Oklahoma Police Say Boredom Led Teens To Kill Man On The Street

Discussion in 'In the News' started by blackbull1970, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    criminals get guns because guns are readily available. Especially handguns via gun running from lax states. The mexicans and their gunrunning from U.S. to mex are a stark example.

    If guns weren't so readily available fewer criminals would have guns.

    Can't deny that.

    People engage in violence. People engage in violence more readily and with more deadly effect when they have access to guns.

    The ghengis khan comparison is laughable. This is america in 2013. Genghis khan couldn't happen in 2013 even if he did have guns.

    Guns are used in crime because they're so readily available. Guns are used in myriad other tragedies (domestic violence, accidents, suicides) because they're so readily available.

    The logic is impeccable, which is why wherever you have dense populations, wise administrations tightly control access to guns.

    In places like afghanistan, hotheads shoot RPGs at other neighbor's homes because the neighbor's sheep grazed on the hothead's land.

    Should RPGs be readily available here too? And full auto? Should we all have our own nukes? Obviously not. Replace "guns" with "firepower" and everyone becomes an advocate of "gun control", because it's only logical.

    Should guns be allowed on planes? No? Then you're for gun control.

    It's just the extent that people disagree on. The tragedies that we see daily should inform your opinion on the extent of gun control that's necessary.

    All that guns do is make it necessary for everyone to have one. They also lead to inevitable tragedies that often fan the flames of tribalism.

    They make cowards into "big men" like these three punks who DEFINITELY would not have even approached the australian guy if they weren't packing. It would've been too "iffy" and too messy at minimum. They probably would've been scared. Guns were their balls, their "machismo". To some people guns are even "sexy". heheheh Do the math.

    They turn people like that fat fool with his eyes too close together (zimmerscum) into "big men".

    To say that criminals and bullies are the same with or without guns is ridiculous. In fact, it's their worship of guns that's often an impetus to their actions.

    Gun lovers are lucky I'm not the gubmint. I'd pry them from their cold dead hands just to show them that guns aren't your savior.

    Civil society and rule of law is as close as it gets.

    Now, if you choose to butt heads with the argument above, please don't forget the parts with the question marks. :!:
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  2. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You would have to be a dictator in order to attempt that and the last time I checked dictators were not invincible. Assad has tanks and jets and you said so yourself that you don't think he will be alive in 2016.
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Must spread rep.:smt109

    Once again, people need to understand the reason there was outrage over the Trayvon Martin murder is because his killer wasn't charged initially even after admitting he killed an unarmed teen he himself had racially profiled and followed on foot.

    These kids' lives are over and will probably spend the next 20-30 years in prison.

    I first saw this story on TheDailyCaller. OMG.
    Why are some White people really, REALLY angry when it comes to the subject of race, crime and the weird juxtaposition of the Obama presidency??:smt076
  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Uhm..... I may have to refer you to satyrs post. You can own hunting rifles, but that is very hard to get a license for, regular guns are pretty much non existent. Like most of Europe.
    Also, take a look at gun-violence stats.

    Switzerland's gun control laws are only a bit more lax than most of Europe and still nowhere close to the US.
  5. Stinkmeaner

    Stinkmeaner New Member

    Fox And Friends, Daily Caller Falsely Report ’3 Black Teens’ Arrested In Killing


    The senseless, infuriating murder of Australian Chris Lane has drawn comparisons, by some media outlets, to the killing of Trayvon Martin. Fox and Friends and The Daily Caller, for example, have each posited the Lane killing as illustrating some sort of “double standard” by black leaders like Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and President Barack Obama, but in the process, each of them falsely reported that Lane was shot by “three black teens,” when one of the suspects is clearly a white male. A Duncan, Oklahoma police source confirms, to Mediaite, that 17 year-old suspect Michael Jones is, indeed, a white male.

    On Wednesday morning, Fox and Friends aired a segment in which they ostentatiously wondered why Revs. Sharpton and Jackson “haven’t come forward and said anything,” and even though they displayed a photo of the three suspects, which clearly showed that one of them is a white male, they quoted an Allen West tweet that said “Three black teens shoot white jogger.”

    The Daily Caller actually improved on F&F. Initially, they ran a photo of the wrong Michael Jones, and issued this “correction”:

    This, of course, changes everything. Edwards and Luna are being charged with first-degree murder, whereas Jones is charged with “using a vehicle to facilitate the discharge of a weapon and accessory after the fact of murder in the first degree.”

    There’s your angle, Rev. Al. The one with the lightest skin got the lightest charge. The one who looks the least like Obama will get the least punishment. Let the racebaiting begin.

