money in the bank i wish someone would post my nudes online so i can get a payday to mofos have won cases for less shit
bullshit nothin homie got 1.5mil for being called nigger by a bill collector remember that story? being called racial shit for a minute seems less damaging than having ur private pic stash online forever i still wish someone would harass me on some bill collection shit...i need to start picking up the phone when they call...get that bread
better start picking up the phone start fuckin with them so they can get mad and slip up on their political correctness game
Okay then. Well that's just fucked up. Personally, I could care less about your nekkid pictures or your home made porn. I just want get get your broken shit fixed so I can get paid. But I'm also fucking ethical. And I don't need to worry about people snooping my shit cuz if it breaks I fix it my damn self. Huzzah!
I don't snoop period. My fucking job is too repair your whack shit. I'm not a detective and I don't get paid like one. I get paid like a tech and so that's what I do.
wow grandpa would still be holding child porn if Alinoa had fixed it. I don't know if I should laugh or feel sad.
It would take up entirely way to long to go through everyone's photo library looking for cases of childhood porn. I would lose my job We make the money based on the time it takes to complete the repair. It's 95 dollars and hour for labor. If it takes me an hour and a half to change out a hard drive and reinstall the Os and migrate the data... Then I'm losing the company money. It's not my damned bizz if dude has porn videos on his computer. If I spot it and it looks inappropriate then yes...I take that up with someone higher than me. But I ain't sittin there and watching 70GB of Porn to figur out what type of porn it is.
I understand that people "shouldn't be bad"... ...BUT!!!! Reality is Reality. You have to function in the world actually live in, and not the world you want to live in.
true statement. I keep my private collection locked up as well. However, there are a few that I do not own the rights to since they aren't on my computer. Thinks back to the night I tried to look thru North's phone...just being nosey. He was NOT having it. Haha now I know you have something good I need to see for myself :smt077
I think she should have carried a portable hard drive protected with a password and attach it to the computer, that way this wouldn't have happened. She stored the photos directly on the hard drive of the laptop, so that was a security mistake on her end.
*sigh* And another one, another one, and another one bites the dust. You like the Angel before you miss the whole entire point.
I know I missed the point - I'm explaining that as a good security practice, she should have done something like what I suggested.
In this particular case, I am glad that they did the wrong thing. because the wrong thing was the right thing to do.