll respondents weren’t sure who to blame, the poll results, first published on political website Talking Points Memo, showed. Bush, as well local government and Federal Emergency Management Agency officials, fell under harsh criticism for their preparedness for and response to the epic storm.
There are some dumb motherfuckers in Louisiana and it clearly shows that they think he's some voodoo warlord.
Dumb motherfuckers doesn't even begin to cover this amount of dumbs. The raging stupids. It hurts my brain.
WTF. How in the hell can anyone place blame on Obama if he was not in office?! Are they high?? I can maybe see George Bush Sr., but even that's a stretch, considering his term ended years before Katrina happened. This is one administration's fault alone, good ol' George Jr. He didn't care then, and doesn't care now.
WTF!!! How could they do that? Who's dick had they been sucking on to come to that conclusion? But, this is the South. I hope to see New Orleans one day(they say you should see New Orleans at least once). Politics be damned. Katrina put a serious hurting on the Gulf Coast. I hope the lessons Katrina had taught us remain.
The south doesn't really have the most rational thinking people on the planet. Then again, people are just plain stupid and allow paranoia to run their lives.
the rest of the country is moving forward and the south is in a stand might be time to break off a chunk and let them figure it out on their own...
It's not just the South. It's most places in this country outside of major metropolitan areas. I got family who live upstate New York and say that it's worse than the part of Mississippi that they lived in before.
Story fits with this youtube vid........ HaHa! [youtube]jkQxHlr2fXM?t=20s[/youtube]
This statistic just proves without a shadow of a doubt, what we have known for awhile. The true Obama haters never needed a real reason to hate him. They would hate him no matter what he did.
I just watched a documentary on emmet till's murder and it got my blood boiling. I have a new found hatred for the south even though i know this happened over 50 years ago not to mention what those moronic white Ole Miss students did when obama won in 2012. Smgdmfh there must be something in the water in the south
The south begins at Canadian border! Racism is rampant in good ole' USA in 2013, but then again this country was founded and well developed by racism.