    Here’s the photo The Daily Caller originally ran, with the wrong Michael Jones:


    A Duncan police source confirmed to Mediaite, Wednesday morning, that 17 year-old Michael Jones is not “the one with the lightest skin,” he is a white male. It is true that 15 year-old James Edwards and 16 year-old Chancey Luna have been charged, as adults, with first-degree murder, while Jones is charged as an accessory after the fact, but Jones is also reported to have said “I pulled the trigger” in court Tuesday:

    As the boys appeared in an Oklahoma courtroom, a 17-year-old blurted out, “I pulled the trigger,” then wept after a judge told him that Tuesday’s hearing wasn’t the time or place to sort out the facts of the case.

    The three teens allegedly shot and killed Chris Lane “for the fun of it,” as infuriating a motive as there is, but so far, there is no indication that race played a role in the selection of the victim, and unlike the Trayvon Martin killing, the alleged perpetrators in this crime were almost immediately arrested and charged. Like other crimes that have been posited as “double standards,” there is no factual basis for comparison, and no one has explained what, exactly, they would expect Rev. Al to say.

    What there is is a chance to continue the Zimmerman defense team’s contention that it is reasonable to profile young black men, an opportunity to present young black men as products of an inherently violent culture. That one of the suspects is white is a complicating factor that some, it appears, are choosing to ignore.

    To be clear, their premise would be equally false if all three suspects were black, but the fact that they’ve chosen to ignore Michael Jones’ race indicates a commitment to that premise no matter what the facts say. The oldest of the three suspects, who declared in open court that he “pulled the trigger,” is a white male, so perhaps these conservative outlets ought to be praising Al Sharpton for not coming out and saying that the lesson here is for black kids not to hang around with white kids. If he did, he would be rightly condemned, but such a declaration would be no more absurd than the idea that he should weigh in on a tragedy that, thus far, appears to be taking as just a course as is possible. There’s definitely something wrong with the people who killed Chris Lane, but it’s not the color of their skin.

    Update: The Daily Caller writer in question lamely objects “Note to @tommyxtopher: If you see a number in this headline, you need to visit an optometrist and/or a shrink,” so before he changes it, here’s the quote from the body of his article:

    As the family of an Australian baseball player gunned down in Oklahoma mourns his death, police said today that the college athlete was targeted by three black teenagers who simply “wanted to see someone die.”

    He was quoting a WorldNetDaily article, which has since been stealth-corrected to remove the part they made up, while the Daily Caller article has not.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wow the news doesn't report the news anymore. Great find Stinkmeaner. The new spin will be the black kids influenced the poor innocent white kid. Btw a big lmbao to Paniro and Arch on this one.
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    the travyon situation had a lot of injustice in it from the get go, which led to people being upset

    zimmerman was allowed to 'walk' even after the cops knew he just killed a boy

    the family had to protest just to get the police to do their jobs

    u cant be that dense
  8. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Surely you learned long ago to not ask stupid questions.
    You get stupid answers.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i wasnt aware i was asking a one


    im just saying tho...there was a lot more to the travyon case than the actual murder

    the way the cops handled it initially was laughable

    the only reason zimmerman got held on bail and the case went to trial, was because the family got the story out

    if they didnt do anything, nothing would have happened
  10. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I would have thought that last bit there was a question like thingie
    And even if you didn't mean it..
    His originals questions should give you a clue to what the answers would be
  11. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    One of the teens Micheal Dewayne Jones is White. So where are those right wingers who said he was Black?
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    DK,in Oz gun control means a lot in Oz after that shooting in Tazmania years back. My ex was almost killed but, thankfully she did not come to that cite. Good timing I supposed.
  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Thanks Smeaner on that mention from Faux News. P187,go hang with crazy Allen West and find the NAAWP on that march in Oklahoma.
  14. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    This is the most logical post from either position in this thread thus far. Up to the dictatorship bullshit. There are a few things that I 'd debate, but as I stated earlier this is just not an issue that I'm so passionate about.
  15. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    They don't care about that. They care about the black people.

    They seem to be trying to ignore the shooter at the Georgia elementary school, who was not black and could have pulled off a large massacre. The media is talking about that, but not the commentators that we're talking about.

    I'm convinced nothing can really get done. View these cases, some of which don't even have guns being used and still pose a big threat.

    Could it simply be argued or admitted to that most humans have violent or aggressive tendencies?

    So many things have happened recently which make that statement something worthy of discussion.



  16. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Regarding the Skype thing:

    Because you scared me off. Talking all that smexay "you know I lurves you babee and I'm your main squeeze."

  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    its lonely on skype now
  18. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    Think how I felt when you were hare one moment and goon the next.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Baby cum back to me!
  20. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    ......I have to borrow one of your old lines, "Leave me out of your Shit"....I advised the man from the beginning Not to do it........Go back and read the threads.......

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