Hateful letter sent to parents of autistic boy...

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Tamstrong, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Ontario police investigating hateful letter telling family to ‘euthanize’ autistic child

    Ontario police are aware of a disgusting letter sent to a woman caring for an autistic child by another woman who wanted the "wild animal kid" out of her neighbourhood, even if it meant killing the child.
    The hateful letter was reportedly sent last week to a resident of Newcastle, Ont., just east of Toronto, who hosts her 13-year-old grandson, Max, during summer days.
    Mother Karley Begley spoke with CityNews and broke down in tears as she tried to read the letter.
    The letter was re-posted on Twitter by Lennon and Maisy, a young Ontario singing duo who also star on ABC's Nashville.
    The post has been retweeted more than 3,000 times.

    Durham Regional Police told Yahoo! Canada News that a report was filed on Friday and an investigation is ongoing.
    "We are certainly taking it seriously," spokesperson Jodi MacLean said on Monday.

    "We are consulting with the Crown to see if there is any criminality that went on with the letter."

    From its tone, the letter might be considered anything from abusive to threatening or perhaps even criminal. It is addressed to "the lady living at this address" and signed, "One pissed off mother!!!!*"
    *The number, but not the frequency, of exclamation and question marks used in the letter has been approximated in this post. It reads:

    I also live in this neighbourhood and have a problem!!!! You have a kid that is mentally handicapped and you consciously decided that it would be a good idea to live in a close proximity neighgbourhood like this???? You selfishly put your kid outside everyday and let him be a nothing but a nuisance and a problem to everyone else with that noise polluting whaling he constantly makes!!! That noise he makes when he is outside is DREADFUL!!!!!!!!!! It scares the hell out of my normal children!!!!!!!!!
    The letter goes on to state:
    Crying babies, music and even barking dogs are normal sounds in a residential neighbourhood!!!!! He is NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    He is a nuisance to everyone and will always be that way!!!!!! Who the hell is going to care for him????????? No employer will hire him, no normal girl is going to marry/love him and you are not going to live forever!!
    T]hey should take whatever non retarded body parts he possesses and donate it to science. What the hell else good is he to anyone!!!!
    You had a retarded kid, deal with it... properly!!!!! What right do you have to do this to hard working people!!!!!!!!!
    I HATE people like you who believe, just because you have a special needs kid, you are entitled to special treatment!!! GOD!!!!
    Go live in a tralier in the woods or something with your wild animal kid!!! Nobody wants you living here and they don't have the guts to tell you!!!!!
    Do the right thing and move or euthanize him!!! Either way, we are ALL better off!!!

    According to CityNews, the neighbourhood has come out in support of the Begley family and is trying to determine who sent the letter.
  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Humanity at it's finest. Gotta love it.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So much for tolerance. Bet they wouldn't be this crass if it were their kid.
  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yep, and it's scary to think that she's setting that ugly example for her own children to follow. It's sickening.
  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    The lady who wrote the letter is obviously not aware of the quote by a famous author about how too many exclamation marks are a definite sign if insanity.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I know this is fucked up to say but I do wonder why people bring disabled kids into this world. Its already tough enough for the able bodied it must be infinitely more difficult for those with a disability.
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    you DO realize that autism spectrum is not anything you can find out on a genetic test in utero, right?

    I leave the rest alone, or I go nuclear.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    No I didn't know that. Damn even with all this advanced tech shit is till such a gamble.
  10. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    What a disgusting woman.

    When working at a kindergarten last year, I had the task of looking after 1 if the children with autism during their quiet time (there were 2 in the group of 25 in total). She is an intelligent, beautiful little girl, who when gets one on one attention shines. Children with autism can be difficult, but with patience, kindness and gentleness, they can humble you with their beauty.
  11. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Autism is one of those diseases that is unexpected for children. For the parents, it is a question of if it can be cured(it cannot) or, worst yet, from who it came from. But, sometimes it just happens. Children with autism have very special needs and the services are very expensive. Wrestler Chris Benoit's son had a case of autism. Sadly, Benoit killed his wife and his son before taking his own life. Jenny McCarthy's son is autistic. Handicaps and diseases are a challenge to people who have them and their families. The phantom author of this insensitive letter should be ashamed.
  12. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Tarshi again.
  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    This. One of our neighbors has an autistic son & he and our son are good friends because they bonded due to their love of Legos & model building, which are activities that keep him in a calm & focused state. He's not one of the extreme cases of autism and does have his moments when he's a challenge for his parents, but in his more than not calm phases he's a very intelligent & a creative soul.
  14. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    You can only scan for genetically driven mental challenges such as downs syndrome etc. Autism, is not genetically driven, therefore, you can't find it in utero. Autism seems to develop later, we still don't know exactly what brings it on.
  15. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    Terri spelling told me so herself.
  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Lol the gospel according to Tori

    Seriously though, when I was pregnant with Harps and in England, there was so much talk about the measles and mumps shot being linked to autism
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Tori is just...
    I can't deal with her name.

    Tori. What's a tori?

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